First Time (growing legal that is)!

I wish it was 80 degrees here. We had 26 degrees and snow last night. :cold_face:


I feel you @Magu id take 80 right now


The current run of flowers are filling in nicely TL! May the botrytis bugger off! Any smell coming off that mutant DJ Short male from a “stem rub”? The leafs look very narrow, SEA like. I seem to recall reading something about weird males, in works put out by DJ years ago, but my old stoner brain can’t recall exactly what is was. It might also be the Baboon Wine x NYC Chem that I just sampled. It’s got me all scattered!
I hope you find respite in the latest batch of RSO and that it has a positive effect on your health TL! Best of luck with everything!!


Wow, I wish we could share each other’s weather a bit! This is gonna be a short one tonight!

Here’s the Mexican half of the SOG comin’ along.

And some of the young 'uns.@Upstate

About 110 g. of RSO! Should hold me for a month!

And I believe this is a Powie Pineapple starting to frost up. @BobbyBudz

Pulled another 80 dark beans from the Faux Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese @Wizdom …and saw that there must be another 100-200 still developing! Also found 20 of the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry all right on the verge of falling out of their calyx. The (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) @Jimdoors beans are developing but still a couple weeks from being ready, as are the Powie Pineapples.

@Budderton I tried a stem rub on the Blueberry today and came away with ‘nothing’! I couldn’t smell ANYTHING at all off of it! Okay, gonna try to make it an early night tonight, got carried away last night and didn’t get to bed until late/early! Thanks for droppin’ in!



Hey @Tlander . You seem to be in good spirits. :grin: Keep on keepin on brother. :rainbow:


Thanks bro! Yeah, I started in with a new doctor in Singapore today and while it’s not “confirmed”, I was told that the good news is I do NOT have a tumor in either of my shoulder lesions! I’ll take all the good news I can get! :laughing:



Great news bro!!

Very happy to hear this.

hope you are getting some benefits from the RSO, even though it makes ya foggy.

Plants are looking happy as can be like usual.
Keep doin the good work my friend!

Cheers bro!


:rofl::joy::rofl:. You are an oil eating machine, my friend. Still doing topical treatments? I’m really looking forward to seeing the effect of the Tirah x Peshawar oil, I just hope the plants can handle thailand okay. They should be pretty good but I don’t know about bomb proof or not. I think be added cannabinoids from Tirah Could really work well for you.

Fingers crossed thats the case! When do you go back? Beautiful looking plants! Look at that OST. They sure are pretty.:heart_eyes: Jo looking good too! Nice looking buds forming on the others. Nice resin.


Well, this morning is mostly gonna be the Powie Show! @BobbyBudz They just keep getting better and better! It’s been interesting to watch the form develop on these and many other strains during this ‘short’ season. Everything (except the Goji OG’s) came out short little versions of themselves. Now, in mid-march, many of the same seeds are producing much larger plants. These are gonna be a blast in loooong season!

And finally, the Screen of Green. Been getting a lot of yellowing fans lately…of course with temps in the 90’s and no rain in weeks (well, 5-10 min showers don’t count!) it probably to be expected!

Okay, time for some lunch!



Another fast download and off to bed (I hope!)…

Decided it couldn’t be put off any longer, so today got the Peshawar out of it’s 3 gallon square pot and into a much larger fabric gro bag. While I was at it, decided to do the faux Mac1 x Ashava Valely Cheese while I was at it and then saw how sad the Original Haze revegged clones looked and had to do half of them before sundown! Those O. Haze were in 1 & 2 gallon airpots and when I unscrewed them and peeled back the pot it was obvious they’d used up the LS mix weeks ago! And the soil was hot as hell from the sun cooking them…no wonder we had so many yellow fans dropping!

Prior to tpl., Peshawar from @Upstate in center-right in 3-gallon square pot

And…with room to breath and double the headroom!

‘After’ Peshawar is to the right of the white rice sacks.



That’s already 3-4x the size of the biggest one from the last round! :laughing:

Well, all that ‘extra’ space is slowly disappearing again!

