First Time (growing legal that is)!

No worries, I did do one spray at about 6:30 am with One & Done…unfortunately, about 4 hours later the plants were in full Sun and the results were devastating! Since then I don’t dare try it again!



Haha I just dropped more of your black domina and BOG sour strawberry this morning!!

I think your right though the ones cracking are the ones that got finished first.
Its pretty amazing that any crack that fresh… so cool

Will drop more of those tomorrow!

Happy hunting bro!!



555! Great minds think alike and all…just prepping more trays! By the way, I was just looking at some shots from last autumn and it reminds me that I ‘think’ I sent you guys a long glass tube of Black Skunk beans quite a while back…pop those too! (Check w/Shane, think I sent them to him). Keep a close eye on the BOG SS if you try 'em outdoors…real mold magnets under high humidity down here!



Pop those beans @Tlander haha love it!

yes sir I have the black skunk and will crack some of those too.

The Bogs will get a spot in the cool ac and dehumidifier! hahah can’t wait to see those big ass BOG leaves!!!
So far I just have one bog bubble getting ready for her flower time.

keep on keeping on!!



One more Saturday night! As the Dead would sing…

I bought some Psilly Chocolate bars at a dispensary last week, but gave them all away before even getting a chance to try them! Stopped in on my way past today to grab another and found this sitting on the countertop!

Okay, Bud-porn night, only fitting for a Saturday! @BobbyBudz

And on that note, I’m off to kick back! Have a great weekend everybody!


Thailand looks like a great place to live right now! It’s like Canada with nicer weather! Happy Saturday night brother TL!!


That’s a crazy looking pheno. I haven’t grown one out that did anything like that. Glad it held off for the most part for bud rot. It definitely looks plenty done.
Just getting caught back with your thread. So much you have going on it’s incredible.


Well, just leave it to me to bring out the weirdness in a plant! :crazy_face:n Just ask Budderton! :rofl: In the end, I think I’m gonna thoroughly enjoy smoking her! Thanks again!! :pray:



I have more beans packed and ready to go to the mail for you. First of next week.


Is that all hash? I wouldn’t be worth a shit for ateast a month. Haha


Hey @Tlander . Have you ever visited any buddhist temples in Thailand?

1 Like

It wasn’t until much later that I realized that I didn’t even take a close look at it. I noticed that they were 50 gram balls!

Yep, been to a few over the years @Magu



Yoguys and gals! All’s good on the home front tonight! Beans are poppin’ again, got a ton of transplanting and moving done, OH YEAH! Moved the rest of Mount Perlite here to the nursery…and a few more pipes & bug cloths! I made up mix for transplanting a lot of things today and must admit, I have probably tried maxxing out the Perlite in my otherwise Living Soil mix! :crazy_face: But I’m just loving the texture of it and can’t wait to see if this was the key to unlocking more vigorous root systems? Throwing in a couple good handfuls of the red wrigglers for good measure.

These 1 gallon airpots aren’t showing much roots out the bottoms yet, but it’s so damn hot & dry right now I’m seeing lots of things just getting overheated root systems.

So, boom! Into the 3 gallons they go!

The Screen of Green has been looking to me like it’s used up everything in that 3 gallon pot…and about a week or two ago too! :sob: Today I decided to rewire the stakes to the screen and then prep everything, say a prayer and go for it! I think, like the Peshawar that got moved up from 3 to 15 gallon bag, it’s gonna be much happier in a day or two!

Speaking of @Upstate 's Peshawar… I shot a few for my buddy to see how things look when grown over here. Some of those new 3 gallon plants (above) are the little sisters and cousins of this single female from the first go-around. She too, was stuck in a 3 gallon square pot and this week I saw the error in my ways! Popped her into this much larger bag, gave her a good deep soak and away she goes! The yellowing has just about stopped (or my staff is getting better/earlier?)

