flowering w/ 24 hours of light.

I’m digging your drain to waste idea there on hempy…any issues?

If your running LEDs I found that the digital timers sometimes let a small amount of current through and you will end up with the smallest amount of light still being emited after lights out. You can put an incandescent night light on the same circuit to fix this, it acts like a resistor, turning that electricity into heat, stopping the LEDs from having that twilight effect. The night light doesn’t receive enough electricity to generate light btw.


I had a reservoir go sour on me after using a mycco innoculant (fish shit, I’m not a fan now), other than that nothing. Easy fix of draining it, a bleach mist and dried in the sun. You can see my bird of paradise leaves look hit from it in the background. But on this one I’ve been mixing it’s water daily so no problems. Oh, it is going through a gallon a day.

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Excellent nugget of knowledge, highly appreciated. I AM running a spider farm led, but this puppy is being delivered Wednesday. And will just use my spiderfarm smaller one for my orchids.
MARS HYDRO FC-E3000 LED Grow Light 3x3ft with 1184pcs Diodes Grow Bar Light & MeanWell Driver, UV IR Full Spectrum Grow Light Dimmable Commercial Grow Light Veg Bloom Grow Lamps Detachable 2.7 umol/J https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Q35VJQL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_YCF24JEDSMA8AFP08J2F


The mars hydro I haven’t had an issue with, I have 2 ts1000 running. I switched over to wifi smart outlets myself.

I already have so many Alexa ran things in the house l, that really should be my next project.

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I have my house, my grow tent, and my mycology tent at my friend’s house all controlled by my phone

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Theres a flow of moisture up and down the stalks during day / night cycles. They respire and can lose moisture from their leaves during daytime, and I believe night gives em a little recharge. Even minimal like 4-6 hours.

Have a mexican sunflower in the garden right now, bent over, stem was badly cracked, and even seperated, most figure unfixable. I popsicle stick / electrical taped it, and the plant is still alive 2 months later. But it REALLY shows the moisture flow, as its the only one to severely droop by mid- late afternoon where the non broken ones dont ever droop. By next morning though its perky and looking good as new, no watering or anything, just night…

plus, as others have said, there’s a point where growth and yield will plateau, so why pay for more electric than I need to?

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The smart plugs controlled by Alexa do work amazing unless your wifi goes down, I use them for my lights and they do a great job.

same for a home advisor run system. that wifi is critical to link it all. How often does your wifi go down though?

Biggest issue I have had is ESP32 stuff doesn’t play with 5G, gotta have a 2.4G network setup… Mine is both, and then I set it up using the 5G, and it f’s up the ESP32 till I reprogram with the proper network…


Got through my last couple grows using that system with no issues. Even if Wifi goes down it tends to auto connect back. It does give a point of failure to be aware of thought.


point of failure, LOL… true for most, not here… I am such a tinkerer there’s spare stuff all over.

the Pi getting hung up caused issues at first, once I set a chron job to reboot it daily, no issues… Thats the brain, and when the brain aint sending signals, the nervous system is useless…

Still wouldn’t go back to mechanical timers / controls :smiley:

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LOL, I am a big electronics guy and am in IT by profession so I know there is no such thing as a guarantee a system won’t go down. Cool you set it to reboot daily, that should save on issues for sure.

lol I been build pc’s and networks since the days of the XT. :smiley:

If it can fail, it will… electronics make it 100x more possible. lol

The chron job was needed, logging the data from sensors would just bog down the pi, lose memory and hang when the system kept logging for days on end. A little google search, an idea, and a chron reboot. problem solved… just waiting to find the next problem

But back to the thread at hand. lol. tsk tsk tsk…

I bought the exact same one from Amazon (though I bought a pair so I’d have a spare). I set it up last week to run an air pump, and that’s when I realized it had only 8 on/off cycles. My others have up to 24, but I blame myself for not paying attention. I was looking for more on/off cycles - but I waited too long to use it, so I can’t return it and decided to just put it into use.

After setting it up, I put it in the flowering room and assumed it would do as it was told. It did not. I checked a couple of times when it should have been on the “on” cycle, and it wasn’t on. So I ended up doing a reset and reprogramming, and it started to work normally after that.

Moral of the story - set it, but don’t forget it. Check it. In fact, since you’re only setting it for one on/off cycle, you may want to test it before you put it into use with your light.

Good luck!

Ahhh dang ok. Great info. Did you stick with them though or go with a better option?

I leave my clones in 24 hours until I move them into the flower room, they seam to do o.k. other than a leaf problem that happens sometimes and I have not been able to determine the source of. each of these are the first clones after being in 24/0 light then, 13/11 I believe.


this was last week, this week they keep breaking over the stalks.

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I had another digital timer that wasn’t being used, so I decided to go with that one for that one air pump. Like I said, I missed my window to return it, so they’ll be used for something, eventually. I have a few grow spaces, so there’s always a need for timers!

Ahh ok, not a total loss then. I only have space for one and trying to perfect that as much as possible. For me right now, the real battle is my son not trying to get attention and trying to jump through the tent… while zipped. I about died the first time. Then he told ME never to do that again because I know better. -_- ok spider mite.