First Grow, Bargain Hunting

Update picture. Not the most salacious shot, but give it some time. Moved it outside to get the microbes a little more active. Hopefully it doesn’t cook in the shade like that, it’s pretty protected from any major sun. I’ll move it to more direct sunlight once it cools down in the afternoon.

A few days acclimating to outdoor temperature changes and we have lift-off! A little crooked, but I took the plastic wrap off to introduce it to the sun. Should have it standing up, or at least that’s the hope. It’ll no doubt be leggy starting outside, so I left plenty of space to top it off once it shoots up. A few more are going in soil today, expect an update on those once they pop. Thanks for everything, OverGrow! This wouldn’t be possible without your support. Sure, I could have just popped some random bagseed and acted like I knew what I was doing. Fuck all that noise. I’m here to make medicine, not tout clout. :rofl:

Nope, North Star got cooked I think. Temp spiked to high 90s on it. I buried it a little deeper in the hopes that it gains some vigor back, but she may be shot. Oh well, that one was just some lucky medical bagseed. I really gotta get a light before I attempt these next ones. These are actual Real Genetics that were gifted to me by @rasterman so I’m a little nervous solo-cupping it during the hottest time of the year. That $30 budget suggestion will have to do for this run, beggars can’t be choosers.

Found an oddity this morning.

“Wait, that isn’t…”

Correct. It isn’t. Ever see a flower pick another flower? You have now.

I fried a bunch of seedlings a few weeks ago. I planted more and have been bringing them indoors when they start to wilt, to keep them alive until they harden off. You can also put them in the shade or put a shade above them to protect them for a week or so while they get tough.

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Yeah, they were in a little bit of shade, but I could go down in elevation and get a more moisture locked environment. The Happy Frog will hopefully keep it from getting infested by some nasty business (I hope). We have some pretty thick forestry near by. Think I could start the next 4 outside? It’s pretty darned hot, but that shade is full coverage. I’m also kind of rethinking the little humidity dome (plastic wrap) on them, they seemed to cause more problems than they solved. :expressionless:

Additional: Paper towel worked well, but being in an A/C cooled bathroom for germination going into 90+ probably wasn’t a good idea.

I’ll leave this recipe here for next season when u got a month or more to let it cook but this will give u a good soil to build without the expensive cost of the good bagged stuff


It depends where you live this time of year, obviously, but you can start seeds outside in the ground or a large pot. I think the problems I’ve had with seedlings outside is the size of the pot. The tiny pots I was using heat up too quickly, as well as drying out too quickly. If you can prevent those two problems, the tiny seedling should have no problem getting used to intense sunlight. That’s a natural way for them to grow, after all.

If they’re started indoors and moved outside, they have to adjust to more intense light, different humidity levels and wide temperature swings, after building internal structures more suited to indoors. At least that’s my thought.


:pray: Much appreciated!

I got plenty of gallon pails around, I could easily bury one of those in low-elevation soil and just wick up the natural moisture content from the hole. Sort of like a SIP-in-the-ground. I just need to get some black plastic sheeting to trap and direct moisture into the in ground reservoir. I think if I dig down to clay level, I’m hitting (pretty close to) the water table. Might work.


That sounds like a good plan…


Those are old and very inefficient, think long term, it’s cheap to buy but gonna cost you a lot in electricity. A 100 Watt quantum board is plenty for a small to medium tent. I run mine at 10-25% max and it’s enough. The newest LED are super efficient and much brighter than most realize.

long term it will probably last about three grows then i pitch it and buy another. i can spare the cost of one of these now a lot better than a few hundred now. had the va not screwed me out of about $80k then it wouldn’t be an issue. such is life.


Bio char doesn’t make sense to me, it’s unnecessary and can fuck up your PH when used too heavily.

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When mixing it up, before letting the soil cook, you can also add a bunch of diverse kitchenscraps, dandelion leaves, nettle, thistle, grass clippings, all fresh and chopped up.
It all adds extra nitrogen and minerals and different (mycorrhizal) fungi.


Great suggestion, I usually will throw in any excess worm castings that get all the scraps in with it, some bananas too for some k


Update: A package arrived today!

Some super Lemon Haze, Hawaiian Haze and “Eutierria” by Spacebound Genetics. I definitely gotta look that last one up. @DougDawson Your tag is on it, so I hope it’s not incorrect of me to assume this is yours. Many thanks! :pray::heart:

Oh, whoops! Upon closer inspection, this looks like @BigMike55 . BM55. :sweat_smile: Crud, whoops. Either way, many thanks OG. :v:


@middleman The pack of Berryfreak you sent arrived safely. Many thanks once again, I’m ridiculously excited to pop 'em. This’ll be the first mutated variety I’ll be working with, so I’m really thankful for the opportunity. :pray::heart:


Yet another psycho garden haul today. Just picked our sweet corn and melons, cucumbers and tomatoes are going berserk. Some cool Cauliflower too, it sorta purpled a little on the underside. :v:


Alright. Since North Star layed down and died on me, it’s round 2. Drilled some holes in my blackout RISE containers, and it’s time for the good 'Ole paper towel method.

The line up is:
Dragon’s Blood Hashplant (V1) - Via @BigMike55

Gelato x Gold Cash Gold - Via @rasterman

Gorilla Glue #4 x Black Domino (Fem) - also Via @rasterman

Berryfreak V1 x Berryfreak F4 - Via @middleman

Got the grow log pimped out and:



Got a few bucks to spare, so I went with a Philizon PL-2000W. It was right in the price range, and it seems like Philizon does a lot on here- so I’m willing to give them a try. Total came to $135, so not too bad. I was trying to get a B-Spec, but the slamming deal I found didn’t do shipping. Oh well. I’m sure this’ll do great. Will update on arrival.