First Time (growing legal that is)!

Yo @Budderton I think it’s on your breeding bro! But they sure do seem to have taken a liking to it over here! The challenge is gonna be to get them across the finish line without any bud rot. As long as you’re dropping by, here’s a couple more individual shots of your girls (hopefully).

LA Affie S1 - #11 & #9 x Afgani HP; For plants growing under ‘old’ frosted greenhouse film and shaded part of the day by palms, these plants are just exploding every day. I’m so focused on every little blemish right now after the bud rot wars that I often overlook the bigger picture! Today I was standing there examining things with a loop and when I stood up and just plain old ‘looked’ at them I was amazed! Thanks again brother! :pray:

Lost one (picture!) somewhere in the transfer!

Grape Dragons; I’m loving what I see in these! Fortunately, we can move these cage structures around as needed. They’re in there tight for now so that everybody has overhead coverage, but as monsoon ends we’ll move a lot out and spread what’s left. This, like last run, is not the ‘real’ thing, just another high-speed run to flower and a chance for me to become acquainted with these strains’ like’s & dislikes here in the tropics.

Needless to say…I’m having a ball over here! :rofl:



We were discussing fungus gnats, trapping mechanisms and such on OG…
Now, I gotta ask; “But, Is it Art”?


EDIT: On the picture you have to right click ‘open in a new tab’ then click the magnifying glass to appreciate how good these traps are for ID’ing pests and their levels.)


Right on @Tlander ! I hope you get some nice :female_sign:s. The flavor of the flower on those was really nice when I did them inside. Immediately fill your mouth and linger after the exhale.
And I’d say you’ve got bugs! :joy::v:


Very very interesting I will keep an eye on this and pay close attention Brotha and try to harness this knowledge


Okay, kicking things off today, who can guess what you’re looking at?
(Right click the photo to ‘open in a new tab’, then click the magnifying glass)

I had pollinated a few lower branches of things just to try my hand. I was doubting we’d get anything out of it once the bud-rot started kicking in, but miracles do happen! Thanks @Maddawg & @ciganomarola ! :pray: Collected a handful of pollen strains as well so it looks like the short season is gonna be a busy time for seed making!

And another look at the little 2 month old ‘Franken Bubble’ Monster! @JohnnyPotseed :pray:

The top shot is the fermentation layer inside a garbage can filled with EM, water, about 25 lbs of Star Fruit and seaweed. Pretty cool patterning designed by the fungi I’m guessing? The upper right side of the can faces the Sun most of the day, wondering if that has something to do with the radiating pattern?

It’s dried up a bit the last 4-5 days but the seas are still pretty rough, the Thai Navy lost a frigate the other night about 20 kilometers off shore and late at night and last I heard they were still searching for 30+ sailors. :pray: :thailand: :pray:

Okay, hope you’re all having a good week! Thanks for dropping by!


That’s old-school right there. Very nice.

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Well, now I know how Noah felt after the storm! First full day (so far) that feels like monsoon season may be ending! Yohooo! Roll up those sails…but don’t stow them just yet!

And a couple more transplanted…

@Budderton 's ‘White Apricot Sherbet’ coming along nicely

Gave everybody a top dressing & a good soak. Amazing what a day of sunshine can do for the plants! That’s it for today! Starting off the weekend for you all from over here…don’t worry it’ll be there in no time!


That’s a beautiful sight @Tlander ! Hopefully your done with the wet weather this year. :crossed_fingers::canada:


Looking good there brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Well, Merry Xmas to all you OG’ers Hope Santa brought you whatever you wanted! When he swung by here I had to offer him a joint and tell him I was already good with his last year’s present of turning me on to OG! Best present I think I’ve ever gotten!

Tried to get him to loan me a couple elves to help with the seeds, but he said they’d be useless …seems that a couple of 'em got on @DougDawson 's call list last year and well, you know how that goes! :rofl:

Oh well, it’s a Sunday and I only seeded a few lower branches!

Hope you all have Happy Holidays! OGTW!
:call_me_hand: :thailand: :call_me_hand: :sparkles:


Merry Christmas @Tlander

Now I have to read your thread again, Lemon Pound cake sounds great, I missed out on that one a fee years ago when it made rounds on OG I think. What it’s smell/taste like?

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Yo @CADMAN Actually, this was London Pound Cake gifted by an OG’er that happened to get a hold of a seeded bud, as I understand it! To be honest, the best plant got hit by budrot and lost 2/3 of the main cola and most all of the auxiliary upper buds. I managed to get my hands on a hypoclorious acid generator and was able to ‘save’ the lower, seeded branches from melt-down for a month and was rewarded with a 100+ seeds. Still haven’t gotten around to testing it…so many things to try this time of year! :rofl: Looking forward to seeing what it can do outside of the monsoon season!



That’s terrible :confused: but I’m glad you could save something from it ,) London pound cake is better lol

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Well, turns out that 2 of the largest LA Affie #9 x Afgani HP’s are males! I’m thinking to use them to seed a couple of the girls in a few weeks, so lopped off the upper 10" of the first plant and stuck it in a cup of weak nutrient solution w/ Aloe and some Clonex. Hoping to keep it in isolation long enough to collect pollen. Doesn’t look like more than a day or two before the first flowers open.

I found some DIY-assembly Japanese shoe-boxes that, with some additional tape, look like they might fit the bill perfectly. And at $1.80 each, I’m happy! Will get on the taping tomorrow morning.

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


You’re a mad scientist, @Tlander ! Love the set up! Good luck with your pollen collecting!:v::canada:


Update, Tell Old Mother Hubbard that the cubbard in no longer bare!

Everything’s sealed up on the male isolation chamber except the door now. Will tape it up when flower opening is imminent! Cutting was looking great until I set it outside the box for 5 minutes to tape it up!

Meanwhile, opened up another ferment stick to check on the condition. I’m not thrilled with the semi-moldy smell I’m getting. Left it out in the Sun for 15 minutes to dry a bit. One of these days I’m gonna have to fire a bowl/doobie and give it a try…but too much to do at the moment!

Remember all that elephant shit I dumped in the garden under the sprinklers a few months back???

And, of course, set a few more soaking! :joy:



Just sent a message to @Budderton and then realized I could have just put it here, so I hope he won’t mind, I’ll edit a bit!

Yobro, gro-reporting in!

Saw some new growth in the transplant dome today. Figured I’d visually update you on the Carl’s Shoes forms.

(CS are two in center of front row and mutant/throwback is back row - 2nd column from right side.)

Got the second greenhouse plumbed for automated drip today and gave the girls a test soak!

Chopped the top off the other male LA Affie #9 x AHP and have it in the isolation chamber with the first.

Even with their tops lopped off, the two males are hard for me to pull up, just such gorgeous plants! :clown_face:



Well, getting real close withe the LA Affie x AHP pollen and the Grape Dragon pollen

Yesterday evening;

This morning;

And @Budderton 's Corners seems to becoming the new popular place, starting to get a bit crowded! Every other pot in the outer rows is a 2-plant auto in either 7/5-gallon airpots. Once I’m sure the monsoon has passed we’ll see half of them moved out and the other half will have the roof rolled back.

Well, it’s 2023 over here already and I can tell you it looks like a great one! Hope everybody has the best year (and harvests!) of their life yet this year! Thanks for everybody hanging out here at OG, great to have family over the holidays!



Happy new year from myself and Mrs Budder! Continued success with your cannabis growing endeavors! Looks like your set for a great 2023!:grin::canada::v:


Malebox update;

