A little help please

strong text grand daddy purp about 3 weeks veg under 480 w led, happy frog soil, foop veg nutrients used sparingly and ph bakanced @ 6.1-6.3…


I would go for Phosphorus … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Give her a good dose of bloom feed should help

I definitely agree :+1: with @George



Could be a bit of lockout causing it from ph being that low in soil. I shoot for 6.3-6.5 in soil. I know organics buffers the ph but 6.1 seems too low for me unless it’s soilless or hempy style perlite.


Looks like you burned it at one point. I don’t know what foop is but you don’t need pH up or down in organic grows usually. I’m with @FirstCavApache64. 6.3-6.5 is the sweet spot.


Have you been measuring your runoff E/C?

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Just for shits and giggles, did you inspect it under magnification?

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Toker 1 i did actually, but wasnt sure what i was looking for or at really…

I think your pH is a little low which could be manifesting as nutrient issues… usually I’m closer to 6.8 range for fox farm peat based bc the organic composition tends to be acidic. Water between 6.5 and 7 see how she responds

Thank you everyone for your thoughts & input i appreciate it greatly! Ill adjust the ph and go from there! :crossed_fingers:

You would have seen bug, only asked because I saw tiny spots.
Ok cool, least no bugs.
Hope you sort it out.

first pic im wondering if its light stress? 2nd pic looks like something ate on the leaves but it just looks mutated? Not sure whats going on there

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anyone know what these little things are at the base of my SLH autos??


Just some roots poppin out! Nothing to worry about. Also I really recommend using a good top dress, plant is hungry. FFOF usually has about 3 weeks of nutes in the soil. The organic liquid stuff works great in conjunction with dry amendments, but not so much as a standalone nutrient like a synth nute would.

Also dont worry about ph in organic soil. If youve got a proper amount of amendments and microbes, itll buffer the soil PH. EC/PH and all that is another synth thing. Lot of folks confuse the two, and it can cause a lot of headache.


Thank you very much for the input i appreciate it, im useing ff happy frog w added perlite currently…it was whats avaliable in my area, the roots poppin out were definitely new to me im a fairly new grower first time w LED, years back i had a 400 hps/mh w top of the line hortilux bulbs and a large power bill lol… but it was a good experience! Im struggling with a few things but the input here has deffinitly helped ty everyone

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