First Time (growing legal that is)!

Yobros! Just wanted to share my little ‘experiment’ with you and say “Thanks” again to @ciganomarola ! I had one male and one female of the “Cherry Punch” declare themselves. They’re not gonna have time to get very big, so I set them aside and have been pollinating the last 2-3 days. Just came back from checking them now and it looks like it took well! A few of the pics show a little ‘overkill’ on the pollen ‘dusting’! :joy: Now I just have to manage to keep them alive and fungus-free for 5 weeks! I went out and bought the largest industrial strength fan I could find on the island and my foreman is down hooking it up as I type this! I gotta go check it out! :crossed_fingers:

I’m really hoping I can get good seeds out of this first try! Think I still have 3 in the refrigerator, but it’d be cool to ‘add’ numbers to the envelopes rather than subtract them! :joy:


PS @Maddawg - I did the same with the London Pound Cake and it’s a bit larger, had more flowers on both M&FM and appears to have also taken very well!



We all ‘over pollinate’ the first time …or three… :pinching_hand: :grin:

I dial the lights back about 20%, it seems to cut back on the duds and
aborts. A little extra Calcium seems to help too.
I also feed them like they are still in veg for up to 4 weeks after pollination.



Well, guess I fell down on the ‘update’ department! Just been too busy around here! Almost out of trim jail, figuring I lost 40% to 60% to budrot due to the monsoon downpours, but there’s gonna be enough leftover to get me through the winter. Curing is coming along and getting some nice smells starting to develop. Biggest problem is trying to keep track. Three nights in a row I took out a sample, rolled a joint and 15 minutes later realized I couldn’t remember which one I had tried! Either I have rolled the same one three times in a row or all three are pretty good stuff! :rofl:

My cellphone camera does weird things to colors sometimes, have yet to figure it out!


Meanwhile, I invested in some Big Ass Fans and it’s seeming to help!


I just lost an hour’s worth of posts & uploaded photos of the new incarnation of the Monsoon Hut when I got ‘logged out’ while typing! AAAuuuggghhh! Gonna have to do a follow up post later on, it’s stopped raining momentarily and I need to check in on some stuff!



Dope AF @Tlander yea I’d say you salvaged enough for winter :laughing:


…new incarnation of the Monsoon Hut…

Well, I finally owned up to it; I’m just totally addicted to growing! Despite the losses to budrot on the previous ‘experimental’ run, I just can’t stop myself from poppin’ beans from all the great fam here on OG! :pray: Thanks again all! Did a big clean-out of the Monsoon Hut, bleached down the gravel, pots and mats, bought a bunch of Big Ass fans, closed off the windward ends of the greenhouses and ordered a hypoclorious acid generator (or 2!) and so, away we go! Again, I’m not expecting any of these to have time to put on any weight, more of a previewing for next long season with the added benefit of increasing my ability to mix-it-up with my stash this winter!

Young plants ready for Tpl;

Layout in 5 & 7 g. airpots;

Start of Bloomin’;

That’s all I can squeeze in, in my limited time right now! Will ‘try’ to be better on the updates!
Want to post this fast before I lose it all again! :rofl:


Just trying to keep ‘em rollin’ out! Pretty sure these beauties in their new 7 gallon airpots are all @Budderton’s wonder-beans (@BasementBeans tag). Thanks buddy, I really couldn’t be happier with them! Just strung up some supplemental lighting to try to keep 'em in veg a couple more weeks…they got too big for my seedling rack and there were more little gals waiting to get in! We’ll see how that ‘lighting thing’ works out!

Meanwhile, next door…the one’s w/o supplemental lighting are all starting to flower out. It’s kinda like growing Auto’s. Fast & Furious!



Looking good @Tlander ! I hope you get some good ones man!:crossed_fingers::grin::canada:


There’s bound to be some fire in there! Finishing up the major trimming and poppin’ more beans.
With trimming winding down, I decided to see how the trim-tray did in the last few days…

Made a few hash plugs and of course, somebody’s gotta clean the press out once in a while so I volunteered! NICE!

