First Time (growing legal that is)!

Damn nice job getting your plastic cover nice and tight…also fortunate there were no heavy winds associated with the deluge! Is this part of the seasonal monsoons ?

It really is a beautiful country (when it’s not 96F with 100% humidity !! I loved your shot of the drainage water coming down through the rocks !


Thanks @BudBusterPro ! Yes, I’d guess this is the start of the monsoon. Was really hoping for just a couple more weeks of sunshine! Looks like we both put too much faith in plastic! It made a difference in that they didn’t get drenched, but w/100% humidity… well…this is what I found when I got down there this morning.

By the time I finished cutting out bud rot and doing a heavy defoliating I’d missed breakfast AND lunch! :rofl:

Bummer! There were 2 ‘upsides’ to the ordeal… first, it was only in the area that inspired the roofing projects after the first bud-rot was spotted. Other areas still okay (so far!). Second upside…


Looks like you got them shelters up just in time!

Always love to see pics of your grow…
Checking out the weed is great and all but just looking around at all of the plants, trees you have got going is :call_me_hand:


If you’re the author of the post, I believe you cann click on the 3 dots next to the link symbol and choose the trash can…


Well, gonna spare you all the Doom & Gloom/Heartbreak of Bud rot stuff! SUCKS, is all I can say! Gotta be right up there w/Mites!

Meanwhile, the big storm seems to have rolled through and we’ve had 2 days of break in the weather now…downside is forecast is still calling for 10 more days of thunderstorms!



Even with the Sun blazing today we had a 91% humidity level to deal with, so spent a lot of time cutting out budrot and taking down whole plants :sob: 2 weeks from their planned harvest time.

A couple of the clearcuts drip-drying;

But all’s not lost (yet!).

The clear-cutting has left some room for newbies, so despite the gloomy weather, I’ve popped some more OG’er stocks. Couple shots of some of @JohnnyPotseed 's seedlingss. These Blue Tara’s all went in the same soil mix but one has fantastic branching structure and the other’s a bean pole! The bean pole seems to have really intense purple stems (doesn’t show that well in the photo)…I’d think I had a bad nutrient composition if it wasn’t the exact same mix in all of them.

A couple more JPS’s Franken Bubbles;

Some Bloody Monsters;

A couple of Cherry Punch courtesy of @ciganomarola

And finally some of the @Maddawg gals;

And a group shot;

Weatherman be damned… The Show MUST go ON if it’s gonna OGTW!


Oh God! I think I’m gonna get in real trouble now! After all this time being an ‘outdoor’ grower, tonight’s arrival of a new grow tent for drying is like likely to tempt me beyond my limits! :rofl:
Seeing what beauties all you guys on OG have been posting, it’d be hard not to give it a try! (Not to mention the recent monsoon weather!).

Put it up, loaded the new Hafele dehumidifier in, switched it on and away we go! Dropped the level from 98% down to 62% in a little over 2 minutes! Guess it’s probably supposed to work for a bedroom or office sized space! Never the less, it’s loaded up w/ everything I’ve had to cut in the last days and working like a charm!

Grow on!


You know that once your herb is dry, your gonna want to crank a nice LED in there and grow some sweet colas.:grin::peace_symbol:


You and I BOTH know it! More fk’n equipment buys! :rofl: I’m also considering moving my whole start rack inside…and a couple males!

How 'bout those cloud photos?


Damn!!! :japanese_ogre:

Well, first lesson learned; No matter how prepared you ‘think’ you are for failure at the start of an experiment…you’re NOT!

Just devastated…this mornings culls

The bud in the second to last photo was looking fine at 9 am…photo is at noon! If I had any brains I’d probably cut everything else that’s in flower and try to cram it all into the tent today.


Hoping I can come back and delete this message later on, but right now this is just crushing.


I find myself unable to like the above post.:point_up:
Unkind @Tlander . If you close the ends of one of your hoop houses, could you dehumidify the interior? My heart goes out to you. Botrytis sucks!:unamused:


Hey, it’s a learning experience…you grew some beautiful plants !
I’m sure you’ll time your grows to mature before the monsoon season in the future !
7 days of 100% humidity is just brutal, considering all the botrytis spores that are present in your environment.


@BudBusterPro @Budderton @Maddawg Thanks guys, 24 hours and it looks like the sky’s not falling after all! Have to be honest - Lots of the big, thick buds are gonna be compost…but there’s still gonna be a shitload of small ones that are fine for Xmas presents this year!

Well, second lesson learned…“When Life gives you lemons, make Ceviche!” :rofl:

Room for improvement but, not too bad for my first three attempts! Most of my staff are from the region that made the originals, though they’re all too young to have experienced that. Hoping there’s some recessive genetic memory that can be coaxed back out of them! :pray:

Wondering if it might be worthwhile to try to ‘ferment’ a few?



Well, as if budrot wasn’t enough bad news…this just in:

“A new announcement categorizing flowers or buds of the cannabis plant as “controlled herbs” is a temporary measure to curb the proliferation of recreational cannabis use while the deliberation of the bill…”


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Holy Shit !!!
That’s smart… let everyone whom wants grow and then prohibit it…I’m guessing that may be tough to do !!! A great way to encourage a bunch of guerilla growers though…

Sorry to heart that Shawn…


Lesson for those living in countries that have yet to legalize: keep it on the down low no matter what the government does until you can vape cannabis in the supermarket. :upside_down_face:


There’s a saying among foreigners here (and probably Thai’s too); “TITS” - This Is Thailand Stupid!
Things change with or without the wind! Putting the genie back in the bottle is gonna be tough! They’d have to hire a quarter of the population just to search out who’s doing what…but the threat is enough to scare people…nobody wants to be one of the ‘examples’ being made.

I DID say at the beginning of this thread (4-5 mo. ago) that I knew it was a risk trying this going into monsoon season, but that I also knew rules might change and this ‘could’ be a one-time opportunity that I didn’t want to miss! Learned a lot about living soils mixtures, LST & HST (and Bud Rot!) and won’t be out of stash for quite a while! Breaks my heart to see most of the biggest colas heading to the compost pile, but I’m getting an intensive session of learning how to Thai sticks with all the little stuff! :rofl:

And as they say, “The fat lady hasn’t sung just yet!”


But that’s gonna be the best compost you can possibly imagine for your next grow!


Yobros & Sis’s, I bought one of those fine-screened trimming tubs (first one was delivered damaged)…looks like it’s probably paid for itself in a few days! Now I gotta figure out what to do with this stuff! Ideas? Don’t have a lot of ‘free’ time for complex projects right now. Dropped a couple dry rice grains in the bottom of the storage container and that is inside the drying tent at 62% RH.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Unkind @Tlander . I can not bring myself to like that post. Well, you took a good shot at it. Hopefully after the election, you’ll get canna friendly government, with looser restrictions.
That kief you collected would be nice squashing material, if you have a rosin press. It looks a little coarse to press into hash. What size is the screen on that thing? For 140 micron and lower I use one of these…:v::canada:


This sort of thing makes me feel shame for the United States. Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Thailand and 21 states have gone legal, but the federal government is still behind the times. It’s ridiculous. More ridiculous is what’s been done to get around federal laws. For example, hemp-derived D9 is legal but D9 derived from “marijuana” is not.
Rant over.