First showing. Mutation?

I’m interested in which cartoon character hes gonna use next for his avatar. Seriously though, we shouldnt piss him off he may have an AR15 under that trench coat.


He seems to enjoy King of the Hill. Which is still a good show.

84 F, 55 RH (day and night), 13/11 light, added flowering lights, and finally trimmed the fan leaves as it was getting out of hand. I’ll upload more pics later.


I keep creating new issues. Snapped another mainline.


Pro tip, wait until the plant needs water before bending branches. They are more pliable and less likely to snap.


How are they doing? @Gizmo

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Distilled water obviously can wreak havoc. My 2 pennies worth.


It’s been a mini nightmare every now and then since then. After 2-3 weeks of flower, I noticed equal fading in all leaves, and purple stripes going up the stem.

A few things here… It turns out that the soil needs nutrients added. My ultra fine watering supplement ~.5 .5 .5 says tablespoons instead of teaspoons.

My lights were slightly less than 200w.

After topdressing 6-3.5-3.5, becoming more vigorous on my watering regiment (no more of skipping days of water and tipping/weighing the pot). The biochar helped a lot.

Upgraded my watering solution from 1 gallon milk jug to a more controlled 3 gal Chapin, and separating watering sessions to 5-10% of the pots size, spread across the day (2 gallon fabric pots).

VPD locked in with day and night humidity control, instead of waking up to a mystery.

DLI increased from 15 to 69 haha, CO2 added. Static negative pressure. More fans added…

Week 4+ now watering in 1-5-7 and lightly topdress if I don’t see changes in a few days.

Before and after:

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I used Kangen water. But now know that the soil makes the pH.

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What happens when you stick a clone into a 2 gallon pot and immediately flip to flower? Hopefully a giant #@! cola.


Not too bad at all, they are looking pretty good :+1:

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Tragedy struck. High temps and nutrient lock.

A little backstory. I grew out two random bag seeds donated to me. I took a clone of both, and flowered them side by side with their mothers

A combination of nutrient lock and high temps stressed and forced nanners (or it may have been a trait). You can see them in this picture in the second lowest bud in this clone. If you touch them, they move?


Chop! A scary beastly looking thing.

I decided not to hang dry and dry from a rack instead. I think a seed was germinating in the
center of the main cola this whole time. (bottom right corner).

Clone 2 is doing fine. It had way more vegetation to survive a nuclear strike.

Mother of clone 2 pictured above chopped. Two lower buds were poking a couple nanners.

The two buds in violation of tent decency will be the first test samples.

Sorry for the bathroom shot. I handle all my emergencies there.


Going through past pictures, the three groups of nanners shown here eventually formed stamens. I suppose it’s always a knife edge.

All cloudy. Phew… :sweat_smile: