The leaves have felt dry and papery nearly the entire time on her I do not know why

Hey OG! My One month old Laughing Buddha bag seed girly ( or male :grimacing: ) Has had dry feeling paperish leaves Ever since I mainlined and transplanted her . I dont quite understand whats happening. I will try and provide details about the grow here:

Watering schedule : When the soils dried out I water, how much you ask? about half a gallon or a little less

Nutes : Happy frog soil , and 1-1-1 organic liquid fertilizer mixed in the gallon of water ( I think I just self diagnosed my issue… The bottle said a few drops per gallon… I surely put more than a few drops across the two gallons of water I filled. )

Lighting : 18ish on 6 off of course . Although im very honestly not timing her. Spending two months restarting a timer on my phone every 12 hours became tedious so to give myself a break until shes ready to flower, im just not really timing.

RH is around 30-50 percent

The temps do vary quite a bit id say when the lights on vs off. Upper 80s on, and lower 70s for when its off .
Returning back to my self diagnosis… I think this is truly the issue but I will still post this for more help.

Edit: The bottle actually says a good rule of thumb is one pump per gallon of soil. My pots are 3 gallon, so ive 100 percent been overfeeding. Going to start a pure water diet until she isnt feeling like paper.

edit 2: I think im experiencing a bag seed runt. Comparing my first grow at one month vs this one… the first grows fan leaves are like normal size … This second grow as you can see, they are all small… I attached an image of first grow showing the stark difference.


Happy frog also has nutrients in it already so perhaps you are even doubling up on your issue :+1:


Oh for sure. Cant believe I overlooked that too. A diet of pure water should slowly but surely fix the issue im guessing?

Also , would you say she is now stunted from this mistake?


I’d think that’s a good starting point. That burnt tip you’ve shown suggests high nutes but it honestly doesn’t look too bad.

Stunted, maybe a little, but they can take a lot of abuse in veg.


Ive seen worse ! Good point , That is my plan then, pure water and just letting her be, I think the mainline and transplant shocked her, maybe even produced some stunting in itself, So Im only going to LST from here on !!

Thanks for the help Foreigner , I appreciate your opinions and knowledge !

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You’re welcome.

We call this LITFA and is very often the best strategy.


What does the acronym stand for ?!?
Is this the strategy that Floyd uses? If you are familiar with his grows of course… His plants look very LITFA :stuck_out_tongue:

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Leave it the fuck alone :joy:

All too often people kill their plants with kindness.

I’m not familiar with his methods enough to comment really.


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. I shall LITFA from here on :stuck_out_tongue: My first grow was definitely a result of killing with kindness


There’s the “problem” — aim for 65-75 in veg & be amazed :sweat_smile:

There’s this Vapor Pressure Deficit magic thing…a math ratio & chart (look it up dear :joy:)

Guaranteed :+1:



The higher the humidity though the more chance to invite aphids right ? Like where do aphids even come from :sob: my last grow got them ( to be fair it was literal backyard soil )

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LOL, I think you answered your own question as to where they come from… :point_up:

LIFTA has been a running joke here since before I showed up… :smile: :+1:
As for using ferts, just assume they all lie about amounts and start with 1/4 or 1/2 recommended amount (until proven otherwise)…
Also, they should be further along (2~3 weeks?) before using.
Have a look at ‘teas’ as well. I really like the effects of brewing Alfalfa/Kelp tea.

Oh yeah…
Welcome to Overgrow!



I’ve always watered until I see the water just starting to weep out the bottom of the pot. Without worry of how much per watering. Good luck!


That’s a unintentionally what I’ve been doing :slight_smile: awesome

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Happy Frog used to be their unfertilized mix. I always understood it was neutral and fine to use for seedlings.

The Ocean Forest has the nutes already in it.

@BeTheLight, the early stage of plant growth is maybe the hardest part to get past. They look pretty close and if you get your RH in check they’ll likely start moving more, soon.

Oh, and as far as using LITFA goes, “I use that shit on everything”!

:man_farmer: :v:


Hmm. It is possible I’m incorrect.


I haven’t used it in a long time, so maybe it has changed?


I’m gonna ask my sis for her humidifier today and get RH up, I love this place already :sunny: here is way better than the grow subreddits ( although they have their place ! )

Thank you , my first grow she honestly just grew fast and I was like woah this is easy… I’m so glad the second grow is already teaching me new lessons :rofl:. And will continue to teach meh :relaxed:


Amazon says it’s got some food in it.

It’s ok I’ve been wrong before.


I read online happy frog has light nutes, and most people who use the stuff will have their plants get through veg in the happy and put the ocean forest deeper down so once the roots get down there it’s the right time

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