My first time breeding any thoughts advice or tips

Okay friends so I decided to take my chances and use what I had left to try and breed my only female that I have left I took a big chance as I have never done this before that sad this is the result so far and really at this point I’m just trying to get some advice from all you pros out their tips techniques thoughts opinions thanks


Is the kid supposed to be in there?

I’d need more info. But it looks like the pistils are receding which is a good sign.


First: I think you might have accidentally uploaded a picture of Oliver’s birthday cake

Second: We might need more details. With conventional breeding, having large sample sizes and doing selection is usually key, but you’re growing at home (like many of us here) and you only have one female to choose from, so that simplifies things.

Where are you getting your pollen from? If you have males to choose from that’s one way of getting around not having females to choose from.

Another thing is that if you don’t have a lot of pollen to work with, mixing it with around 10x the amount of pollen in roasted flour will allow you to use it more efficiently.


Lol no he wasn’t thank you for saying something


Okay so as far as the whole process for me has gone I have literally just taken this experience and gone with it completely naturally that said I had one male growing and because of the climate conditions where I live this year my crop failed on me therefore I was left with one male and one female Errico I decided to take the pollen from the mail and put it on the female and she does have seeds on her this is the first time I’ve ever done this before I grew a pretty good yield last year for my first time so I’m trying to Test the fields of all this


If you’ve already pollinated the female and she’s growing seeds, the majority of the work is done. It’ll be a few weeks for the seeds to mature and then you can dig them out of the buds and air dry them. For now I don’t think you can do anything except keep the female happy and wait.


Give the seeds at least 4 weeks to mature, preferably 6, weeks. But if that strain doesn’t do well for you area, it’s not worth making more seeds. Unless that plant finishes just fine, you’ll just end up with more plants that fail.


So I have to ask what strains are they ? Next hard part is naming the cross lol


Did you let the whole plant get pollinated or just dust a few buds with pollen? If you just did a branch of buds then the rest of the plant will grow as non-pollinated but if a whole plant pollination then yield and potency will take a big hit.

The seeds can be left on the plant until it’s cropped then fall out easy once the buds are dried tho plenty will still be in there. I usually just pollinate one lower branch then if the buds are ripe but the seeds aren’t the rest of the plant can be cropped just leaving the pollinated branch on to let the seeds mature before taking it. Can be put back under 18/6 light too without bothering the seeds and maybe revegetate if you want to keep that plant for future crops.



I have already named it cottoneyzed

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So I dusted the plant I noticed where it took and no only some of the branches are pollinated that said I knew I was taking a big hit initially once I realised the crops I have started didn’t make it so I decided to make a choice initially which was to go ahead and try outbreeding to see if I can just get more seeds so that way I could initially continue the growing process indoors as well I’ve decided I’m going to try my growing inside since it’s more controlled


Have you not grown indoors yet? That’s all I’ve done the last 20 years except for last year and this year trying autos outside up north here. Last year was a bit of a bomb but not bad this year with all the plants being fem autos that were supposed to and a few giving me some nice bud. Smaller plants but next year I’ll plant at least a dozen known good ones and get a better crop.

Update later tonight if I have enough time.


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