First Time (growing legal that is)!

Exactly that, brother
Frankenstein x BOG Sour Bubble


Haa, haa, haa…I sure love just waking up every morning now! :rofl: I start and finish every one with giving thanks for the day! Unfortunately, it’s far too seldom we stop to appreciate how lucky we are, until something makes us realize our time is so finite!

And a HUGE THANKS to you and all the other fantastic people on OG! It’s because of you that I even get to try to do something with all the magic creations you guys make over there! So THANKS OG! Wish I’d found you all sooner, but glad for what we got!



Me too Brother.
Sleep well.

555! Sleep? I got transplanting to do yet, soaks to check, new beans from @Jimdoors just showed up in the mail and need to go in a soak; (Durban x Romulan, (Durban x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appy), @US3RNAM3 ‘s Malana #1 & #2 are out on the counter in the kitchen waitin’ on me! Meanwhile, I had an amazing acupuncture treatment session, finished that and went out and bought half a dozen steaks (I need to get protein without any carbs or sugar), came home and rolled about 3 joints of things I hadn’t tried yet and went down to check on the girls… I just got home in the dark! :rofl: Have I mentioned lately just how much fun I’m havin’? :crazy_face: :heart_eyes: :upside_down_face: :joy:

A while back I did a little Bro Science project (Great intentions but, shit happens!). We get whitefly, fungus gnats infestations in waves with the weather (mostly I think?). In my Bro-Tests, I covered the soil mix in the solo’s with about 1/4" dried rice hulls. When you water, the water goes right through and then stays put without drying out because the rice hulls shade it. In the day time, within 2 minutes of watering, the rice hulls are dry again and present a barrier to the gnats and white fly trying to either lay or drop larvae into the moist soil. Bottom watering works wonders too! Once I get 'em in the big Ebb & Flow tables on automated pumps & bottom watering the moisture levels stay perfect!

The “Plan” is… (Wanna make God laugh? Tell her your ‘plan’!) for these to spend a week or two in my rack under 24/7 lights in Solo’s. Then they’ll move down to the greenhouse and the Ebb & Flow table still at 24/7 for a week (or two?). Then transplant to 1 gallon airpots which will take over the ebb & flow table as the Solo’s get transplanted. From there we’re letting the plans run open-ended as WWW (Wacky World Weather) decides what it wants to do when! I’ve been leaning Sativa lately…and I’m happy about it! :sweat_smile: so these will likely be a loong time running. There’ll likely be a monsoon in their juvenile/early adult stage but being so heavily sativa that shouldn’t be a problem.

Well, some stoner photographed the wrong side of the tags on a couple of these! :upside_down_face:

So here’s some shots where you can actually read the tags!

I’m excited to see these at 6 for 6! @Mithridate

Forum Stomper 5/6 (Bottom rt is Ethos - Super Lemon Haze) @PioneerValleyOG

Ethos - Super Lemon Haze @Jinglepot

@CADMAN 's Special #77 3x

Left; Fighting Buddha @MissinBissin , Center; Bk 2 - Monster Ghost @CADMAN , frnt; Earth Magic @PioneerValleyOG , Rt.: God’s Cookies @CADMAN

God’s Cookies isolated! @CADMAN

Sorry, you’re gonna have to read the tags if you really want to know! :rofl:

@MissinBissin We got Fighting Buddha’s and Freaky Buddha’s this round! :pray:

@THCeed These are sitting on my porch awaiting me right now. They’ll be in Solo’s tonight!

@slain Only 1 uP, so far!

