Flip to Flower or Wait?

I’d veg a little longer. If they get out of hand you can always cut a few branches. Better too big than too small.


I don’t think that’s terrible advice. Grow the plant more naturally see what it’s like on your first grow. I have a gorilla grow tent, with an HLG 135. I know it can be overwhelming at first with all the different techniques, but keep at it a few grows and you’ll find your way. I’ve also seen some people on here have better quality bud in their first grows than I have now. You should set up a journal, and ask questions as you go to those that follow along. A lot greater minds to pick on OG than mine, but I’m happy to share what I’ve found. Plants are looking healthy, you got this!


Yeah I’m just stubborn and once I have something in my head I gotta do it haha. I’m keeping a grow log of what I do everyday. Things are looking good so far.

Also thanks man I appreciate the support!

I know nothing about flipping plants,since I run all my plants on 12/12 lighting

So what you run the plants 18/6 till you have enough stretch and then throw it on 12/12

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You flip to 12/12 when you wanna start flowering with photos.

Yeah I go grow both but I still run everything at 12/12 photos autos same tent,kinda let my plants do their own thing,plants still stretch on 12/12 lighting but most people do as you do the 18/6-12/12. Think it all boils down to genetics if you have good seeds they will grow,shitty seeds small plants fluffy buds


Plants usually double in size in flower so that will give you a good guideline. Some even triple or more… just depends on the strain. Do some research on yours. This will help a lot.

Definitely spend a little more time training and evening the canopy. What I mean by this is training the branches to be on an even level like you see in scrog yes. I’d also do some trimming of the lowers that won’t get any light about 3-7 days before you flip to flower personally. When they bounce back you should be good to start flowering.

This will give you more yield. Canopy management is the most important thing. You can obtain a scrog like effect with bamboo sticks also.