Fog Dog Auto Fem Giveaway Part 2 *closed*

No problem. I’m glad they worked out for you! @ChronicMcBudz I did get one letter returned to me because the address did not exist. When that happens I do not look for the person who gave me the bogus addy. (Not implying it was you bud). I just give returned mail to somebody else. It was a canadian addy I think.
It has been a while. I would love to send you something to replace what you did not recieve. If you live up north I got a strain you should like. Dm if interested.
Thanks for posting all these fog dogs guys. I this one is gonna be a good one!!


8 weeks old today!

She’s starting to show a little color, and hairs are browning up.

This is my third auto and each one is getting better, but I can’t seem to get mine as big as some of you guys in here. I can’t seem to get one passed 18-20 inches tall. Can’t wait to see one of these grown out by someone that knows what they are doing.:crazy_face::exploding_head:

Thanks again for sharing the love!! @corey


Man that’s a beauty!! Please don’t forget to post the smoke report. Thanks for posting that @OGBohab!


When did yours start stacking, I’m at like day 35ish on mine and they’re huge but just started flowering

taking up half a 4x4 tent.


Your plant looks loved and is returning that in spades.


No problem Corey but I may not be the best for a smoke report. I need a TB pretty bad right now. On the plus side if I feel something that means it’s pretty good lol! :laughing:

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Sorry but I can’t be much help there, I don’t keep notes on autos. If I recall mine started flowering at 25 days or so.


Two of my three germed so far and got put in cups today with the stem buried 1/2 way.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Good deal @G-paS. Thanks for posting!

Last night the seed of the 3rd had set at the ground level for 2 days. I did a little gentle removal of the shell.



Now, these aren’t being grown under ideal conditions. Their under Autocob’s outside the tents… just for some extra plants to get me through a shutdown

Dropped two fogdog’s, one didnt make it so the second is about 10 days later. The first wanted to stretch… lowering a cob closer really wouldn’t tighten up the node distance. The second is a good 10" shorter and a nicer structure. Unsure what day I’m on but I’ll chop when they tell me too.

The taller…

And the shorter…

These are two of a total 8 autos, 2x fog dog, 2x blue nuggetts, 2x white chem and 2x dosi Walker which I believe are @TestOfOath work. Who made these fog fogs?


That’s a good question. :stuck_out_tongue: There are two strains called Fog Dog - one is a 65-day auto fem from Atlas Seeds, available in wholesale quantities right now, a cross of Cotton Candy x Gravenstein. The other one, no one seems to have any info other than it’s a cross of Fruit of the Gods x Chemdog from IC Collective. They only sell finished products to dispensaries, not seeds as far as I can tell. Mark, who @corey got these from, says this is Fruit of the Gods x Chemdog, a 65-day auto fem that he can sell in wholesale quantities. I think one of us is confused, and one of us has conflated the two strains…


One of these 3 cups has a Fog Dog (aka: Fruit of the Gods x Chemdog).

I’m very much looking forward to seeing how this goes and will be running these plants through a new nutrient line which is the house-brand of my locally owned independent hydroponics and other gardening finery supplier :smiley:

While the seeds are from all over, the nutes, medium and organic supplements will all be made in :canada: . While I could make a Speed-pot from a locally made traditional nursery pot; I’m gonna stick with the :scotland: made air-pots.

(edit: the other 2x seeds = “Pineapple Express S1” & “Creme de la Chem S1”)


Love your updates @Pigeonman. Very nice!


Thanks @corey , I’m hoping to see more folks post their Fog Dogs in progress all up on in here! :hugs:


20 days above ground…


That’s what I’m talking aboot @4ftfarmer !


What is your starter soil mix?

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Germinated on a wet bed of EWC ala Johnnypotseed style

1:1, FoxFarm Strawberry fields: Miracle Grow Natures Care organic.

I had 30 gal of this 1:1, used 15g over summer then mixed back in with the unused portion. Add Ewc

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Anybody notice some serious spacing in between nodes on the fog dogs ?

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