Sniklefritz’s little tent run

32 inch x 32 inch tent
Promix hp for media
Led for lighting. Xs 1500 for now not sure what they’ll flower under.
I had a floraflex starter kit so I’ve been using that for these
5x gas nana
1x megamind
1x shores of Venus
2x Oregon grape
1x flo see(Scotty 2 hotty cross unknown)


Welcome to the OG indoor grows, those look like BOG plants… What the strain? Healthy bunch you got going.
Have a great day. :sunglasses:


Welcome to the Greatest Show On Earth :earth_africa:, nice looking :eyes: grow you got going. I will be looking for more information and updated pics of your grow. :facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Thanks. Haven’t ran bog seeds yet but I’m gonna have to check them out. These are just some I thought might be good enough for a run that I had laying around. Had to stop myself from buying anymore for just a bit :joy:.
The five up front are gas nana from solfire, back left is megamind from solfire, back right is an unknown Scotty 2 hotty cross from exotic genetics, 1 of the solos is shores of Venus from greenhand genetics and then the other two are Oregon grape but can’t remember who from. I’ve ran the gas nanas before and had some herm issues but not positive if it was them or me. The one I had that didn’t herm was great and just like pink starburst but I mis read labels or something and killed it off on accident at some point. Kinda miss it so trying again. Thanks for checking it out.


Thank you :pray:


I like your username, pretty funny, nice grow, welcome to OverGrow. :sunglasses:

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I haven’t heard that word since I was a kid… :smile: :vulcan_salute:
Good One! and welcome to Overgrow!!



Good looking plants in a good looking tent

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Looking healthy! Best of luck with them!

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Beautiful big little plants. Snicklefritz causes lingering so we stay.

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Your plants are looking nice and cozy in that tent/

:green_heart: :seedling:

Sort of forgot I was going to need the tent for week or two for something else :joy: but I just tossed them in the normal veg room for now. I’m sort of paranoid this time of year with pm running rampant all around the house so I don’t leave the big fans on too often. Always worried the little humidity pockets they create could create issues. Plus I just need these to be little bushes. Plan is to flip as soon as I get them back into their own space and with the first pistil showing up I should be on schedule for that. Got a little dark so I gave them some ph water just to avoid too much buildup.


PM is no more Big Ups @JoeCrowe

Yup I’m a lingerer


Eliminating the mildew parasite from your grow is easy. Just spray the plants with elemental sulfur mixed with water twice in veg! Bam! Works outdoors as well. Never spray in bloom.

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Nice thanks for the info. Do you have a product you use already?

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Sure I’ve got some safers micronized sulfur dust and greenhouse essentials elemental pellets. Either of them is totally lethal to most fungus. The dust is easiest to mix with water, but the pellets will disintegrate in some water over night. 1 tablespoon in a liter of water, or even half that dose will work. Don’t use within 30 days of an oil based application or it’ll eat holes in your leaves.

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Awesome. Thanks. I suppose I could just run it as a preventative in veg just to be safe? Or do you wait for signs to appear? I appreciate the information

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Usually I wait for signs of it and then strike hard. Powdery mildew is far less common than people think, and isn’t triggered by humidity. Instead, if the host plant is alive, the mildew is growing. Once you finish it off, it won’t come back unless you bring in more infested plant material.

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Sorry I fell behind. Had to harvest some stuff, flip some stuff, move one into the 32 inch tent for reversal, and then bounce around the original ones from the post all over the place. They’ve landed in the 4x2 and look kinda not great but I’ll get them straightened out. Problems have been signs of thrips so I nuked them a couple times, switched leds and then I’m not positive the ac infinity light controller is doing the true 10 percent and 20 percent dimming because it torched my stuff at 20 percent. Also if you switch from the schedule setting to on to change the power, don’t forget to switch it back to schedule or you give your plants a couple days of 24 hours instead of 18. Ah well they’ll be ok. Luckily I hadn’t flipped yet. Other than that my reversal seems on point with the shores of Venus from greenhand and I’m content with the flower room, just keeping an eye out for balls on the new genetics.