First time grow question (soil mix)

After popping my seeds all feminized they were placed into small pots of hp pro mix and watered with tap water ph to 6.5

They seem to be doing ok minus small errors on my part being a newbie. I have the pro mix and happy frog potting soil available. My question is what ratio should I mix pro mix/happy frog at and when should I transplant into that mix from just the straight up pro mix only?

I’ll upload some pics and maybe you can tell me what’s going. I haven’t used any nutrients other then 1 small dose of azos at day 7.

White widow (TL) blue fire (TR)
Blue dream (BL) northern lights (BR)

This one is blue dream and I believed I over watered it and now possibly has root rot. I transplanted into fresh pro mix and new container and waiting to see what’s going to happen

Temps stay around 75f no major fluctuations and RH is 55-60 with good ventilation and airflow in 4x8 tent under a t5 6ft 4bulb 6500k 24hour light

Any thoughts and advice would be amazing


Here is a better picture of the blue dream


Looking good… just stay on track, dont water them unless theyre light feeling and transplant when they get bigger…

All’s well so far


Welcome to OverGrow also!! Good to have ya in!

Your soil looks fine. These are weeds. Any soil is OK in my book. I have grown Cannabis in pure clay and pure sand. I prefer sandy soil when they are just rooted clones or seedlings though. Sand allows the water to flow through and not leave soggy soil to rot the roots. More air in sand too. Later I add organic amendment. To avoid dampening off at this stage (fungus in stem) I spray them with 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide (3% drug store type) in a gallon of water. Mist them once a day for a few weeks until they size up. That solution also works to kill mites. Broad and spider mites. With the blue dream it looks like the new leaves are yellowing. That can be an indication of iron deficiency. Could be due to alkaline soil which binds up iron. Might want to consider feeding with some chelated iron. Cannot over-feed iron. Otherwise keep the nutes low percentage at the start every few waterings. These are pretty good and bullet proof strains. I have gown them all except Blue Fire.


Just chill out and stop over thinking stuff. Cannabis has been around for a long long time and has survived and grew fine without our help. A lot of people see problems that are not even evident or even there and try to fix it eventually creating an “actual” Problem via over nurturing them. LITFA is the best solution, nutrient and action to give them if you “think” your girls have a problem. My plants are lucky if I open the tent twice a week now to check on them. They often go 4 - 5 days without being fed and watered and they are thriving better than they did when I was constantly checking them. :+1:


Ya that little one may have gotten her feet a little to wet soil mix looks pretty good as far as drainage goes pots have holes? Check your good sometimes I hear that those commercial mixes can be a little hot for tender seedlings and certain strains can be more/less tolerant of those mixes as well may put some gently air on them as well to prevent dampening off but I think you might be past that point now good luck in your grow !


Yes the pots have holes, I trying my best to dry her out without starving her. The soil is just HP pro mix so I believe it shouldn’t be hot for them. Shes not really showing any signs of recovery so I think I’m probably gonna loose her soon.

The question I had regarding soil was when they are big enough how do I mix the HP pro mix and happy frog together? Like at what ratio.


Dump both bags in a tub… mix together… done lol

Seriously though, those seedlings are gonna look like that for a few days, they don’t grow like some mystical blade of grass that was 1in today and 10in tomorrow lol… we do wish though


Alrighty thank you. Also what is LIFTA


LITFA is a nifty little amendment to your grows…

Just open a bottle and Leave It The Fuck Alone lol


Newbies fall for it every time :laughing:


It’s all good though… everyone gets excited their first grow, only thing you can really do is wait and watch…

It will grow or it won’t, that’s the life sometimes… what’s important is what you do with the ones that grow


Haha yeah I know. The excitement I had 1st grow I checked them each hour and constantly checked the soil moisture, temp and all that. You make your grow take longer or at least it seems to take longer.:laughing: the best results I’ve had since starting to grow is when I stopped messing with them. He will do fine I’m sure :+1:


The number one failure by newbies is overwatering. ProMix is soilless and holds in shit loads of water. Water lightly when soil starts pulling away from the sides and the pot feels really light. 1/4 strength nutrients should start now. Pot up when it has lot’s of roots.


Depending on which happy frog mix and how you plan on feeding the plants. If you don’t plan on feeding use more happy frog. If you want to add fertilizer use less. Either can be used on it’s own so you can’t really mess up.


Welcome to the fun…

I see the gang beat me to the LITFA.

Best wishes.


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Play around with your mix ratios a bit like mentioned above a 50/50 mix for starters and 75/25 HF:HP for the other experiment and plant half with each and see how they do that way ya can get a feel for what each contributes.

So I took the LITFA advice and let them all dry out to the point of no return then started watering them on the low side being safe. The blue dream wasnt taking it well so I said screw it and fed it 1ml of sensi grow A + B to see what happens. Long story short they seem to be doing better now. Just small signs of cal-mag deficiency from being In nothing but HP pro mix and watering with distilled water caused it (lesson learned ) I just transplanted them into 5g pots of 50/50 pro mix and happy frog with a 2ml feeding to start

Thank you for the help much appreciated

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