Light timer issues

Anyone else’s light timer shift start/stop time overtime? Mine are turning on and off like 5 minutes earlier each day. Been adjusting at the end of each week but it’s annoying.


Your timer must be out of whack. I have mine on the hard wired dial timers and they seem to do well except if you don’t tighten the screws enough on the start or stop triggers. Have had that happen when I have made adjustments.


It’s just a cheap Walmart timer so I’m not to surprised. Don’t think it should effect my plants to much as long as the lights are on for the same # of hours.


No shouldn’t. I have to adjust mine spring and fall for the time change so my simple brain keeps it straight but unless it’s messing with when you want to go inside just let it ride and adjust as necessary.

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I always had problems with the digital ones. I ordered a smart plug to see how they work. You can control it and check it on an app.


Run both of my tents off of smart plugs. Kinda satisfying to see the lights are turning on and off when I’m not around. No problems for 2 years so far. Also a good way to track my energy consumption, have the fans on em too, to watch power draw.


Sounds like the oscillator circuit is off.

Another reason for the older analog technology. :+1:



Do you have one of those electronic ones?

Nah, just a really basic one like this


I’m using 5 Walmart analog timers. The only problem I’ve had was bumping it, and changed the timing to 12/4/2/6 for 3 days lol.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve done the same thing

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I used to have this same issue over the long haul with analog timmers, so I went and got;

I’ve NEVER had a problem since… If mine ever broke, I’d buy 2 more in a heartbeat.

I use my phone to control the schedule.


i have digitals (century) and those 15 mins interval mechanical timers, the mech timers always do, I have about a half dozen of each and all the mech timers do it, one of the digital ones does as well

I had those timers come with some HPS lights I bought one was faulty straight out of the box, could not set it to timer, Dame thing was permanently on, took nearly 3 weeks to find out, when all my flowering plants started re vegging.

I fixed it with an axe :angry: and got a digital one off amazon.


Yep …way forward smart plugs …cheap as chips on amazon

I like my digital ones too. I only use 300w of LED though so it’s not like I’m pushing them hard.

Canadian tire I think?

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Mines just functioning as a trigger switch for the light controller, so I doubt it’s drawing enough power to fuck it up. But I was going through my closet today and found a 2 pack of light timers that I never opened and had completely forgotten about. So problem solved.