Kellogg All Natural Potting Mix, has anyone ever tired it?

Hey everyone. Just wondering if any one has ever used Kellogg’s potting mix. I started my sprouts in it and it seems they are not doing so well. Still on there second set, spotting the third. It’s in the second week and don’t seem to be doing so we’ll.

Theres a post about it here called master gardeners soil or something. Basicly its garbage. It has fillers ij it that do no good. There are zero nutrients. The ph is all outta whack and people have found shit like plastic pots and electrical wires in the soil. Youre better off making your own soil with compost, peat, and lava rock.

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I have tried it for tomatoes and it was bad. I don’t think it was composted down fully. If i buy soil it is Ocean Forest because i have used it and 707 the most. 707 has too many gnats nowadays. Ocean Forest has gotten worse the past three months or so. I have to feed more. A friend is trying out Big Rootz this season so i am excited to see how it does.

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What do you think abou this @lotus710, i ask you because i know you got your magical recipes… LOL and a lot fo knowldge…


That was me that recommended it😂


Yea after I posted this I did some research and found out the same thing. Sucks. Funny tho I did find a piece of a plastic flower info stake in the mix. I just gently removed, soaked the soil from the roots. Then did my best to sprinkle better soil around the roots into a Dixie cup. I’ve done it before into a bubbler. I’m sure they’ll be upset, but better to try then just letting them go. Thanks everyone. I’ll keep you posted.

This is the girls after changing out the soil. Buy soaking and gently removing the old soil from the roots. They still look the same after doing that 6 hrs ago. The biggest of the 2 was actually all ready transplanted into a 3gal bucket. I tried to baby them as much as possible. But I’m sure the stress of that awful Kellogg’s can’t be any worse. Hopefully they will be happier in there temporary home till I can get some fox farm. Is ocean forest better than happy frog?

Happy Frog is for seedlings or clones it is a little gentler feed wise. Ocean Forest is denser and has more organics in it.


Neit7her one of those you can get here in CR. The only one is Root Organics Formula 707.


Can I use fox farm ocean forests from start to finish? Or should I just go with the happy frog?

I can get the roots organics 707. Can I use just that start to finish?

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Only use Happy Frog for the first transplant from clone. (the roots are fragile) After the roots are hardened off you can plant in Ocean Forest. (or whatever soil you want)

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According to @lotus710 (LOL), no you cannot. But that’s what i’m gonna do. Add a little red lava rocks in there, and use FPJ (KNF) to feed… That’s exactly how i’m setting up shop!

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If you can’t get any starter mix then cutting with a little sand and lava rock would work. Lava rock alone might work but sand is what they use to lighten nutrient load in potting mix. Coco coir or peat with sand if you want more water retention. You get the idea.

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No no you got me wrong. You can totaly use it. But why would you when you can make something better? Would you really wanna cheap out on your medicine? Would you rather mids? Not saying roots makes mids but imagine going to the store and buying no name coke over brand name coke. They are both poison but one tastes better;)


That’s a good analogy, but i think given the example then it would be like saying that some people prefer Pepsi over Dr. Pepper, or Coca-Cola over Jolt… But then again, just an analogy.


But those each have different good qualitys. The only good thing about no name coke is the price. :joy:


I got it all worked out. I had a talk with my favorite employee at my local hydro shop. I got a brick of Coco, and a 1.5 qft of ocean forests fox farm. I was going to go in a whole other direction, until he told me what to do with what I got. The Coco brick blows up to 3 gal, and the FFOF 1.5qf came to 25 bucks. I’m going to mix about 1/4 FFOF to 3/4 of Coco till I can root out a red drinking plastic cup. I’m sure you know what I mean. And then transplant to straight FFOF. I got 2 gal of filtered water to wash out the Coco first. I’m going to germinate another seed to start fresh, and hopefully save the others to give away. That should be the right way to go? I’m sorry I’m sleepy. I hope that made sense. It’s been a long day. Thanks so much for your help. Till next time.

Or should I use straight Coco?