So, back to the Bro Science experiment - I did this last short season in one of the greenhouses and it made a noticable difference. We just have to make sure there’s a termite barrier under every airpot or they invade, eat the rice hull and do a beaver-immiatation on your stem just at soil level! I just put in the rice hulls on these last night. I noticed right away that the light color reflects light back up to the leaves and also makes spotting things like gnats much easier against the light background. I’ll let ya know how the ‘Bros think it goes’! :upside_down_face:

Okay, time for a little " @Budderton " Eye-Candy! It was judged that tonight was the night these would lose their “Mold-Free” status if we didn’t cut 'em! I can see both of these running another 2 weeks if they were indoor or in a desert I’m loving them just as they are though! The ‘on-the-plant-trim-jobs’ have been making it much easier to keep an eye on the situation and it cuts down on the boring trimming sessions after drying immensely. Today I just took stuff straight out of the tent and put it straight into Grove Bags. Done!

This would appear to be the one I seeded heavily! Think I got around 100 beans of of the small little plant that got hit by budrot. From just a quick glance at the photo, I think I’m gonna have enough seed from this run to be able to make RSO from it next run…if I can keep it mold-free! It feels like this was the ‘sweet spot’ in the year’s weather for both of these (planted May/June - out Aug/Sept) especially for the dry-ish time for harvests.

Have a great morning back there all you OG’ers!


That got me so excited I almost showed those pictures to my eye doctor. 555


Triple WoW @Tlander you are one hard nut to keep up with Bro 555.
Loving your freedom Sir. And blown away daily. Totally honoured to see the Fighting Buddah in the line-up

You’ve Only one Gear T, forward
You have driven my “rice hull” curiosity way up the list…

Durban x Appy ? Envision a head snapping around quickly. Wish I could lol


Holy shit TL!! Your putting all us so called bean poppers to shame!! Those CL and the white crosses look like they’ll come back nice as RSO.
Thanks for growing out all our beans TL! Not sure if you realize but it is incredible gratifying to see ones work displayed in such a beautiful environment and grow with such love! Bless you my man!!


I’m really excited to see someone grow crosses I made couldn’t think of a better person thank you @Tlander on top of that outdoor thailand :blush:. I’m growing 5 of the (D x P)x(Dp x Appy) now only 4 days on 12/12 expect some variation and been thinking on calling it Durban’s antidote to make it easier.


Thanks guys! 555! @THCeed - Hmmm, maybe he’s a toker? Who knows, you might get discounted rates!

@MissinBissin Well, I figure if I’m being given this opportunity in this lifetime I better go for it with all the ‘gusto’ I can! And with the OG team behind me sending these wonderful genetics you’ve all created, who could ever s-l-o-w down? The rice hull (obviously) is a really available material here. We use it in our LS mix (about 20%) as a replacement for the more expensive perlite. Doesn’t last as long and is prone to termites (if they find it!) but it’s so cheap! Tends to break down fairly quick when mixed in the soil mix. Durban x Appy - Yeah, I’ve gotta do some searching here on OG!

@Budderton Really happy to hear that! Sometimes I think I’m absolutely crazy with all this picture taking and posting…but you guys keep coming through with such great stuff that I can’t help but want to make sure I get you some photos. Sorry, I’m really lousy at descriptions of smells/effects…since Covid my sense of smell is shot!

@Jimdoors - The girls (hopefully) are in their soak since last night! Please tag me if you have a posts running on them, I’m anxious to see what to expect! And BIG thanks again!

Well, coming up on meeting time for my crew…no time to shoot photos (yet) but 6 of the Malana #1 and 3 of the Malana #2 are already uP after only going at 11 pm last night (it’s 7:30 am!)! The upper greenhouse is now empty and ready for bleaching. Should likely be able to cut the remaining 3 or four seeded plants in Monsoon Hut. Hazes just keep getting more Cousin It-like! Goji’s are sky-high, if a little lanky’. Thai x VN Black looking good - those at the lower end of the slope have been getting a lot of yellowing leaves, think the anti-termite trays are holding a bit too much water…drilled holes in each yesterday…can always plug 'em with clay if the weather changes back to hot and dry. Seed production is looking absolutely FANTASTIC so far!

Thanks again bros!


