First Time (growing legal that is)!

@Tlander, sure let me explain that ‘no foliar’ stipulation…

As the manufacturer, I have to consider plant safety considerations above all else !
I discourage other nutrient foliars because I can never know what their contents may be…If they have a high sulfur content (Epsom salt {magnesium sulfate}) the BBP is going to carry that residue right into the cells. All forms of sulfur are acidic so you have a much higher chance of foliage burn. Ergo micronutrient foliars high in copper.

We have actually had a grower burn his young plants badly after a foliar application of EM1. Lactic Acid is fine in soil applied applications, but has NO PLACE in plant tissue, and of course, the BBP carried the surface residue right into the cells.

For outstanding insect control worldwide, I highly recommend that stuff Johnny came up with in his thread. I do know many growers whom have applied it a day after their BBP applications (or a day after) with nary a hiccup. Hope that helps and you can PM me anytime if you need answers to specific compatibility issues !!!
