First, hello. Second, Paonia Purple.

Hey @wherethefriesat ! Glad to see you found your way here! :green_heart:


Hey @wherethefriesat , welcome to OG. You have come to the right place. PPP you say, that particular strain is certainly well known around these parts. Great to see more of them on the grow. Defiantly see some seeds happening there bud so good job on that and the leaves look quite healthy. The ones I am growing had more an Indica look to them but I did try to keep them small using a shorter veg and smaller pots. There is actually PPP pollen flying all around the world at this vary moment. I managed to collect enough pollen for 100 people and sent out to 91 folks, I kept a bit. It’s cool as there are now a whole bunch of plants that have been pollinated with it so a ton of crosses coming down the pike. Even the 2 autos I was growing spit out a few seeds so I have some PPP x Cheese Auto and some PPP x Wedding Cheesecake auto seeds now. Have no idea if or what they will grow into but still cool to see and I am sure a few more seeds will drop from this accidental pollination. If you are curious drop by my PPP thread to see how it went. Other than that settle in and have some fun. This is a great community full of great people.

One piece of advice I would give you is never worry about what you plants look like when posting, this is a growers site and not one of those other annoying places where people cherry pick only the good stuff. OG is about showing the good, the bad and the ugly. We support each other and don’t talk down to people when things are not going perfect. Here is that PPP thread I mentioned.


Welcome home @wherethefriesat ! Those r nice pics. Your gonna love it here on the OG. We love all things weed related. Sometimes some of us do stupid things to our plants, but it’s all a learning experience. Enjoy the show/grows…:sunglasses:

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I have the same problem :sob:
Also, Welcome!


Thanks for the warm welcome folks. Ran out of replies yesterday but I can tell that I’ll love it here


I got these from my good buddy blackbart
Six seed is all I had only three germinated. Would love to have more to work with. I know this is an old thread but this herb is def worth it. Frosty tasty stoney and yields real well. Big old school indica that really stretches for an indica dom plant. I love it. Just bred my three females to deep chunk males. As i said would love to have more to look through and make another pure batch. Dm me


Welcome! I’d love any history lesson on Paonia that can be given :slight_smile: I’m very excited to have gotten it in a co-op box but being from Hawai’i it was brand new to me

Here is a link not sure if it’s the same but.
This is def old school indica. Like before indica was bred for commercial growers with small height and no smell. Stinky tasty and super Stoney.
I’m in Hawaii as well. It does produce rock hard buds so bud rot is more than a possibility here in the islands.

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Always nice to get a reply from another grower from Hawai’i. What area are you in? I’m on the east side of O’ahu so it’s pretty moist around here. Do you think crossing it with a heirloom Hawaiian Duckfoot could increase it’s chances of rot resistance?

The Hawaiian web I had back in the early 2000’s was pretty thick in flower. I live in Puna in the jungle so am always battling fungus and rot. Dehumidifier in the greenhouse lots of fans.
Actually had strawberry web from hawaii as well at one time. Another web I had out of Michigan was super nice stanky sativa with colas the size of a man’s leg. Kick myself for loosing so many killers over the year. I’m originally from western mainland. Worked in humboldt for many years and Colorado and Montana.
Anyway, you’ll like the p- bud. It’s kiiller pot. Make more pure seed!

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That’s a can do forsure

Is this the same Black Bart that had Purple Paki a while back
Now those I would love to get my hands on.

Bart is a loooong time friend.
He does some amazing work!

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