Hung a couple LED lights in one of the greenhouses to try to keep the young girls in veg a while longer.

Picked up a couple of these cheap soil covers to try out to catch stray early seed drops (Not THAT early - just testing fit!). Figure Might be able to invert them during heavy rainstorms! :rofl:

The small Hypoclorious acid generator finally arrived, but when I went to do the first brew I found it had been cracked in shipment! New, replacement is on the way already…or so they say!

Three almost identical grey plastic mailer envelopes arrived from our local version of Amazon and I ignored them for an hour or two while busy with plants. Then realized I had only been expecting 2 packages today, so checked 'em out. Now I know I’ve been spending way too much with my online buying habits lately but I just couldn’t recall having ordered 3 sets of “earrings” as declared on the customs form???

Haa, haa, haa! BIG Thank you @Big_Yeloe ! There’s some of each already soaking! :rowing_woman: :surfing_man: :swimming_woman: The folks on OG are just the BEST!!! :heart_eyes:



Honestly, I keep trying to get down to the plants, but I seem to just keep getting all Thai’d up! :joy:


(Edit; If you’ve just smoked a joint, go back and look closer at the camo-background in the first two photos!)


Cool man! Some Tied stick!:grin::v:


What are the rules out there? Is it 15 plants per house like I read? Or a lot more relaxed in reality?


Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ Rules”! :rofl:

That 15 plants per household was part of the ‘plan’ but the legislation got tabled and no vote was ever held. The up-side of that is that there apparently is NO current law regarding a number of plants (or much of anything else except use by students/pregnant women/minors, etc)…for now. Like most things Asian, there’s a story behind every story…‘politics’ is behind this one. It’s a very interesting situation! :joy:



Hope to be back out there myself soon. Looking forward to it

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Keep those Thai sticks rollin’! :joy:

Moving on to the ‘fermentation’ stage of the experiment(s)!

I’ll admit, I’m just shootin’ in the dark here! :rofl: But hey, how many times does a guy have a jar full of Thai sticks to play around with in this day and age! I’ll be doing a ‘ferment’ search on OG when I finish, but if anybody has experiences to share, I’m interested! And game! :joy:
But I’m moving fast!




You are just FULL of surprises!

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:



Haa, haa, haa! Well, that’s better than what I’m used to being told I’m full of! :joy:

It’s been kinda fun to try and it’s a fantastic use of all the small, really sticky buds that I’d otherwise be bitching about! Probably should have wrapped these much greener if I wanted really good fermentation, but it’ll be an interesting experiment anyway! As I said to somebody, “Even if they turn out to taste like shit, it’ll make a great story someday!” :joy:



Any of this crack open for ya yet


I’ve been looking at different tea and tobacco fermentation processes and how it might be applied to cannabis and it’s given me ideas.

Lets see what you get from these…
I’m quite interested.



I think you’ll like the Blue Tara. I grew two of them and they were/are both lovely.

@Foreigner Yeah mon, I’m lovin’ the Blue Tara’s…by far the frostiest girls in the monsoon hut right now! I’ll have to snap a picture tomorrow, they have a really nice look to the flower formation and a unique coloration with their powdered sugar frosting. I had a male that I set aside and today I decided, after collecting pollen off of him, to dust a bunch of lower branches of 2 female BT’s to seed 'em out. Hoping to have a bunch of 'em to run in the long season.

It’s been a bit of a battle to keep plants from submitting to budrot long enough to get viable seeds off of them. That said, I’m only seeding a few plants here and there. Pulled 30 good beans off of a Cherry Punch and am just sitting down to go through some London Pound Cake buds that got an early dusting :crossed_fingers: Looks like there’ll probably be a handful of Shoreline beans too.

Meanwhile, been busy cutting clones from all the lower branches on a bunch of new stuff and have started filling up the old ‘drying tent’ with them to veg out a while longer. Stuck in a bunch of Thai-produced autoflowers just for giggles (Dark Cherry Pie & KD Purple bud).

Never a dull moment!