What else is going on here today? Oh, of course there’s more Powie Posers @BobbyBudz
These have just been a blast to grow! I pushed 'em hard in the short season and the plant structure shows it…probably had about 3 weeks of veg time total (from germination!). I can’t wait to see what they do in big bags rather than the 3 gallon square pots. But it was Bro-Science in action, new square pots arrived just on time with the transplanting schedule and being short season they really didn’t need much more than 3 gallons (5 would have been better!). So far I have only seen one top bud on a Powie Wowie that got hit with budrot. I caught it early with hypoclorious acid and ‘nipped it in the bud’! Now there probably needs to be more testing, but it appears that the Powie Pineapple are very susceptible to leaf damage from the One & Done spraying. I’ve worked my ass off to get the ‘bugs’ worked out with the Hypo, One & Done and the BBP.. Had a solid week of One & Done evening sprayings and the only things showing damage are the PP’s…ALL of them! Well, know I know! Fortunately, none of them are real bad, just ugly fans.

And finally, the strain I dread to have to type out the name of (But love to smoke!) (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appie) from my OG buddy @Jimdoors I found 4 seeds I had set aside and got lucky…3 females and a male! One’s knocked-uP in the maternity ward and the other two are in 3 gallon pots in the upper greenhouse. These got the same treatment as the Powies - Fast and Furious! Not much time to develop much structure, now I just have to hope they finish flowering…I definitely DON’T need to make any clones around here! :rofl:

And a parting shot from the wide-open spaces in the Upper Greenhouse…

Off to the PO & the Doc’s again tomorrow, so may not get time to post. Hope you all have a great day!



Plants are looking good @Tlander. So me and my wife agree the dp x pangi x dp appy V plant should be for Durban Venom so
(Durban x pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appy) = Durban Venom
Maybe this will be easier to write out.


Everything looks great @Tlander . That Peshawar is really coming back fast. Good luck at the Doctor. :rainbow:



Everything looking very niceeee!!

Those powies are looking mighty frosty!

Can’t wait to crack some of @BobbyBudz stuff.
Do you think it has a bit of haze in it. Im sure bobby can shed some light on that… Haha
Looks like it would do well with a short veg indoors.
We are definitely gonna give em a run.
They sound resistant as well.

All of the sativas are looking good!
The heat right now is pretty intense, and good to see all of your tropicals handling the heat.

Keep killing it!
Your garden is awesome!

Cheers bro


Here’s the genetics I used for these four strains.
Do not worry about sharing, it’s all up on my website anyway.
What I do not mention the main ingredient “Powie Wowie” can not be easily recreated.
1st take some 15-year-old Maui seeds, then obtain the GDG/PurpUrk, no longer sold by equilibrium and not coming back.

Powie Wowie:
Mom: Maui Wowie; from an old bag of seeds I had stashed away.
After several attempts at sprouting and a few unwanted males later, I had a girl,
so I whacked her in the bush with a GDG/Purple Urkle pollen bag.

Dad: Purple Urkel x Grandaddy Glue a retired strain from Equilibrium Genetics

Powie Pineapple: Powie Wowie X Pineapple Express / Alchemy. to give it a sweet fruity taste with some skunk in there (probably from the alchemy).

Powie Pink: Powie Wowie X Mountain Deux Baja Blast

Powie Poison: Powie Wowie x Then I added Durban Grapefruit



Thank you for the insight…

Id love to know what sativa make up the maui… Haha

Ive never smoked the real ons even after living in Hawaii for 8 years.
I have read that no one knows exactly what it is but definitely a sativa mix.

All of these sound amazing and they look like very nice growing plants…

super excited!!

Cheers bro!


The cracker is awesome!. I used it crack open some of the LPC F7 seeds for sprouting.
By the way, do you have any info about that strain? I couldn’t find it online.


I just remembered you might find this useful.
Disclaimer: This is still preliminary before any of the other grower’s stats have been added, but it’s the best I have for now.

Regarding the Maui Wowie mom, Blimburg seeds has a description of some generic Maui strain that I plugged in for the chart. Originally, I only saw the seeds in a baggie of dried budz so have no idea what the parents looked like. Found that baggie in the back of the freezer so wanted to grow then while they were still viable. Maybe some day I will grow one and send it in por testing.