Here’s the 5 I have going really liking the skinny leaf one

Here’s a clone of the father in veg the seed plant was grown outdoors and had the most trichomes I’ve grown for a male

2 durban x pangi just sexed 1 Male 1 female. The female I pollinated reeked of carrots but morphed to taste like the durban mother but stronger
Their mother Durban(tlt) clone started as soon as it rooted


Oh, I see a lot more FUN in my future! :rofl: Well, for a guy that was swearing he wouldn’t put in any more beans until the next monsoon has passed enough to let the flowering start AFTER the rains…I guess I did a pretty bad job of sticking to my plans! There’s already another 35 beans uP and more soakin’ still! :crazy_face:

Seeing more and more good seed forming on the plants I pollinated last week. Thinking to hit one of the virgin Original Hazes with the Thai x Vietnam Black pollen as it’s the purest Sativa I’ve got on hand, It’s probably 1.5 months old, but has been in the refrigerator the whole time.

Plucked about 50 more LSD x Blue Sunshine beans today and a similar number of the White Papaya x White Castle! The Thai x VN Black seeds are looking good, if not quite as many as I’d have liked to have made. But the big winners are the 2 branches of the Thai x VN Black that I hit with Goji OG pollen! I had to do them 5 FIVE times over 2.5 weeks to get them to take, but the fifth time was a charm! Looking like this may be the first time I over-seeded a plant! :joy: Well, it’s only two branches!

Well, I’ve started clearing/mulching down a new area so we can move the Lemon Grove trees out from where I grew the autoflowers last short season. When long season ended and we cut all the plants, I decided to take (almost) all of the Lemons in 15" pots and transplant them into the 10 gallon airpots w/the Living Soil mix Then after a few weeks I started putting small Black Skunks and other plants in between each two Lemons! Now, with the ganja mix soil and consistent drip irrigation and regular foliar feedings both species are fighting it out for dominance! So I’m gonna move the Lemons, or at least most of them, down and open the old grow space back up! :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :palm_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree:



Hey, anybody wanna hear a song? Here’s one of my old time favorites from my years in Hawaii for you to listen to as you scroll…good thing it’s a loong song! :joy: I can’t hear this song without tears streaming down my cheeks! :sob: And those kids have no idea that they’re backstage at a show of one of the greatest Hawaiian Bands ever!

Meanwhile…did a couple more pollinations this afternoon. Found I had 2 vials of Thai x Vietnam Black pollen stashed away! So I hit up one of the virgin Original Haze and then decided to dust 2 branches of that nice looking Lemon Skunk (@misterbee )

Mislabeled double-cross! @Budderton 's gifted Original Haze x DD’s ( @DougDawson ) Blue Kush & Original Haze x @slain 's Thai x VN Black. Since I didn’t have a male or any Haze pollen on hand I decided to go with Slain’s Thai x Vietnam Black just to keep it all Sativa-ish!

Pushin’ 9’! @misterbee or @CADMAN (Tag is too far away to read!) I put in some from both of you! Thanks again!

One more thick Goji has gone almost as far as I can take it over here! Think tomorrow’s gonna be the day the axe falls! (That’s a 7’ 6’ fully-seeded Goji OG in the back left)

Another ‘double-cross’! Lemon Skunk @misterbee is hanging in there with no signs of mold. I wasn’t going to pollinate this one, But the fact that it hasn’t gotten hit w/budrot yet makes me think it just might be worth the trouble! Hit 2 branches of each.

Results are in!

Prepping the new ‘holding’ area for (some of) the Lemon trees. Even with most all the smaller plants getting the chop, we need more room! We weeded everything in this area and put down a thick layer of cardboard which gets soaked down and holds the weed seeds back a couple weeks, then covered it in cow shit, then covered in Straw. The worms just go wild for the cardboard (if they get it before the termites!).Until the chickens or the dogs tear it all up, it’s looking pretty good!

Okay, I think that’s about it for today, gotta grab some food and check in on the soakers! Have a GREAT day everybody!



Ohh oh, he’s been at it again! :joy:

@Jimdoors Not sure if I got the parentheses in the right places? Flip (I think) said; (Durban x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appy)

@Jimdoors - Durban x Romulen

@US3RNAM3 - Malana - Old World Organics ‘Sativa Hashplant’ originally from Himachel Pradesh region

@slain Just one taker, so far! I didn’t get any of these to pop on my earlier try either. Maybe I should try to crack 'em?

Well, I ran out of RSO about 5 days ago and my shipment of Ethanol is a week behind schedule. I’ve actually been wanting to take a break from it for a month or 2, as it hits awfully hard when you are doing that much for so long. On the other hand, if it’s what’s keeping me alive, then I really can’t afford to f’* around! Fortunately, just like OG, people look after each other over here - just got a message that some buddies in Bangkok sent me n express mail package! Should be here tomorrow or Monday! :rofl: Of course, the Ethanol will probably show up on Tuesday!

So, being pretty ‘out of it’ today, I didn’t manage to get much done except choppin’ more Black Skunks & LSD x Blue Sunshine and pulling a couple hundred seeds. Oh yeah, got the upper greenhouse emptied and bleached down. And managed to pull the last few plants out of Monsoon Hut, broke down the Ebb & Flow table so I can try to bleach in there too! We got hit with a bad case of white-fly on the Black Skunks…kept them under ‘control’ with a Thai botanical formula but never knocked them out completely. :sob: Same with one, and so far ONLY one, of the Franken Bubbles…moved her into the upper greenhouse where the bug netting ‘should’ help a bit and there’s nothing else in there to get overrun anyway.

Okay, I got carried away in the DM’s tonight, thought there was more to say but I’m a bit wiped out so that’ll have to do it for tonight! Stay well everybody and blessings on your grows!



Role call for the seedlings (well, some of them anyway! :rofl:) Thanks again to all the OG’ers who were kind enough to entrust me with their hard-made beans! You guy’s Reggae!

(Lft. x6) Forum Stompers, (M) Super Lemon Haze, (Rt. x6) Blue Mtn. Jamaican x Honduras

Same tray, different angle; 3 of the BMJ x Honduras on the rt. are exploding onto the scene! @Mithridate

All these got their first shot of Bud Buster Pro today! Thank you @Boozer , @BudBusterPro

Just a ‘heads uP’ to anybody trying BBP for the first time; after I sent Bob a photo of my seedlings’ current stage he recommended I start right away and, for the first try, cut the total volume I mix in half from the directions (make 4 oz. {118.5 ml.} water + 1 ml. BBP) so as not to have left-overs from the three trays (45 plants). Well, 4 oz. water + BBP made enough to fill that little pump action mister (on the left) 1 & 1/5 times so I had leftovers to mist on all the plants hanging on my porches and eaves. It goes a loooong way! This has got me real excited! I’m concerned about the “No Foliars” part, but will follow directions. Need to check w/ Bob about using a Thai botanical foliar spray for pests, as it’s pretty impossible to keep our insects in check around here without it.

Post treatment, lights off, about to be curtained off for the rest of the afternoon/night.

@CADMAN Again, talk about ‘excited’! They’re off to a good looking start bro! Front row; God’s Cookies, Back row #77 ‘Special’ Poison Daddy They be pumping bro! And now w/BBP too!

@CADMAN Sorry PVOG, I thought it was from you until I looked it uP , @MissinBissin (Sorry for the typo Missin’!) Missin’ - see the comment for THCeed below - same applies!

@THCeed Might have to keep this one all to myself. Might piss somebody off with a name like that over here! :rofl:

@US3RNAM3 I created mass confusion here with a mix-up w/the tags on these and another set of beans! It took a few hours of hunting through notes, DM’s and emails but I have figured it out and corrected everything.Phew! I’m really looking forward to a bunch of Sativa’s that are more suited to our climate and challenges over here. I’ll probably never give up on trying to grow all the fantastic hybrids you OG’s send me, but I’m gonna start hedging my bets with a lot of Sats!


