First Grow, Bargain Hunting

Got each one to pop, got 'em in soil. 2/3 Happy Frog, 1/3 perlite add. The FNG Gelato x Gold Cash Gold is by far the most vigorous sprouting I’ve seen. Practically exploded out its seed hull, said “I’m done with it”. Uhhhh, the DBHP and the GG4 mix both had good tails. Berryfreak lagged behind a little.

Gelato mix was yellowing, but a moment or two in soil has it greening up nicely.

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Update! All sprouts have sprouted!

GG4 x Black Domino just had helmet removal, DBHP is being stubborn about it. Gelato mix full of vigor as usual.


Update. All the sprouts are looking pretty decent (DBHP got stunted a little by being unearthed during helmet surgery). Been misting the topsoil until those first true leaves get started. Then I’m gonna make a humic acid/kelp mix tea and water from the bottom.

Life hasn’t been going so swell. My mental health has absolutely been tanking. Depression has sort of been eating me up since I ran out of bud to keep my synapses in order. It’s excruciatingly difficult to communicate while I’m in severe emotional distress, so sorry if I haven’t been very active lately here on OG.

@DougDawson send me some seeds, I’m very appreciative of it. Adding them to the stack for the next run. I uh… I don’t know why I got these. Did I win them somehow? Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth at all, I’m just confused. :sweat_smile:

Also if anyone needs help with the Podcast, let me know? I’m supposed to be part of the crew, but I haven’t really discussed anything with anyone yet…

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I have no idea, if you got them you must have won them and provided your address. I only keep Canadian addresses since I distribute the co-op runs.


@DougDawson No biggie. I appreciate it, thanks for the seeds! :smiley: