Forming a Seed run Co-op Action Group

I suggest we start an “action group” in private with a bunch of people that are already doing most of the work for the co-op and start working on a proposal for a system that would cover all ins and outs of the distribution. There is too much noise in this topic. There should be all distributors and some interested seedrun growers and high profile / trusted members. Members with a systematic approach are welcomed…

We need a system in which every participant would know what are his inputs needed and what is the expected outcome. To describe every participant’s responsibilities and associated risks.

It is not impossible to do it right with proper backups in the distribution chains to minimize risk of the seeds or money getting lost. It only needs a system that will be described in written words here on the site.

In the end, all the crucial decisions should be discussed and pre-negotiated in this action group and then presented to the public as a result. There is no need to hear everyone in the membership base who has never done a seedrun and has no responsibilities in the distribution chain.

Ideas in this topic are interesting, but sometimes skipping the “problem definition” part and going right to the solution. We need to properly define the issue we want to solve and then only try to find the solution. Not the way around. I think this has ultimately started as a logistics problem, so I don’t think that moving seedruns into tl3 only section solves anything.

I don’t think the system needs to be dismantled. The good thing is that we have a lot of experience now and know what was working or not. This “action group” needs to start with defining the goals and identifying the current hurdles. What is the problem we are trying to solve? Is it logistics? The need for backups and minimizing seed / money loss?


I think the problem that people are trying to solve is redundancy and the perception that Sebring is overwhelmed. As the site continues to grow, there will be more TL3’s and more users in general, a task easily performed by one individual in their spare time will gradually get more and more intensive as the site grows, so I think adjusting the distribution chain to lighten the load on some distributors may be warranted. @DougDawson seems to have Canada under control, and the other regions are still small in comparison to Sebrings territory.

I have to say, I like @GrowTheAtlas 's idea of further dividing the US into 4 zones based on time zone. That would lighten the load and distribute the work a little. Still need a Hub though, and that still puts it as a centralized system where the weak link stops all forward motion. Unless seed runners sent to each distributor, which, again, adds a cost to them, in addition to separating and mailing multiple packages instead of just one. But I think the time zone breakdown has merit and should be explored, if anything, to lighten the load on Sebring…

And how can we do this with the least amount of money changing hands. i.e. materials that need to be paid for, can they be bought by one trusted individual, and sent to each who needs, like I sent the coin flips to mike? Could order straight from amazon or something, and ship direct. De-centralizing is great, but it brings its own hurdles when you want to keep finances out of it as much as possible as the two become mutually exclusive (the more you have involved in the project, the more resources that need to go around).

I don’t think money / seed loss is at the top of the list, unless people are concerned about the past repeating itself. As a recipient, its lower on my list, but if I did a seed run, yeah, seed loss would be pretty high because one person stealing the work intended for the masses wouldn’t sit well with me. (and that is in no way intended to mean anything current is being stolen, but rather learning from past issues, I have full faith that Sebring is an honest dude, but just not in a good place mentally at the moment.) But as a recipient, I would have to say I’d have no grounds to argue anything. The money is minimal, the seeds, while desireable, are just an accessory to the site, I find the real value here in the information and camaradarie, with seeds being a bonus. But I understand peoples frustrations, and don’t at the same time. Many haven’t paid and are out nothing other than the few seconds they spent adding their name to a wiki. Its not like bills were sent out and everybody paid up. Some have paid and received, some might have paid and still be waiting but I bet the majority haven’t even figured out what they owe yet. The seed runners though, having sent seeds and no word on them, that needs addressing. That is a considerable investment thats been donated, and while a hundred orders might be overwhelming to look at, sending a dozen confirmation messages that seeds have been received from the runners, or messages to the other distributors on whats been sent, should be an absolute requirement. I feel you owe it to the person making the seeds to let them know they arrived safe and sound. And its a good idea to be in communication with the rest of the distribution team so everybody is on the same page about what is where and being sent when (transparency is key here, doesn’t have to be public, but the distribution team should always be on the same page really)…

Any good system has backups and contingency plans. I think thats really the only thing we need to work on…


With what your saying isn’t true!
I’m a Tl2! I’ve been working on a seed run!
Should I quit NOW! ?
I’ve been here almost a year.
No, I don’t do threads! I’ve run into a few not so kind!
What a bunch of … you fill in the blank! @ifish


I agree with Bobbi.

