Flat Earth nonsense

Ha! Ha! I couldn’t make it through the whole thing forgive me. This poor kid needs to get out more.


If Earth were truly constantly spinning Eastwards at over 1000mph, during the Red Bull stratosphere dive, Felix Baumgartner, spending 3 hours ascending over New Mexico, should have landed 2500 miles West into the Pacific Ocean but instead landed a few dozen miles East of the take-off point.

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They talk about how flat things are, but when they have to navigate there crafts, they use telemetry, which is based on orbiting satellites (round, not flat).


There are so many reasons the earth is flat it is willful ignorance to believe otherwise. :relaxed:


I think you forgot to italicize your post, lol.


EDIT, Done!


I assumed everybody would get it. Ha! Ha!


It’s late, they are investigating the Salt Flats, har har.



Also, earth-curvature has to be included when calculating long range ballistic trajectories. :rocket: :gun:


if an object in you car is not moving, but the car is traveling down the road. the non moving item is indeed moving at the same speed and trajectory as the vehicle. its the same principle with the red bull guy.
this flat earth non-sense is the dumbest shit I’ve heard of in a loooong time.


My daughter asked me if the earth was flat last night. :expressionless:

that’s not the same because the object would be at rest or connected to the vehicle. go ahead and drive in a convertible and toss something up a foot and see what happens. are you telling me the ‘vehicle’ in this analogy extends all the way through our atmosphere to space? because he went up 39,000m to the stratosphere… not to mention his own camera at 39km still didn’t capture any curvature

also, if the earth were curving at a rate of 8 inches per mile how come no single engineer ever (for roads, bridges, railroad tracks, canals etc) has ever calculated said curvature in to their plans? all of them operate as if on a flat plane

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Are you trying to excuse inertia and friction? Einstein proved all this explaining the speed of light.

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Its a running joke at my house…proving the earth is flat everyday.

Do you see how the water looks blue but the clouds are white. This proves the earth is flat!

Notice the birds not flying into the ground. The earth must be flat!

I buttered my toast and it didn’t drip off the sides. The earth is definitely flat!



well, i believe the earth is a circular disk as created by god and described in the bible but regardless of the shape of earth, NASA is definitely lying about everything they’ve ever done. there is no ISS in space and they have never been to the moon.

You can see the ISS with your own eyes with a telescope. We have a mirror on the moon we bounce a laser off of to measure the distance and do various experiments with. (We put it there) The reason you don’t factor the curvature of the earth to build roads is the surface of the earth is cratered and gouged by weather and other forces at the ground level.


what? cratered and gouged by weather? all engineers architects and builders design and operate as if on a flat plane

That is the point i am making. They have to level the roads as they go because nothing is flat to begin with. If they come to a down grade or hill they factor for it.


Some discussions simply are not worth having.

All of science indicates that globes are mother natures way of making planets.

If one decides on facts, based of faith or belief, why try to talk them down out of the tree?



why would they lie and say the world is round? what is there to gain by going to such trouble? so if its flat, then “explain” why different countries have different time zones? what makes the east coast see a sunrise three hours before the west coast? so are the other planets flat too? you can see mars in a telescope in your backyard, why is if round, yet the earth is flat? is the moon flat too?
and you can literally buy a plane ticket and fly around the earth. i guess that is a lie too.


if you toss a ball up and down in your hand while traveling down the road, then yes the ball is still going the same speed as the vehicle.
so you are saying our planet rotates, but not the atmosphere around it? atmosphere implies a sphere. maybe we should call it atmosflat