First Octopot Grow!

Growing strong, the new tent is much better, perfect size for the space.

PPFD-900 / PH-6.1 / RH-40 / TMP-75 / PPM-900

2.5 weeks into flower, I would have been out of space to move the light at this point in the 5 ft. tent

Auto is doing great as well at just over 5 weeks, single pistils now all over the place.
PPFD-500 / PH-6.1 / RH-40 / TMP-75 / PPM-900


Perfect enviroment, lights, great run !


thanks man, so far so good

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These girls are just going non stop.

Had to tie down the top of the Gorilla Cookie auto…in 1 hr. it turned itself back vertical!


They look great man, will be nice ending !


Both looking great …the Gorilla Cookie Auto is almost 2 months old and the Banana Sherbert photos are coming up on week 6 of the flip and stacking up nicely… the smell is really sweet coming out of there now.

Have I mentioned how much I love Octos!?!

It’s been only General Hydro Maxi Bloom @ 1/2 tsp per Gallon, every other day along with 1/8 tsp of Epsom salt, then PH’d to 6.1 - 6.3 I’ve been keeping the floats at just more than the 2nd indicator throughout late veg and currently.

I’ve done a little defoliation, mainly just the huge leaves blocking too many flowers and just to open it up a bit.


They just keep growing and growing!

Did not expect the auto to grow that damn tall but I guess that’s what happens to happy plants.

Buds on the 2 photos just keep getting fatter and stacking, leaves are covered in trichs.


what a wonderful canopy! great work!! :slight_smile:


thanks dude.

First time for photos and trying a canopy, just a year or so of growing shitty autos :rofl:

I’ve never seen one over 2 ft.(usually less) with very little yield. Octos are a complete game changer for me and this first time trying them is blowing my mind.

The photos were doing so well that after a month, I ordered 1 more Octo and planted the Gorilla Cookie - it’s at 2 months now and has plenty to go so certainly no 60-70 day auto on this one.

I also bought the 3rd one thinking that the new tent, with the 2 photos above, would be perfect for 3 Octos…lol, nope, 2 have filled the hell out of it with just 2 toppings of all branches.


Beautiful canopy bro great job :clap:


That’s what you’ve been watering with the entire time? Do you need to switch the mix up at any point? If that’s it, I might seriously consider getting away from organic soil growing. This all sounds too easy.


I could see totally geeking out with organics. I tend to get obsessive with some hobbies, but I keep it simple with my Octopots: Jack’s nutes, a little CalMag, a little silica, then adjust pH. One 5 gallon bucket to fill the reservoir will last 4-8 days depending on state of growth. I change the Jack’s formula as the plants age, (20-20-20 for veg, 10-30-20 for flower, then 5-12-26 at the end) and drop the CalMag and Silica once the stretch is done. It is too easy!


This is exactly what Im doing in my Octos. And I couldn’t agree more.


Those look, great man. :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Talk to @HolyAngel He uses that, but on a flood and drain table. Know quite a few that are running that combo.


I use solution-grade or food-grade-powder Gypsum with my Maxibloom instead of the epsom salt but yeah. Maxibloom has been glorious.


Hey man, yeah that’s it for both the photos and the auto. 1/2 tsp per Gallon every time with an 1/8 tsp of Epsom.

This is also the fifth time I’ve used this soil so there can’t be anything left in it.


And what soil did you use for the first time? I’m gonna give it a go. Soon enough.


Ok it’s too easy and the plants love it jacks for the win
jacks 20/20/20 for veg with 15.5/0/0
And 10/30/20 for early flower then do equal parts 10/30/20 & 5/12/26 for weeks 6/7 . Week 8 /9 = 5/12/26 dilute till finish
Adding Epson salts and black strap molasses sparingly



Since I’ve never had a decent grow, I’ve kept notes this time of everything I’ve put in or changed.

Happy Frog and Sohum & about 40% more perlite, both used repeatedly for the last 1.5 yrs, did nothing except clean the roots out of it and then reused it all.

For the first 3 weeks, I fed them nothing buy PH’d water with a couple pinches of Epsom salt, maybe an 8th of a tsp. After that 1/2 tsp of GHMB per Gallon, always with a bit of Epsom.

Every 2 weeks I dumped 1 Gallon in each of just water + Epsom. PH’d always to about 6.1 - 6.5…Res was doing a great job holding that PH too.

Planned on using Recharge/Bloom Feed/Molasses but, being this was a first with the Octos and 1.5 yrs. of shitty growing/producing autos and also a 1st time with photos and reading a load of Octo diary’s all over net I wanted to see just how simple I could do it.

Have you tried the Octos yet? Literally friggin amazing man. The ONLY guys I’ve seen with issue with Octos are the facebook crowd…so many of them insist on top feeding it :rofl: and they ALL have issues, go figure! lol