First Time (growing legal that is)!

The “malebox”! Lol! That’s awesome!:+1::+1: Are you seeing any pollen yet? Those are some handsome fellas. Do you have plans for the pollen you collect or are you just collecting it to have it for a rainy day? :v::canada:


@Budderton I don’t see any pollen that has fallen onto the acetate sheets yet, but I’ve been being very careful not to bump the boxes…even though a part of me just wants to! The humidity level looks okay, not seeing fogging of the side walls. Should have thrown a hydrometer inside before I taped it all up! Another lesson! :joy:

I don’t have any specific plans for it, but there are a bunch of females that have either just started or are just about to start flowering, so might just make seeds on some lower branches to give away/grow. I was really interested in doing this with the male Grape Dragons to make more of them, but then the two Affie’s bloomed male and I just thought I’d try a test to see if I could keep the lopped-off tops going in a cup long enough to collect pollen. You know, “For the Science” :rofl: It’s still gonna be a while until I know, but it’s looking do-able so far.

I’m also getting loads of clones, taking most of the bottom branches…to the point where my 35-site ultrasound fogger cloner has been full for weeks and I’m transplanting rooted clones out every night to make room for tomorrow’s new entrants!

I’m just a pollen chucker here, I don’t know how you ‘Pro’ guys keep it all straight? My log book in Excel now has a new data entry phrase; "The Season of Chaos has arrived" for those days where there was just too much to possibly remember! :rofl:

My 2023 is off to a great start over here! I hope everybody OG feels the same! Happy New Year bros & sisters!



Your an animal!:joy: I’m watching, jealously, from under 4 ft of snow over here! I’m far from a Pro but I’d say one of my most essential tools, when making seed, is my black sharpie and my tags. I use a calendar to keep track of my who’s, when’s and where’s and keep written notebook on my why’s.
It looks like you’ll get a bit of pollen from the Affies. Did you continue collecting on the Grape Dragon? The females from that batch where very flavourful. @BasementBeans did a great job on those.


4’!!! Holy shit, that IS a white Christmas! Yeah, well I’m FARTHER from a pro! :joy: I write every move on my tags, but updating the file in Excel is taking up too much of my life! There’s a thread on OG about an App some people were building, but I haven’t been back in 6 months!

I’ve got one Grape Dragon male that I revegged for a while. Took it out about a week ago so it’ll hopefully be ready when the girls are. And I have a top of a male GD that I put in a box like the LA Affies, but it’s further behind. The three Grape Dragon females are looking great now, can’t wait to see what they do! (Been making loads of clones from them as well as the LA Affies).

Gotta get to bed, gonna be midnite by the time I shut everything down!


Just grabbing some lunch so might as well upload a few!

The Grape Dragons are looking good! @BasementBeans @Budderton

As are the LA Affie x Afgan HP’s

Been busy putting in new driplines “OutSide!!!” again Yahooo! We got sunshine again! Plants are just lovin’ having the greenhouse coverings rolled back and their topdressings & deep soaks. GO 2023! :heart_eyes: Have a great day everybody!

By the way, had some S. California friends from 43 years ago come to visit so finally broke out the hash-stash to try it out! DAMN! That was one of the more difficult drives home from the other side of the island that I’ve made in 30 years! :scream: :rofl:



LoL! Gotta love that hash! It’s good to see the sun coming out again @Tlander .:sunny::v:


Yeah, if I was sitting at home (or could have just stayed) and didn’t have to cope with “High Season” traffic on the roads it would have been much more enjoyable! :joy:

Everybody’s happy about seeing the Sun! After months of gloom, I almost forgot how fast stuff can shoot up during the stretch. Thought I still had 2 weeks to start moving plants out from under cover…no way - can’t even bend over to check a tag without bending somebody already! We’ve fought back an aggressive flowering vine plant that was threatening to take over a few trees and creating way too much shade, moved 20-30 palms and a few hundred bromeliads, ran new irrigation lines and @Budderton 's Corners is turning into a Metropolis! :city_sunrise: :joy:



Right on @Tlander . Sounds like a shit ton of work, but I guess it’s not work, if your doing what you love! Are you still adding sublimental light or is it flower time, for the bigger plants?

All the lights are in use trying to keep the plants newly transplanted into 7 gallon airpots in veg for a while longer…but ‘somebody’ has been on a seed-soaking binge around here and they are comin’ in hot and heavy now! Means they only get about a week extra veg time (right now, but things are speeding uP!) :joy: I’m treating everything planted from Oct 1 through March as if it was auto-flowers…while also running auto-flowers :rofl: Hence all the land clearing & irrigation systems work suddenly! But yeah, it’s just a gas :fire:! Having the time of my life! :heart_eyes:

This is about as big as I can get them under the lights before it’s time to move 'em out to make room!



