Light timer messed up after start of 12/12

My timer got messed up, started 12/12 Saturday after it was previously messed up and was left on 24h when it should have been 18/6 and inching towards 12/12
Now after 3 days of 12/12 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday), lights were on for 24h since 9am yesterday, just caught it because they were on before lights on time at 9, not sure what to do now…
If I give them 12h dark now that’ll flip flop my schedule which doesn’t work, please help


Give them darkness until you can be back on your schedule


Not sure I understand your state: you started 12/12 but, you should be on 18/6? If you should be in 18/6, then just go back to your 18/6 schedule, or wherever you should be in your “inching towards 12/12” cycle. . I would use the timers reset button to reset the unit and reprogram it fresh… my electronic timers trip out every once in a while, but resetting them before a new cycle always seemed to help. 3 days of 24 hour light will just keep them in veg mode.

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I was trying to inch down from 18/6 towards 12/12 before my intended flip day but timer was actually turned off so they went from a week of 24h to 12/12 for 3 days, now timer bugged out again and lights have been on since yesterday morning, what should have been day 4 of 12/12


You’ll be ok, just get a new timer. Digital no one of that mechanical crap. :gear:


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I have accidentally left my vegging plants in the dark for 3 days without issues, and I have had 3-day s of accidental 24-hout light in the middle of a flower cycle… those oddities never affected my grows that I noticed… not one bit. I would just return to your desired timing and let it ride.


I’ve been rocking that mechanical crap forever with nary a hiccup. :man_shrugging:


The mechanical ones are great, the only time they need to be touched is to reset the time after a power outage. The electronic ones will keep accurate time despite having an outage.


Those timers all suck lol. We’ve all had an issue with them at one point or another. Just get it back on schedule and carry on.

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Not sure whether to leave the lights on for the day now till they’d normally go off at 9pm, or give the girls some dark? Is it even worth giving just a few hours dark?
I’d prefer not to flip to a schedule of lights on 9pm to 9am.
Had to water just now so they’re still on


This is my timer, built in manual timer with the power strip.
I have 2 and they’ve worked great for a year, the tabs get jammed once in a while though causing it to turn off for like 5 mins during lights on until I unjam them and get that spot to sit where the timer is off so it doesn’t effect the lights.
When I was messing with it yesterday I turned the power strip from timer function to always on so the lights weren’t blinking on and off as I was messing with the timer tabs, forgot to turn it back on timer mode :man_facepalming:

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If you’re heading towards flower, go with extra dark

If you’re trying to go back and maintain veg, go with extra light.

To catch up to the intended schedule.

This is what I’ve done when I had mechanical or digital timer issues or operator error.

I think what you’ve accidentally done is basically the same method some people use to sex plants early if I’m understanding correctly.


Yah they were 3-4 days into flower, works better schedule wise to leave the lights off 23h till 9 am tomorrow and back to a 9am-9pm lights on schedule
2 screwups in light schedule with these plants in the past week and a half, sheesh :man_facepalming:

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And the 12/12 was no accident, had them ready for flower and they should have been getting less and less light for a week leading to flip, but they got the opposite with a week of 24h before a harsh jump to 12/12 :joy:

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Been there done that… :roll_eyes:

I think I need a checklist on a clipboard hanging on the tent. I’ve even set timers on my phone as reminders to go back and check…
I’ve got a small box of electronic timers I don’t use anymore as they proved to be more problematic than mechanicals.
That said, I have repaired two mechanicals that had issues (micro-switches inside the units)



Ooohhh…yeah I see where you’re coming from now :grimacing:

Plants take a few light cycles to develop auxins. What do they look like currently?

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Seriously, good idea!
I’ll put sticky notes on the tent sometimes to remind me of some stuff, just totally spaced yesterday because I was rushing out the door

I got a digital timer in with a used tent I bought a while back, it looks so overly complicated with so many settings and functions I just put it aside as a backup in case I ever need an extra and don’t want to buy a new manual one haha

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Thanks everyone for the replies, I had a horrible night sleep lastnight, and realized the lights never went off before even getting out of bed because I saw the temp was steady 80 since yesterday…
I flew out of bed half awake and made this post in a panic trying to figure out what to do :joy::man_facepalming:


Fwiw gradually decreasing the light hrs increases weight overall but it also increases the flowering time.

In some situations where stretch might be a problem less hrs can be helpful.


I was just trying to inch down from 18/6 to 12/12 to not have such an abrupt flip, first time I was trying it and I utterly screwed it up and did the opposite with no apparent ill effects lol