Firehead’s Autoflower projects

Spotted lime is tiny and cute. She is just starting to bulk up. Trichs are starting to turn cloudy. She has about 2 weeks left and smells great!


What’s the female to male ratio been like @firehead??

This Forum Stomper F2 has been unhappy since the beginning. Getting same feed as the others, but she seems to have nute burn.

But, despite that, the level of frost on her is off the charts. Maybe the most of any plant I’ve grown.

@Esrgood4u I only did a test to sprout 10 of the MSxLRUV beans. 9 sprouted. I kept the 2 most vigorous ones and tossed the rest.
I got 2 for 2 females. But that doesn’t tell us much.
Later this winter, I’m gonna do a bigger run of these (12 plants) for some more selective breeding… that will give me a better idea of the M/F ratio.


Yeah I’m dropping my photo run in January for an indoor auto run with some trizzlers from @Mr.Sparkle and was gonna put a few of your seeds in a bucket alongside them. Being regs I’ve got to be careful though. Hence me asking :ok_hand:

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Night time temps in the basement are really dropping. Which means some of the plants, like the Ghost Rose Cookie Devil, are turning fun color!


Kannabia micromachine autoflowering 59 days? for me another 5 days and cut what do you think? tops as hard as marble



The MSxLRUV offspring are beasts!

I had to flop them over a couple days ago, and they are still almost touching the lights.

The one that was the shorter is now the biggest. Side branching like mad :sunglasses:


There’s still quite a few white pistils. So you could maybe go even longer than 5 days. But they do look real nice now!


Hey cuz, I’m loving the looks of your girls there! Lovely plants indeed.

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Spotted Lime got chopped this week.
She was a tiny little plant, but still fun. I will miss her.


One of the MangoSmilexLRUV offspring is already producing impressive buds, and developing a lot of resin.
She also has a much sweeter smell than the original MS ever had!

Yes! :partying_face:

That means at least some of the phenos in the offspring are doing exactly what I hoped they would… Tall sativa-leaning plants with big, berry-scented buds!

The other one, started out short but then got really tall… now just looks like a tall, gangly, whispy bamboo plant. And its buds are at least a week behind the other, and really not looking too impressive at all


The LRUV had a stunning over ripe pineapple smell to her. Mango crossed with that should be amazing. I can’t wait to see what the cross will smell like. Hopefully they compliment each other like I’m expecting.


Just popped a mango smile. Waiting for it to emerge from soil. Purchased a pack based on reading about it here. I have two beans so will reverse the first then pop the other in a couple of weeks. Will keep watching here for sure.


The Forum Stomper got chopped today. Large amount of trichs were turning amber quickly.

Not a big yield, but very dense buds and beautiful sweet spicy smell! And the anoint of frost on this plant is just crazy! She’s gonna be potent.


Look like they’ll be some tasty buds. Nice work man. I love those lruv you sent me long long ago. Have any more laying around? :yum:

Sadly, no. I think I have 5 beans left.
I really need to make more


Today, I tossed one of the MSxLRUV girls out. She just was not packing on much frost, buds were real small and weak, and she didn’t have amazing smells. :cry:

But her sister… she’s doing amazing!

MSxLRUV on left, Mephisto Alien vs Triangle on right.

She is tall, and already real frosty. Also looks like the buds will be almost as bulky as the MS mom. But, most importantly, she has that sweet blackberry smell from the LRUV! I don’t think it’s quite as strong as LrUV… but maybe 80% there.

She still has many weeks to go before harvest (4-5 weeks, probably)


I’ve been chopping a lot of plants lately. The 2x2 tent, with Octopups, and autoflowers makes for a hell of a perpetual harvest in a small space.

But I haven’t been documenting so well lately.

Spotted Lime: great smells during flower, but after cure it lost a lot of terps. I dried it too quickly, I think. It’s a very good smoke though.

Forum Stomper: good sized plant. Dense buds. Subtle smells though. Very frosty and nicely potent.

Ghost Rose Cookie Devil: very low yield on this plant. She was stunted by my laziness. (Too much calcium and PPM in the res made her very unhappy) need to fully change res water more often.

But crazy terps! Buds never even went through the “smells like hay” phase during dry and first week in the jars. She just smell off the charts amazing from day 1. Also very frosty and great potency. Will definitely grow more of this one again! She’s a stand-out!

Alien vs Triangle: smells almost as amazing as the GRCD. Very complex, classic kush smell and her yield was very good.
This is currently drying. Haven’t smoked any yet but really looking forward to this one!


Where did you find alien x triangle? The Canadian site never has that :cry:

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I couldn’t get mephisto online at all. But someone here found a couple packs at local dispensary, so I paid them to buy and ship them to me.