First grow ever - having issues with seedling falling over

It’s also good to have some air movement in the tent so the seedlings sway a little. It helps strengthen the stems up :+1:


when you go to transplant them into bigger containers just cover how ever much of the stem as you want also to keep them from falling over. google how far to keep that light fixture away from seedlings.

what is the medium soil or coco ?


if you keep an eye on the first set of leaves if you can call them that, the cotildeon leaves, when they start to yellow, thats the time to start feeding at 1/4 strength nute solution. dont wait untill the first set of true leaves start to yellow or you will stunt the plants growth.
when you repot, you can plant them in soil up to the first set of leaves, the stem thats burried will produce roots and your plant will be stronger for it.
but do get a fan blowing on them for the extra stem strength that has allready been mentioned above


what soil are you using to grow in? is it organic?

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Foxfarms Happy Frog

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I have an oscillating fan! Thank you for the tip


A little trick is to only fill your solo cup about half way. That way when they stretch you can easily add soil.


Did the same my first soil grow. Had to mound the soil around the stems to keep them upright. Next time just fill the cups halfway with soil that way you can cover as it stretches.

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Happy frog is way too strong for seedlings… I killed over 15 plants using foxfarm too early with seedlings… I tried ocean forest which was ridiculously too strong then I thought happy frog is weak enough… better think again man


Yo, separate question… Is is a good idea to keep oscillating and vent fan on at night when lights are off?

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I run all my fans 24/7.
Eventually the oscillating fan will likely die though but for the price of them I can replace them every other grow or so before they do stop working. Air movement inside a grow tent is really important more so during the bloom period to prevent Botrytis and such.


Great that you figured out the original issue with lighting. :slight_smile:

You want good airflow in there & it helps strengthen the stems. 24/7 oscillation

Welcome to OG @lerbdude and @GoGoKid .

Hey @lerbdude , the seedlings were defiantly starved for light which is why they got so stretched. Prop them up and they will be fine. I usually pot up when this happens and bury the stem some so not as much is sticking out of the soil/coco.

Always good to have a fan running no matter if your lights are on or off. A gentle breeze is good to strengthen plants. They do look nice and green so this is not a big deal, with a few tweaks they will come out just fine.


All this is excellent advice …would like to add

I have recently seen filling up your container half way.then after your seed sprouts and you figure out your lighting you can level off the soil to the top of your container and that will avoid your seedling from toppling over as well kind of like a percaution step


That happened to me, but was scared to death :scream: because it smelled like burnt so it was really pretty close to a bigger disaster :tent: :fire: :fire:.

Now I have one of those wifi intelligent plugs and I have programmed it on and off along the whole day and night … :sweat_smile:

Some silica supplement will also strengthen that stem … beer3|nullxnull