Firehead’s Autoflower projects

Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed!

Thanks @firehead !!!


These landed today for me as well. A sincere thank you @firehead


Plant updates:

Spotted Lime:
Very tiny plant. Only about 14” tall from soil to top. Virtually no side branches. She’s just going to be one big cola.
Her smell is intense. Very sweet and citrusy, and she seems like an overachiever making trichomes. Her sugar leaves are very coated.

Forum Stomper F2
Nice size plant. Pretty good side branching. But she always looks a little droopy, and has some weird discoloring happening.
Her stem rub smell is very strong, and the smell from snipped leaves is very nice.

Ghost Rose Cookie Devil:
She was not so healthy. Very slow for roots to reach the reservoir, so I had to top-water and feed her a couple times. Smallish plant but picking up speed now.

Alien vs Triangle:
She was a little slow to start too. But really picking up the last 2 weeks, and developing good side branches. I like the structure of this plant. Smell is complex and interesting, but subtle. But I am noticing lots of leaf deformity (lopsided, 4 finger leaves)


So. My request for state MMP card was just approved.
As soon as I get the ID card, I’m authorized to grow 12 plants.

The whole system is crooked, and a scam. But if it keeps me from getting in trouble… I’ll go along with it until I can move to a full legal state.



Is there really such a thing? Seems like even the “most legal” still have their restrictions. Some are definitely better than others though.


The two Mango Smile x LRUV children got moved to their own micro octopots, in their own tiny tent today. Still waiting for them to show sex.


Congrats on the extra plants :+1:

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The Alien vs Triangle (right) stretch seems to have stopped.
The GRCD(left) has had a stretch explosion in last few days, and may end up bigger than AvT

Forum Stomper is not happy about something

Spotted Lime, just sitting tiny and quietly in the corner making serious frost.


And… it looks as though both of the Mango Smile x LRUV plants are female.
I seem to be having poor luck lately, getting only females when I’m trying to get males. :roll_eyes:


Bro the thing about the LRUV is the male to female ratio was 75/25 % or so. @ReikoX I’m right with this ain’t I??
I know out of 10 seeds I planted I only got 3 females :v:
Edit - I’d planted 9 not 10 so 33% female


More like 60:40, but it definitely skewed more male. All of the lowryder crosses show that tendencies. Even the more worked lines like JLo still have a few more males than females (just went 70:30 with my recent JLo F3s)


I just remember you mentioning back then that it was a really manly strain. To be honest though my 3 females i got were totally worth it.


Two very different phenos of the Mango Smile x LRUV girls. One super tall stretchy, other short and compact. Not getting much from stem rubs yet…
Their roots just reached the reservoir yesterday. So, they are going to explode with growth this week.


Watching this with great interest! Will be running these in Spring!!!

I’m heading out of town for about 5 days. Hoping the micro octopots hold enough water to keep them alive till I get back. Good luck girls :crossed_fingers:


I think you’ll be fine… I’m testing out 4 of them micros, and I gotta say I am LOVING them. Plants are LOVING them. WELL worth the $14 (after coupon) for TWO of em!


The plants all survived 6 days. The more mature plants were a little droopy, with some leaf yellowing. But still fine

The Mango Smile x LRUV grew 10” and are the biggest plants I’ve got now. The slightly smaller one on the right is developing some great side branches! :sunglasses:


What’s the current lighting schedule set to for the two MSxLRUV?

Both tents are on an 18/6 timer. Both lights pull about 120w from the wall.


Some nice looking plants!

Low wattage setup as well…very cool!!

I need to increase my auto portfolio…the next auto strain I’ll be doing a seed increase on is West Coast Diesel…some great smells from them! Have about 60 seeds to do a decent size pheno hunt/increase with.
