Floyds tent village

I find it easier to deal with long flowering plants, when you have just finished up a BIG harvest. At least you will have something to go on for the next 14-16 weeks, right?lol.

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We had a great example of that earlier bro. lol

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OH how rude… Good morning Floyd. lol

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Good morning MoBilly. Lol

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Icc packs all her weight on at the end of her flowering cycle, no clue at all what that’d be outside brother but I’d assume another 2-4 weeks with Croptober coming up like it is


But do they appear on target right now, tho. I’m really not getting much smell from her either. Now that could be because she’s is like 3 feet away from a very loud Cinderella 99.


I guess so, they’re more pine tree shaped dense smaller bugs in my experience, they don’t stack giant colas like some other strains but make up for it in quantity and density of nugs. Would be interested to see final dry weights vs c99 for sure


That is downright beautiful! The village is looking wonderful, OG!


Thanks very much. Glad you like it. :smiley:

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You’re up late.

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Nooooo… not me. Early to bed, early to rise. I usually get up between 4am and 5am.
Drinking my second large coffee, will be walking the dogs when it gets light.

Edit: You must mean last night when I got up and let the dogs out. I think I checked into OG for minute or two while I was waiting on them. Lol


I got on while having my morning coffee. I don’t normally. Then out to get something done before the heat sets in. Their calling for 95 in the shade today. I just got back in. Critters don’t care if I want to sleep in. They want fed. lol


My dogs watch me like hawks in the morning waiting for me to get dressed for walking. Soon as they see that, they get vocal and start running around. Its comical. :laughing:


I had to put one of the young nannies in the birthing pen last night so she could get used to the confinement for the next four or five days. I unlatched the gate and the blasted girl wanted out of that pen so bad she hit the gate hard enough to knock me back about three feet. It caught me on the knee. I’ve never had goat stir fry before but the thought is on my mind at the moment. lol
Critters are so much fun.


I dont know if I should feel bad for you or the goat. Lol

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Feel bad for me! That was my fake knee! lol
Metal gate, metal knee, and a little skin between. I’m icing it now because it hyperextended.
:cry: Snivel snivel sniff sniff.
Dad used to say “It’s a long way from the heart and a hundred years from now you’ll never remember it”.
Dad had a way with words.


Ok. Eat that dam goat!


Been lucky, knees are in good shape. This is a hill we walk up on our way back walking the dogs. Gets my old heart going for sure.


The problem is; she’s my new milk goat. This is her first breeding. The milk she will provide for the family will make a bad knock on the knee ok ( in a little while lol).
She’ll, probably, give just under a gallon per day. Milk is crazy expensive right now. We didn’t even know that she got bred until she began bagging up last week (we keep our goats well fed up). We weren’t thinking about milking through this Winter but it couldn’t have happened at a better time with the price of milk the way it is. She’ll save us $150 bucks by the end of Winter on our food bill. It would be twice that if we weren’t sharing her milk with her baby. After it’s weaned then we’ll have all of it for a few months before we let her dry up before the next breeding.


Well, I guess she must live. Glad I dont drink milk of any kind. Never had goat meat either. Lol

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