First Time (growing legal that is)!

Just been too busy to post with the days getting shorter! :rofl: Weather hasn’t been cooperating with the exception of not needing to water. Still, provides an overcast to spray foliars and drenches in the top dressings pretty well. The girls are perking up now in about the end of the second week in flower. Scents, even with my Covid-deranged sense of smell, are starting to engulf the area. Still shocked, and very happy about the lack of insect damage! Don’t know if it’s the soap & EM foliars making them unattractive, or if I’m just getting lucky? Sure don’t miss the worries! I’ll drop a few shots, hopefully today’s. Reminder: These all got a very late start…now at 10- 11 weeks from germination.

@JohnnyPotseed JPS’s recently arrived seeds are just chompin’ at the bit to go! Blue Tara’s (@Oldjoints via JPS) had tails after 5-6 hours of soaking! Gotta love it when breeders make an effort to breed such vitality into their crosses! :pray: The Bloody Monsters (@BigMike55 via JPS) are living up to their name early! And the FrankenBubbles (JPS) are even MORE monstrous! Popped a couple of Diesel Mai Tai ( @Maddawg ) to fill out the tray. Thanks guys! :pray: (Sorry BigMike, I forgot to snap a picture of the Bloody Monsters before closing up the rack! And now notice I even fucked up the try afterwards :rofl:)



Everything is looking happy and healthy @Tlander ! I hope they finish strong for you. I am envious of your weather. This is me this morning…what a mess!:grin::peace_symbol::canada:


:confounded:h My God! Oct. 10th! It’s 10 pm and getting ‘chilly’ here, had to put on a flannel shirt - 73 degree F.! :rofl:

Sorry, didn’t mean to rub it in! Still waiting on a couple more addresses.


Twice today, I am late to the party today :wink: but I second Gavel Gif Small this :arrow_double_up:

I have a few Bloody monsters beans from @BigMike55’s going as well.

Went out today to see a grasshopper approves of the Bloody monster as well.

As you can see Tiggy :cat2: was in the garden on patrol… which worked out well

Ya… not a great picture but… I was able to locate and little leaf eater…

Was able to catch the leaf eater.
Needless to say tiggy the :cat: got a little protein this morning. :yum:

The whole :arrows_counterclockwise: of life and all :lion: :crown: Style :call_me_hand:


Hakuna Matata! :grin::peace_symbol:
That ICC #5 is a real ripper @Maddawg ! I’m on my third run with it and this time I’m putting some Biker Slush on it.:+1::+1:


Oh my goodness, I hope you can survive!:joy: You know, it’s all relative to what your use to. We had some Inuvik (Eskimo) people from way up in the Artic Circle come down for a visit one winter, and they were comfortable in tee shirt and shorts at 0 C.(32F) we thought they were nutts!:grin:


I am pretty excited about the ICC#5 beans I received from @TestOfOath.

Ok! … Really I am running a bunch of new genetics this round so I am excited about everything. It’s going to be a fun run :seedling: for sure.

As long as the weather cooperates that is…
It has snowed the last two winter here so … :cold_face: we’ll see…

Will be keeping some room saved in the indoor just in case :crossed_fingers:.

Hakuna Matata! :call_me_hand:


@Maddawg @Budderton Thanks for reminding me what I’m missing guys! :rofl:
MD - That grasshopper on the clip looks like he’s working one of those old-fashioned hand pump railway carts! :rofl: And I don’t know if we can actually believe you about “Saving some room in the indoor”!

Well, dropping some JPS’s autos in to soak. @JohnnyPotseed

This’ll be my first run of autos (Legal or otherwise!). So, besides the very obvious, I’m a newbie on autos as well as these strains…PLEASE feel free to drop in any hints you may have figured out! They’ll all go in 3.5 gallon airpots inside the monsoon hut. I’m putting them in 4" pots out of the soak and will be vigilant that the moment roots touch the pot they get dusted with my “Magic Mychors” and go straight into the airpots for the remainder of their rooted life.



