First grow ever - having issues with seedling falling over

Wassup all,

I started my first indoor tent grow about a week and a half ago and have run into some issues… Up until a couple days ago we were looking pretty healthy and good. The seedlings popped up and have been growing their first leaves pretty quickly. Until yesterday we ran into something odd…. One of my seedlings started to droop over itself and now won’t stand on its own. Today, the other did the same. Now both are dropping.

I am growing out of a 2x4 Gorilla Grow tent, initially started out with a single CFL light bulb about 1-2ft from the plants. Been watering sparingly, just enough to keep the top soil wet with a spray bottle. I switched on my Mars Hydro LED light on low today in hopes that more light will help these girls. I also have a small humidifier in the tent, keeping humidity lvls around 65-70% at 70-75F. (and admittedly the humidity has fluctuated a little since adding this humidifier, as the tank runs out at times)

Any suggestions for me? How can I save these plants? Much appreciated!


Can you upload a pic or two so we can see what is going on. Might be a lighting issue or a over watering issue.


Here you are. I did turn on the big LED light tonight though. Was using a single cfl. Maybe needing to transplant at this point? Will the light perk them up?


Put a stick in it or cover
Up some
With soil


Can you get a closer photo of the plants hard to see what you got going on. Also what strain are you growing and where did you get it from?

Need more light, prop them up with something for now.


Both Feminized Purple Punch

Got them from Redbeard Seeds



Perfect photo there to see what you have. Both plants are nice and green just like @anon98660487 said prop them up or give them more soil to hold them up. I am thinking the light needs to be turned up more or dropped down closer. Sorry I am a HLG guy so I do not know much on Mars Hydro lights.


Okay, will do! Yes leaves seem healthy but almost as if they didn’t have enough light starting out. Thank you guys a bunch! I’ll see if I can get them to strengthen up


What you have going on is something that happens to a lot of new growers. Even happened to me when I first started to grow. If you do not have enough or correct lighting your plants will start to stretch out to try and reach what light it does have and since they are so young they can not support the weight of itself and leans over.


Take a drink straw. Cut them the length you need and cut them down the middle. Slide them over the stem and you should be good. Light is to far away is the reason behind them stretching.


Okay, awesome. Here’s how they look now. I fixed em up. Thank you so much! This is super helpful and I feel a lot better about them now.


That looks much better, now you just need to work on the lighting issue.


Lighting should be good now. I’ve got a plenty powerful LED setup on now - took out the single cfl bulb I was using previously. About 12 in above plant


If you start to see your leafs curl upwards it means the light is too close and it is burning the plant.


Okay, good to know. I will def keep an eye on it.

Hey… also do you know when it’d be a good time to start Nutrients? I have Flourolicious Plus, Cal Mag, Biotanocal “Grow” and Power Si

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I usually wait for about 4 weeks before I start to give nutes, but that is me. I try to only give my plants what they need only when they need it.


You’re awesome. Very helpful! Thank you again


Also watch for dampening off… this will happen from too much humidity on seedlings like in a propogator for too long or something