Floyds tent village

Some GG4 chopped


Looks like little golfballs on a stick!

Very nice


Hey @BigMike55 , I just chopped the ICC#5 fems and I have to say they have some of the biggest, densest flowers compared to plant size that I have grown. That was inside though. They may not like it outside as much, it appears. They went 13 wks of 12/12.
@Floyd your plants look great, as usual.:grin::peace_symbol:


I hope I get the same results. :smiley:
Any pics?


I did take a couple clones of her and have them vegging inside.
It’s weird to me that the inside plants have leaves that are at least double the size as the outside momma. See what the buds will look like. It’s interesting to see the difference in inside bud versus outside bud.


Inside bud usually looks nicer.


…altho I can’t see how much nicer my C99 outside buds could look grown indoors. If they get to finish, I think they will be some of the nicer buds I have grown. Looks. My Island Sweet Skunk is my go to strain right now.


I still have C99 pollen in the fridge. Im thinking about making some crosses. ICC x C99 might be one.


That just MIGHT bring that 14 week ICC to a more manageable 10-12 weeks.


Thats what I was thinking. :smiley:

Here’s some hanging. One of those big sharpies for scale. These where done as testers,in two gallons with little veg time.Not long sativa bud but chunky golf balls with a grenade on top. The kind that make wiegh. The nuggs are so dense, I’m sure you could put one in a sling shot and fire it throw a window!

Sorry for the crappy phone pics. I don’t keep pics on my phone, but you can view shots of the grow on my Buddertons Tomfoolery thread, if you go back a bit.:grin::v:


Altho I have never tried either ICC or C99 that I know of. I don’t even know what to expect, except that I have heard good about both strains. I’m stoked to try it out.


Those look like what I remember in @TestOfOath pic. Nice

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Those look nice and potent. And big. Mine from outside are nothing like that. I will get a pic and post it here if @Floyd don’t mind the hijack.

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C99 can be what peeps describe as racy.

Hijack away. lol

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This is my ICC outside in a 7 gal cloth pot. I have been giving nutes and water alternate since i put her outside in May.

As opposed to C99 outside.


Quite a difference.


Yes it is. However. You say the ICC is a 14 weeker. The C99 being a quick finisher would make sense to be further along. There may be hope for the ICC. She will almost assuredly have to be brought in to finish. I don’t think there will be enuff warm left. Usually Oklahoma gets first frost around the last week in Oct or the first week in Nov. This year has been weird tho. We started out with extended winter, then there was that one afternoon of Spring and then heatwave after heatwave. So I kinda figger 2-3 more weeks outside and it will start getting into the 40s and 50 F.


Got that number from Budderton. Turns out he chopped at 13 weeks.