Doobie & a couple shots before bed…

I gotta tell @Budderton that when he finishes with ‘Cobra Lips" I’m gonna need a ‘Scorpion Stinger’! This guy was munchin’ termites under one of the tarps I moved today. Big guys look pretty fearsome, but it’s the little brown ones you don’t see that kick ass! Camera didn’t at all capture the green/blue metalic hue of his coloration.

The latest shift under the nightlights has been moved in

And their older siblings have been moved out to new grounds!

And while I missed getting in on the solo cup challenge I’ve been following along at home! Here’s my non-entry; Blue Maria auto by @JohnnyPotseed in a 4" pot!

The first of the Dark Cherry Pie autos have begun pre-flowering…cut & composted 1 male yesterday before I thought about making more auto seeds! :confounded: No problem, found another one today! I ran some low number germination tests on some Thai sativa strains to make sure they were viable. One of the cooler looking strains is the ‘KD OG Koh Tao - Purple’ (Koh = island, Tao = Turtle). Moved a couple up from solos to 7 gallon airpots. Noticed today one has already flipped and is showing first pistils.

Meanwhile, @Budderton 's Alley/Corners/Metropolis is getting more and more crowded! And the fireworks are just about to begin!

Okay, gotta hit the hay. Hope you’re having a great day!



Do you know the genetics of the Shoreline? You think its legit? I have a few seeds from Devils Harvest but hear they arent legit.

Yo @Smooth ! I can’t really say, especially this young. The seeds did come to me from an OG’er in Texas and I could try to find out…but figure I’ll wait and see what it shows me in flower. Comes down to a question/definition of what is ‘legit’… I’m not trying to breed them or anything so I’m not too concerned personally. Devil’s Harvest website is up and running but I don’t see and Shoreline data.


Id maybe like to try some if you get offspring.

1 Like


Well, I finally found a good use for some of my old truck tires! Dug out an ebb & flow table from my old “Hydro-heads” hydroponic lettuce farm days some 25 years ago! Figure it deserves to run a few more times. Top watering in this environment is an open invite to fungus gnats. Might fill the table with perlite/vermiculite mix and just set solos/1 gallons right in that? Putting it on a timer and already re-hung some lights.

Found these beauties beside my front pathway this morning! That’s one of the spots under the sprinklers where I unloaded the elephant cannonballs & cow manure a few months back.

Blue Maria, my best auto yet! …Which isn’t really saying much, if you saw the earlier ones! :rofl:

Setting up the E&F table required clearing out that space for a while, so we’ve opened up what I suppose is " @Maddawg Acres" and " @JohnnyPotseed Glen"!

And with soooo much free time on my hands! :rofl: Today I decided that @Budderton Metropolis’ population had reached beyond it’s carrying capacity and ‘somebody’ had to go!

The Clones it was! The new “Clone-Zone”;

Funny, it really doesn’t look much different! :joy:

The 2-to-a-pot auto flower Dark Cherry Pie are the row on the right and have just exploded with growth the last 2-3 days with the first few starting to show flowers. Have cut/pulled 2 males and see 3 females.

And to finish up for today, here’s a couple for the bros…
@Budderton , @Maddawg , @BigMike55 , @BasementBeans :call_me_hand: :pray: :call_me_hand:

Actually kind of pissed that this beauty with the tremendous branching form showed itself to be a male this morning…and by 5 pm she’d turned hermie throwing out top female flowers! Would love to keep him/her around but I’ve already got males in the maleboxes and as Budderton suspected, humidity is an issue! Until I can get my hands on some Tyvek I’m gonna have to just cull the males/hermies.



Looking very nice there cuz!


I have a full-on phobia about scorpions and the fact that the ones you don’t see are the worst doesn’t help. That phobia makes no sense, as I’ve dealt with far more dangerous critters in my time. That’s why they call it a phobia.


I’ve been through a couple of monsoons in Korea and South America. I grew up in the Deep South, and am accustomed to humid, rainy climates, but the monsoons were like nothing I’d ever seen before.


Everything is looking happy!
Was it an A11 that got weird on you, @Tlander ?
Have you found other weirdos, in the Affies? Do you remember if they are F1 or F2?:thinking:

@Tlander I can’t wait to see some of the strains I’ve sent you growing In your environment… you have a great climate for Cannabis…