First Octopot Grow!

A big no no
The Octopots rule


lol…and so many on FB do it…and then bitch about issues :rofl: :crazy_face:

Into Month #3 on, 2 photos and 1 Auto and I’ve literally seen no issues with these Octos.


7 1/2 weeks since flip after 3 weeks of Veg…2 - Banana Sherbert Photos really putting on some nice size and stacking up! They’re drinking a gallon a day at this point and show NO signs of issues, Octos for the win!

2 months from Seed today…Gorilla Cookie Auto doing amazing as well. Trichs everywhere! All over the stems as well, stems look furry there’s so much of it.

Nutes from the start: Less than 1/2 TSP per Gallon of General Hydro Maxi Bloom, a couple pinches of Epsom salt and a few drops of PH down for a PH of 6.1 - 6.5

Every couple of days they all get 1 Gal. of PH’d water, with nothing else added.

PPFD-900 / PH-6.1/6.5 / RH-40/55 / TMP-77/84 / PPM-900


Nice :+1: job looking good

All those # look spot on



Overnight… Both plants have purples coming out all over the place that we’re not there one day ago when I took the pics above.

The first one is the banana sherbet photo the lower one is the gorilla cookie Auto.


Wow that color change was fast! Any idea what set it off? Did you get a cold night?

lol, no idea man! Nope, same temp always in my office, it stays at about 77-84 temp and 45-50 RH.

Checked today and saw purples everywhere and on both, very different plants. Just can’t say enough about the Octos dude.


I love those colors brother !!!wow :fire::fire::fire:

Octopots rule

Those colors just get better every day

And the plants get big

My Frankenstein is starting to get purple as wall
Maybe one more week to go


Congrats @blkbelt65, you are knocking this one out of the park! :clap:

Well done,


Thanks Papa… The wild part is they are the same beans from the same breeder but only the plant on the right shows purple on every single Bud site and more purple everyday… Nothing on the plant on the left as far as purple goes.

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I see that a bunch especially when I ran killing Fields. You would get a purple and a green phenom

Both where good , one was prettier then the other

I find more colors in Octopots as apposed to my soil bags


Both the gorilla cookie Auto and the two banana sherbet photos we’re showing some Amber and that’s just where we like it.
I took the top three nodes on the photos and the entire Auto down today. I forgot to get a bunch of pics I was so excited to see so much :rofl::crazy_face::laughing:. The pic above of all the tops on the box is about 1/4 of the 3 plant harvest.

4 lbs!!! FOUR!!! lol.

The lower half below the net of the photos showed no Amber and mainly White pistols so I’m going to let them go a couple weeks more.

And there’s A LOT still on the lower half.

I have two of these boxes with three layers of buds which is the gorilla cookie drying.

That’s wet weight, which will of course go down quite a bit but holy shit I was just amazed. In the year and a half that I’ve grown, which was 6 autos total… all of them together didn’t even equal 8 oz.

I LOVE OCTOS!!! hahah Have I said that before?:clown_face:


Great harvest bro enjoy

Its only going to get better once you get a few grows under your belt you’ll see improvements every grow

These Octopots rule



Thx man. I’m looking forward to trying them both out, never tried either one of these strains.


Looking good! Octo for the win it definitely take the hassle out of growing. The purple looks great I’ve never really been able to get a good fade.


looking great @blkbelt65 !! :partying_face: :partying_face:
the coloring looks amazing:-)

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Welcome to the Happy Octo club @blkbelt65!

That is a harvest anyone would be proud of. With the right plants and the right technique, Octos, large and small, are like having a superpower! lol

I hope you’ll post a dried weight when the time comes.


Well, the more I look at what’s in store trim time, the more I envy those that lollipop.

May try that next time.


On my first (and only other) grow I trimmed the plants way back because I ended up with too many plants in my space and humidity was an issue. I will say that come dry/trim time, it was very little work or worry.


I’ve never done just the tops only and now I feel spoiled LOL. I left 2/3 to mature a little more and man it seems like it’s taking it forever and looking at all those little buds and some larfy ones, I’m wishing right now I had lollipoped them.

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