First time breeding. Looking for feedback.

See latest reply. Someone else had the same question.

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Thank you.

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I’m a huge advocate of going with your instincts, so do what feels most natural for sure. Select for the traits you want, how you want to. If possible it may be a good idea to save some of the other males or their pollen to introduce their genes in the line at some point in the future.

There’s been more talk recently about reversing males to have a peek at some of their traits that would otherwise be less observable when expressing itself as a male. With your mention of reversing females in your project I thought to mention it. I’ve never done it but it definitely sounds intriguing. Some members here have chosen males that way for their work and when I read about that it was incredibly impressive to me.

Without the equipment and known genetic markers to test for in early stages of growth, I don’t think we can truly know which plant will be the best so we can either go on intuition and feel or with scientific methods. Or something in between.

Testing each male separately on all the females and running the resulting progeny to test each male line amongst each other is really the only way that I know of, but that takes a lot of time and resources not available to many. So it’s often a compromise of something in the middle of an artistic intuitive feel mixed with saving as many genes as possible while narrowing down which one(s) are best to keep in the mix.

Your project really looks so nice and organized and well thought out. There’s a lot of mindfulness that goes into putting something like that together and it’s impressive! It’s inspiring too. Much love


Thank you! So much good info. I will definitely be saving pollen for genetic work down the road. Early testing would be awesome. But yeah, I’m just going with the growth traits and then hoping for the best for genetic traits at this point. Fortunately, I have a lot of time in my retirement.


Good luck fellow grower! You’ll be a breeding veteran before long

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Beautiful setup! With planning like that you’ll succeed for sure

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Yes, to all above. You follow your gut and heart. Make the plant produce what you like about it. She is listening to you. But, listen to her too. She probably has some ideas you haven’t considered.
Reversing males sounds like a great idea!
There is discussion of earliest flowering males being more hemp leaning traits and the later flowering being more drug trait producing. The taller ones being more hempy traits too. Outgrow the others for sunlight dominating, and outpollinate the others by blowing earlier to take up the available pollination locations.
Idk about the science of it, but there seems to be practical logistics to genetic prorogation involved in that. Survival should favor plants focused on producing growth and spreading, more than secondary metabolites. BUT, if those chemical attract mammals that will spread those seeds, it seems practically logical to do so for the survival of the genes.
So…six on one side and half of a dozen on the other…


Seedlings are praying daily now. Scheduled for transplant next week.


I’m gonna sit my ass down right in the middle of that room and just watch them grow 🥹☺️!!

What a lovely setup you got @onizo and good luck with the breeding project!!


I definitely spend more time in that room than I need to. No complaints and no regrets!

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