First Time Breeding Questions

I have had a grow going for 22 years, mostly by cloning what I have. Usually held on to what was good. But I wore myself out, just exhausted from it. Every cultivar that I loved was so hard to keep going, without a break. Since Aug. 2020 I have taken a break. I have to start up again soon. It’s a small personal grow, so I get backed up with cloning. I am trying a different approach. I would like to true breed / just make more seeds of what I have. I don’t want to contaminate my indoor grow. I have a no till bed of soil behind the barn, about 50 yards from my house. I’m tempted to put a male plant out there in the summer. It sounds crazy to me, but I want to be self reliant and keep what I have going. Questions??-- 1. should I attempt this? 2. If so, should I collect the pollen in the summer to hand pollinate indoors in the winter? Or, stick a female out there with it (put a catch cloth on the ground to try to catch any seeds that fall). 4. Look for a breeder who might send me pollen and seeds to hand pollenate indoors or outdoors? Need some help and community here. Have had a difficult time finding helpful community. Very isolated in northern Maine. Short season outdoors. Maybe I should just keep buying seeds, but want to be self sufficient at this point.