Well, the autos are all tucked in their 4"ers, and a few more of the 1 gallon airpot plants got moved up to 3.5 gallons (same as the autos will grow in). Feel a bit like I’m on a hamster wheel with this rapid transplant regime, but it seems to be working! :rofl: I’ve been trying really hard to hit everything with a foliar dose of soap/EM Fruit juice/seaweed/sugars and CalMag an hour before sundown at least every other day, especially the undersides of the leaves. Everybody around me is pulling their hair out trying to deal with mites/grasshoppers/worms and mold…I’m just sticking to what’s worked so far! :rofl: Read through (most of) the BudBuster post and really wish I had it on hand…but it’s on the other side of the World! :confounded:

Meanwhile, despite the nightly (and some daily) rains, the hamster wheel seems to be hooked up to some kind of dynamo because things seem to just be powering up around here! A little over 2.5 weeks since I spotted the first female flowers starting.

I’m gonna just keep on keepin’ on (and pray the rains let up!) :pray:



Okay guys, I got a question for you! One (and only one) of the Ghost Dawg girls is showing some strange pigmentation and I’m not sure if it’s from a nutrient problem or genetics? There’s yellow pigmentation in very segmented areas of some of the water leaves. It’s often only 1-2 blades of the leaf that seem affected. I’d be really happy to hear from some of you more knowledgeable guys what you think is up. :pray:

Had an odd visitor today;

Meanwhile, things look to be moving in the right direction and we had sun all day long for a change!

@JohnnyPotseed 's autos started popping today w/10 of 30 above ground. The “Black Creams” are out in front with 8 out of 10, “Blue Maria” and “Ice Cream Morning” are just getting started.

@Budderton 's beauties have been soaking since last night and tails are appearing…with “Lemon Slush” leading the charge w/ 100% after 24 hours. The “Grape Dragon” are huge seeds and have swollen even larger! The "White Apricot Sherbet f3"s and the "Carl’s Shoes f2"s are bringing up the rear.

Okay, OGTW!


Right on @Tlander ! I’m happy to hear they’re behaving properly so far. The Grape Dragon F3 is by @BasementBeans , a great Canadian seed maker. I’ve grown a few out. They where short and stubby, with very nice scents and flavours. They are all regs, so expect some males.♂️


This little critter is so cool!

Think if it sticks around long enough, the offspring will start looking like our favorite plant’s leaflets?


Apparently, they DO eat foliage, but with such a tiny mouth it doesn’t do too much damage (unless transmitting virus). Anyway, he was lurking in the girls’ locker-room so I moved him to another part of the nursery!



Quick visual update on the fogger-cloners status…my water is still too warm from the ultrasound, but it still seems to be working. Started adding low level nuts to the water today and will likely up the intensity of the light (24/7 so far). A few of these cuttings had already declared as female, so gotta coax 'em back into veg. Put in air-stone bubblers on a small air pump just to be safe. Been using ‘locally re-packaged’ Clonex solution, so not sure if it’s even the real thing or if it’s been diluted? I have had to toss half a dozen that started to look bad, but overall it’s been pretty successful. Don’t know how the transplant to soil is gonna go, but made it this far! :rofl:




Cloner is working well.
Those cuts all look happy and healthy.

Hard to tell in the picture of the entire plant if there are more than 1 leaf with this Strange Pigmentation or what is going on.

I would say Strange Pigmentation = Variegation but would have to see the entire plant

I borrowed this pic from the interwebs :wink:

@George is really good with his Diagnosis on these things.

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Thanks @Maddawg I shouldn’t have used ‘pigmentation’ as it’s a leading statement. I deleted those pictures after I posted them, but made a screengrab…The mis-coloring’s not everywhere but definitely multiple sites. Looked closer today and think it is nutrient-caused. The yellow/green barrier is moving and I can start to see some browning tissues at the leaf edges. Odd, the way it is so clearly divided between individual leaf segments though…really haven’t been hitting them with anything other than organics…maybe tied to the pH 3.5 EM foliars? I’ll try to get a better picture tomorrow.




Another visitor;


@Maddawg Okay, I shot a couple more photos of the discoloration…and found it on 2 other plants as well. Still leaning towards it being either tied to a nutrient problem or the 3.5 pH foliars? Any input would be appreciated!



Man, OG’ers are just THE BEST! :heart_eyes:
Thanks @Budderton @Big_Yeloe !!!



Right on @Tlander , nice stash! I think those LA Ams x LS will do good over there. That Lemon Slush male was a good one. Its progeny are testing out really good. Happy growing!

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Sorry, missed this one, I’m afraid its the TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus), here you can find more info … beer3|nullxnull