@Mithridate , BMJ x H - What more need I say? I’m stoked to try out these Super Lemon Haze from @Jinglepot The current Original Haze sent to me by @Budderton are looking really happy here and right at home! Hoping these like it here too!

Sorry, no time to shoot the plug trays, Sun’s going down and I need to make a run through the nursery before dark! I hope all you fine ‘donors’ found your kids! I’m really happy to have adopted all of them! Thanks to each and every one of you for sharing your incredible treasured creations with me (and hopefully, via me, the rest of SE Asia!) :rofl: You guys are the GREATEST!!!




You got your hands full my man. Looking good.


@Boozer Haa, haa, haa! That’s just 1/4 the seedling rack! And there’s still another 30-40 BIG girls flowering out at about 4 weeks now (I think!). Not to mention that I need to dig through my treasure chest for some special beans for an OG friend, which means I’m bound to find a couple dozen more things that I feel I just MUST try to grow before I die! :rofl: And now with your amazing gifted BBP I’ll get to see them at their very best (Hopefully!). BIG THANKS again bro!!! :pray:



Very cool @Jimdoors ! Thanks for posting those, nice to get a preview! Yeah the skinny leafer looks great! Hell, I like 'em all! I have always had a ‘thing’ for True Durban Poison. Not sure if it hits everybody the same, but it is one of my favorite highs - super productive, very creative, lots of energy, tons of new ideas and a fair amount of laughter! I can’t wait! 555! A friend visiting from S. Africa carried me about 1/2 oz a couple years back…every once in a great while I bust it out of the freezer and roll one. Always one of the more fun stones I’ve found! Thanks again for turning me on to such a treat bro, I’m looking forward to these!!



Looking great as always @Tlander


@Tlander, sure let me explain that ‘no foliar’ stipulation…

As the manufacturer, I have to consider plant safety considerations above all else !
I discourage other nutrient foliars because I can never know what their contents may be…If they have a high sulfur content (Epsom salt {magnesium sulfate}) the BBP is going to carry that residue right into the cells. All forms of sulfur are acidic so you have a much higher chance of foliage burn. Ergo micronutrient foliars high in copper.

We have actually had a grower burn his young plants badly after a foliar application of EM1. Lactic Acid is fine in soil applied applications, but has NO PLACE in plant tissue, and of course, the BBP carried the surface residue right into the cells.

For outstanding insect control worldwide, I highly recommend that stuff Johnny came up with in his thread. I do know many growers whom have applied it a day after their BBP applications (or a day after) with nary a hiccup. Hope that helps and you can PM me anytime if you need answers to specific compatibility issues !!!



Thanks @BudBusterPro Bob, and @Mithridate

Now, I’m sure I’m crazy (or at least ‘out of my mind’, which with the RSO is quite possible!) but when I awoke this morning I had to go straight to my seedling rack to have a look… now the first picture below is from Saturday and today is Monday morning here. I screwed up trying to re-create the photo angle (was still half asleep!) but the idea is clear…it sure DIDN’T hurt anybody! :joy:

Before Application - 5 pm 9/09/23;

After Application - 6 am 9/11/23; w/ Apologies to Jamaica!

(36 hr after 1st photo).

Anyway, looking good to me! Thanks again for all your help, it’s always appreciated! Really looking forward to trying this out over here!

I ‘get it’ with the foliar guidelines/rules…just concerned w/our level of pests here. Unfortunately, the botanical-based formula of the stuff I like to use (‘Plemotech’ by SV Biotech Group - Thailand) also uses a proprietary botanical formula that they do not release, making it really difficult to assess the safety level of. I’ve read through JPS’s formula and thought to myself - “Great, let’s try that” but haven’t yet! Now that I have your blessings on it for use w/BBP I have some reason to not put it off I’ll re-read it and get started ordering materials!

Thanks again!
