First Time (growing legal that is)!

Thanks @George …I think! :rofl: I’ll keep an eye on it. Fortunately, that Ghost Dawg’s off to one edge of that grow area, unfortunately I think it’s in about a 30 gallon bag! I’m not seeing any deformity in the leaves (curling, curving) and it seems to be growing just fine, though all the other GD’s that didn’t get LST are much stockier, larger-leaved plants. I guess with it being this far along in the grow I’m gonna let it finish, unless I see it getting worse or spreading to any other plants and then the bag soil can go on some ornamentals of lesser value! I appreciate your guidance! Thanks!



awesome happy they all made it and none were smashed

Don’t need no weatherman to tell me there’s a frost comin’ :rofl:

And a couple more distant shots…

And the Tropical Christmas Tree Farm;

Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend everybody!


I am outa likes for yeahthatsign .

You are going to need a good size Cure Room for all of that!

Plus after reading all of the posts above you have a ton of plants right behind these girls.

Can’t wait to see all that Cannaporn in the future. :metal:


Snapped a couple new additions to the gang comin’ along…Thanks guys! :pray:

@ciganomarola :pray:

@Maddawg @BigMike55 @JohnnyPotseed :pray:

@JohnnyPotseed :pray:



Thank you for the shout out @Tlander can’t wait to see what you pull from these. That first specimen is looking quite interesting. Couldn’t be in better hands.

Yobro! Just want to keep you ‘in-the-loop’! Yeah, the 2 seedlings I started are looking GREAT! Thank YOU!

They moved up into about 6-7 gallon airpots this morning (from 1 gal.) Everything I have put in in the last month is likewise taking off with many already starting to declare/flower. I’m okay with that as this run has been mainly for testing strains, prepping soil mixes, etc for the coming loooong season. What was meant to be the ‘Monsoon Hut’ for all the hot gals during rainy season has been cleared out completely for a quick Auto run in 3.5 gal. airpots…and there was just enough room left to convince me to put in a whole bunch of 7 gallons for a ‘plant n’ flower photo period run!

I’ve starting spotting bud rot on the Apricots over the last 3 days and an hour ago called in my foreman & staff and explained that “The Crazy One” has made another crazy executive decision… We’re putting up a new greenhouse to save the current outdoor crop…NOW! Eating my lunch and headed off to the welder’s place! :rofl: These are the one’s we are replacing (well, that’s how they looked about 12 years ago anyway!)

And here’s what they need to cover;



I think one of the key things one can do with an outdoor grow to make it successful is to spot problems early …and then respond quickly! I was a little slow on spotting the bud rot problem!

But I am super lucky in that my foreman is a GEM! :pray: We had a brief discussion about it yesterday before lunch. I went out and bought supplies in the afternoon and we started cutting pipes before quitting for the day. (I had to leave for a 4:20pm appointment - friend’s grand opening of a new dispensary! :rofl:)


9 am this morning;

11 am this morning!

And it’s not even supposed to really start raining until 5 pm today! :rofl:


@Maddawg Did I hear a call for (Kiddie) Bud-porn? Time for a picture-fest! Here’s some of the girls over on the other side of the nursery starting to show their stuff. Mostly a mix of; Moby Dick, Apricots, Ghost Dawg, Karel Haze with a couple odds & ends thrown in. :rofl: Weird flash lighting from my phone at sunset, but I kinda like it!


And to think the oldest of these (all photo-periods) went into soaks 3 months ago today! :heart_eyes:

Found some extra room in the Auto grow space in the monsoon hut #1. Lot’s of cool OG’er gifts makin’ a run for it! Thanks guys, you know who you are! :pray:


6 edits? Who’s stoned??? :rofl:


Haa, haa, haa! More Youngbud porn!





:rofl: :thailand: :rocket: :umbrella: :rofl:

And to think I was worried about a little ‘rain’! 555! Love the comment… "Space can affect people’s lives more than we think.”!



Whoever gets hit by this has some absolute horrible luck.

