Flipped exactly 34 days ago

I’m only playing with you mate. Don’t take me seriously :sunglasses:

I find that if my yield isn’t up to snuff it’s more than likely because I’m growing indicas and I’ve misjudged appropriate veg time.

But agreed some very interesting plants yield poorly.


I wasn’t. I love good fun

Top man. Welcome to OG brother :green_heart:

I lollipop the crap out of everything I grow. Ylthe light can only reach so far into the canopy. Find that line and cut that garbage off. Cut off flimsy limbs with 1 ot 2 nodes remove middle growth and all that extra energy will yield you some fat bud


Those pics above are some serious canopys!!! Hats off to you!

I haven’t focused much on training or big colas last two runs… just letting them run they’re course.

Time for me to get busy though- that looks crazy !

Ever any humidity problems with big buds like those?

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@Purple-N-Hairy has a great log on exactly the kind of quality you can expect from Seed Junkie, iirc…


I have grown three packs of Seed Junky seeds that a friend had me hunt. They all hermed like crazy and we had no keepers. I don’t consider them to be good quality at all… just the results of a modern hype weed pollen chucker

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