The new icon for the “Victory Garden” @Jimdoors There’s 2 like this but I forgot to download one I guess!

Makin’ plans for another expedition to conquer Mt. Perlite again soon. Slowly transplanting 30-40 Foxtail Palms from half-in-ground 15" pots into giant gro-bags and then laying them out to produce some shade for all the other plants. Long over-due project but realizing that pumped up on our ganja mix and watered for a month or two, they could hold a lot of value to the right person! Just as hot and dry as can be right now though! :sweat_smile:

Well, that’s about it for today.


Have your beans arrived yet?


Sadly, no, not yet! :sob: I seem to remember quite a few pucks being on the way, but it’s been a while now. For some odd reason, Sundays always seem to be a big seed day!



That is looking like the girls I know! I cannot wait until you try them.
Been so slammed with work, but I received an envelope with the coolest seed cracker and another thing I have yet to figure out. :slight_smile:

My three Thai girls are doing super. Slower developing, but worth the wait I’m sure.
One went male so he is sitting in the backyard with the other males while I figure which ones will provide a donation to the freezer,
and which will be chopped. Pictures to follow. I’m so behind.


I received a birthday card with Aruna and chile seeds. I can’t wait to grow them all. :slight_smile:
I needed a more permanent set of plants for the indoor greenhouse, for my mantids.
Cannabis is always on rotation.

I started re-populating my Ghost Mantis population and now have little babies and teens everywhere.
pics to come. No pests.


Oh cool! Glad the cracker made it! The other one is a ‘bender’ that I found the 3d program file for. It’s fully adjustable to any angle you want. I found a small patch of budrot on the top of one of the Powie Wowie’s today. Think it’s probably due to my spraying One & Done at sunset. I hate to wet the plants before dark, but it seems that I get bad leaf damage if they get hit by sunlight (or light). With 12 hours of darkness, we don’t seem to have as much of a problem. And the chili’s…Somebody asked me for the seeds last year and I made up a bunch of cards, but I forgot two of them in the refrigerator! Figured I might as well send 'em along! Cool on the mantis front - I have had more mantis in the last 2 years than I have even seen here in the last 30 here!



Great thread. I had to scroll through the whole thing. Awesome bud and much more. The variety of strains is mind blowing. I’m anxious to see that O Haze finish.


Another weekend rolls around! We’re catching up with the palm tree transplants, well… let’s say we are ‘making progress’, but there are a lot to go still! I’d been concerned about the poor germination I’ve been getting lately, then I looked at the E&F tables and realized we’ve got 50+ 1 gallon’ers in need of transplanting! And, I put in a dozen more testers of the Faux Mac1 x AVC to soak last night and by this morning it looked like I’ve got 6 tails!

Peshawar looking much happier in her new big bag!

The O. Haze might make a come-back now that they have new soil and got outta those little 1 gallon airpots.

Here’s that odd DJ Short 90’s Blueberry male. One of the oddest males I’ve grown! Flowers look more like little chili peppers than ganja!




@Tlander That blueberry male looks so cool.

Everything going well down there from the looks of it.

@BobbyBudz powie crosses looking excellent and I can’t wait to get a few going in the nursery.

I got 2-5 on the faux Mac and avc, but the others may still pop up.

I will give an update if they do…

cheers bro!!


Well, I got a 50% improvement this time over the last try. The extra week drying time might have made the difference. I’d rather wait a full month, but those girls were too cool, I’m anxious for more!
There WILL be more bro, go ahead and pop 'em!



Sorry I didn’t mention it, I had an issue early on by overspraying the girls in the evening (Deep Breath" by Humbolt County’s Own) unrelated.
Deep Breath is awesome, but now I do it in the morning so it has plenty of time to dry out.
Another thing I do is hang a metal plate grow light sideways, and I lower it down beneath the canopy and it
actually dries out soggy bottoms. the heat and light scare out all those bottom feeders that like the dark as well. It’s a twofer.