First grow! Need advice/help pleaseee!!!

First grow and my plants have a dark bluish tint goin on. I’ve only added 1/2 teaspoon to 1 and a half gallons (fox farm grow big 6-4-4) just to be safe but still see some funny business. My auto is starting to flower. Please any tips or advice is greatly appreciated. I have a soil ph meter and it is at a 7 which is a little high but I’m not sure how I’d bring it down? I’ve only been watering with jus water for about a week now. They are aout 5 weeks old and I added the note once by spraying the top soil and that was 2 weeks ago. Please any advice is appreciated. :heart::blush:


Autos feed very light.Mine look like this when i feed them too much.Lessen up the feed a touch.They should bounce back fine but then again autos are less forgiving than a photo period.Address your nutrition accordingly


They look fine and healthy to me. I use stuff called EdFred that is phosphoric acid to lower pH. It is cheap and I pick it up at the hardware (Ace) store.

I would get a good pH meter for the water, the soil ones I have seen are not very precise.

pH chart


This guy right here for your PH its easy put your water in the test container give it 5 drops shake and compare color off bottle thats it and its cheap and it works been using this stuff for 5 years now and i never have a ph problem i cant fix now pinpoints it instantly


the plant looks good overall, so you’re doing a lot of things right. try to be patient and steady at the wheel. try to relax a little and enjoy it. you’ll be harvesting before you know it. plan ahead for that for sure.


winner winner chicken dinner just breath they look good better than good for first grow some Indica’s have a bluish leaf trait. and have seen people talk about that and in a good way that girl mite be a head stash! all the leaves are the same colour from bottom to top most time if you have a normal def then they usually start at the lower leaves like what was mentioned go half or so strength on the feeds waiting for the weight update

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Perfectly normal, and usually a good sign , plant is healthy , LITFA


Thank you for the chart and also I like cheap and good so thanks for that too! :wink: I’m ordering a different meter too. Any suggestions on that?

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Awesome again with the cheap and proof its good lol I like this group already. I know I’m worried about the auto since she is not as forgiving but, you live n learn. Trial and error. Thanks again!


:rofl: thank you! I needed that! :grin: