Nightowl Chemmunity Service F3

Hey everybody! In an effort to get back to regular posting I’m starting up this new thread to document a little side project I’ve got going on. A couple weeks ago I took cuts to restart my mother/veg tent. The moms were getting big and I was ready for a fresh start so I took cuts with plans to start new bonsai moms for the phenos that I’m holding onto, as well as to start my winter grow checking out some elite clones that I acquired this year. I’ll start another thread for that grow when it gets underway. After I confirmed rooting I cut down the big moms and found myself with some empty space in the tent. Any good OG grower knows that shit won’t play so I filled up some 5gallon pots and popped a very rare pack of autos that I got a while back. Daz from Nightowl had done a limited drop a year or so ago of regular auto seeds of some of his breeding stock. The Chemmunity Service grabbed my attention and I snapped up a pack with the plan of making seeds if I come up with a male, since a Chem leaning auto seemed like a fun thing to have stock of. Fast forward to the recent full moon and I soaked all 3 of the seeds I got in the pack, and got 100% germination! Plan is to make some seeds if I get a boy, and if not to just have some new jars to pick from for the head. If y’all are a fan of some of my past work, dog autos, or are just looking g to hang then come chop it up while we see what happens here. :heart::v:t2:


Punnet Squares and all!


Yea, Daz is pretty thorough haha

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Sounds like it should be a fun run!
I really like the looks of the packaging.
All the best you and the grow :pray:

Does Nightowl make regs every now and then? I didn’t know that. I’ll have to keep an eye out for their next drop.

Don’t mind me, I’ll be in the back.


He billed this drop as a sort of one time thing but I did just see that he’s about to do a regs drop again on seedbazaar, if you follow him on IG you can get the details, but yea regs are a rarity, he released these because he wanted to make some of his breeding stock available to the community. There’s a dark horse podcast on YouTube where he talks about it before that drop, I could try to dig it up sometime


Oh, count me in!
Best wishes for you and the grow bud.

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Awesome! Always down to watch you throw down bro! Glad to see you up and running and with a gem I had no idea existed! I’ve been grabbing autos from meph, Nite owl, mandalorian , Roc bud for a couple years now, still haven’t popped any :man_facepalming:t2: but that’s gonna change real soon as I’ve got plans for next year to pop a whole bunch! I would have traded, borrowed or begged for a pack of these! Most know my Chem obsession. Looking forward to the show Legs! :facepunch:t2:


Pulling up a chair to watch the fun, good luck with your grow. :v:


Thanks all, stoked to see everyone swing through, with any luck if I can procure a male from this pack there will be seeds to share, Daz’s whole point of releasing these was to get em out to people so if the universe blesses me with pollen I intend to do just that and share with my OG homies :heart::v:t2:


Diiiiiiibbbbbsssss! And DOUBLE DIBS! awesome news!!truly hoping all pans out! Got all my appendages crossed for this :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Fingers crossed you get a hearty male and two lovely females.

Looks like he’s going to release chemmunity Service again. Im going to have to pick one up.

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that packaging looks real interesting, can you take a photo where I can see the detail of the squares and inputs??

Ask and you shall receive amigo


Following along yo! I did see that they are going to be dropping some more regs soon. I grew out the Chem Candy which is another pheno and got 2 males, 1 female. Two females, one male would be more fun. :grin:


I grew them and liked them!


Never grown autos but I’m definitely keeping and eye on this one, think they’ll be some good ones!


I have a question regarding ordering from IG. Namely how do you do it? Do you just send a message indicating you want something? Thanks in advance for answering such a basic question.

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You are in luck - check IG or reddit - Night Owl Halloween drop starts on the 13th. Fems and reg autos going to be available.