Maybe carry a metal umbrella when outdoors until the coast is clear.

Beautiful thread, by the way. I dig the way you train some of your plants to grow horizontally.


@Mr.Christmas Haa, haa, haa! Was thinking maybe I should have used tin foil instead of greenhouse film! Thanks, it’s been a fun one! I purposely tried to do one grow area with ‘natural’ form, untrimmed plants and another with LST/HST form plants just to see what the ultimate difference is in the end. The LST/HST ones were meant to be able to better deal with high winds during monsoon season. The closer we get to monsoon though, the more the buds are filling out…and the more I’m dreading losing them to mold! Hint; The “next” greenhouse area is currently 'in-the-works"! :rofl:



Didn’t Robert Hunter write a line in ‘Sugar Magnolia’ about, “If the rains don’t get ya, the rockets will”? :rofl:

8 am;

3 pm;


:umbrella: :rocket: :umbrella: :rocket: :umbrella: :rocket: :pray: :rofl:


I gotta get some better emoji’s from @Maddawg !


What do they say? “It’s easier to put on a raincoat than it is to stop the rain!” And WHO are THEY? :rofl:


5:30 pm:

By 5:45pm I was blessed to hear the patter of raindrops on plastic! Phew, that’s cutting it pretty damn close! Really glad the forecast was off by 12 hours! Only 3 of the larger ones didn’t get under cover…dug out places for them but it was getting dark and moving them involves a lot of rebar & zip-tie cutting. Will try in the morning.

I’ve made a mental note that for 3 days I’ve been puffin’ on a Cherry Cola bud and in that time have gotten 97% of the outdoor plants ‘under roof’ (previously non-existent roofs!) since hearing we were due for a week of solid rain! I’d say it’s definitely NOT couch-lock weed! :rofl: HUGE :pray: to my foreman (of 25 years!)…whoever trained him up musta done a good job! :rofl:

Now, where did I put that bud??? :crazy_face:



I knew we were not seeing all the weed2 Plants you had going this round.!

Looks like you have a tropical oasis going on over there! :call_me_hand:

1 Like

Haa, haa, haa! Thanks @Maddawg ! (And you still haven’t seen it ALL!) Like @JohnnyPotseed says; It’s (at least) a three-ring circus around here! :rofl: Timing’s everything…Glad we got started early yesterday! Sun’s been up for an hour and a half…but you wouldn’t know it…It’s been raining since 5:45pm last night! 14 hours straight! Fortunately, not much wind.

Weather Radar site image;

Gotta go down and shake out the three tall girls that didn’t get under cover…but it’s not going to help much! Thinking to just wire umbrellas to their cages!



That looks awesome @Tlander ! Also looks like a shit ton of work! I’ve found through the years, with herb (or anything for that matter), you get out of it, what you put into it. And judging by how much effort you’ve put in, I’d say you stand to get alot out of it!:+1::+1: Keep your shoulder to the wheel and here’s to a bountiful harvest.:beer::peace_symbol:


Slept in and thought I might have missed @DougDawson 's Grape Giveaway! - It’s “Day 2” of the storm…Still raining…hour #39!

This was yesterday, the ‘first’ day of the storm! Glad I made a ‘back entrance’ if it’s gonna keep this up for a week! :rofl:

Took 3 of us, but managed to get the last 3 ‘Big Tall’ ones with their 2 meter tall cages in outta the rain yesterday (Sorry, no pic of them…too dark/too wet!). Went out at 11 pm last night to have a look at the girls…a few stray droplets of wind-blown water here and there, but overall I am SO glad we put in the effort(s) to roof everything over this week and that the weather gave us time!

Ordered a grow tent and a big Halefe dehumidifier for drying last night, should be here in a couple days. My house is way too open-air and the 3 ‘options’ I thought I had lined up all had sudden guest bookings this week through New Year’s! :sob: “Best laid plans” and all! :rofl: May have to switch over to raising ducks & fish!