Personally, I don’t think anything needs ‘fixed’. Not until we hear from Sebring. And hear what he wants to do and if he feels any changes are warranted. Remember, this is Sebring’s gig. And he’s good at it. I do realize it’s been a while since we hear from him, but I feel we should back off a bit. And quit trying to make plans for him. If he wants changes, allow him to say so. He has already stated a need for an apprentice.
That’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.


I’m starting a private “Seed run Co-op Action Group” (Invite only). The core of it will be the current distributors. Let us know in this topic you want to become a distributor or contribute in other way or participate on the organization.


@LemonadeJoe I know I’m fairly new in here but I’d be willing to help where and if it’s needed.


My concern is for the man’s health and not yours or my seeds or “it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”

I see this as Sebring stepped in and filled a hole to keep the seed runs going, when MoTR disappeared and was keeping us afloat, but that he can no longer fill the role and juggle the website and new gf and mother. Web sites require a good deal of time for maintenance especially if you are handling credit cards and address info. Got out of it when I was looking at lxadmin and the crap they wouldn’t/didn’ update.

If we have 4 distributors in the US if one disappears 3/4 of the users still get seeds.

Agree with DougDawson on the border crossings. Seeds should go to the local/regional distributor at the least instead of to Sebring or a hub to ship back.

I have not yet ever completed a seed run. But have some right now that need to be tested to make sure they are still stable due to some issues, otherwise they would be being packaged now.

Need to trace the route from seed harvest to the recipient and list current tasks. Then look at current work load and redistribute. If included in the action group, this is where I would start. Once everyone is mostly in agreement, we could propose the new US arrangements.


I would be willing to help in any way that others think appropriate. Haven’t really done a on site seed run but have given away several strains that I created/reproduced.


I’m definitely willing to throw my hat in the ring for any help that is needed in any way. I am in :canada: But have time on my hands and a drive to get beans into others hands and healing people via this wonderful God given plant.


@LemonadeJoe - i’d be happy to take on part of the US for distribution or be a backup/assistant to someone else taking on that role.


That link you keep posting doesn’t seam to be working


@CornbreadJunior, Sebring is looking for a couple of helpers to apprentice under his leadership. Honestly, this is the best solution. If you’re in a legal state, you should start there.

@Kushking902, that’s because it’s for a PM thread. You know how that works - you can access it if you’re invited.


Ohh. I should pay more attention lol. Not really much point of posting a link to a pm


Alright I have recently started to make sure that I get more involved with the logistics and what it takes to keep things moving forward so I am I’m very much thinking about what @Nagel420 said about breaking up the :us: by region and not necessarily by time zone but great idea…also I’ve been thinking about all that I have benefited from joining OG and can’t wait to try and help out in any way possible so after @Sebring gets his thoughts and what he’s needing help with the most is the best way I can think of but willing and able to help with whatever THANKS OGERS The Doc


I figure Joe posted the link to the PM to show folks that there is stuff going on in the background. The group at present consists of those who are directly involved as they are the ones actually doing the job. This thread is for others so they have a space to give their opinions as well as raise their hand if they wanted to help.


Not at all, you are a valued member and I think that Joe might have just missed a word there. He said “I think this has ultimately started as a logistics problem, so I think that discussing moving seedruns into tl3 solves anything.” I am pretty sure what he meant to say is I think this has ultimately started as a logistics problem, so I don’t think that discussing moving seedruns into tl3 solves anything. At least that’s the way I read it in my mind.


Sorry for confusion, I missed a word or two…

I think this has ultimately started as a logistics problem, so I don’t think that moving seedruns into tl3+ only section solves anything.


Willing to help in some way

I feel if we can supply flips washers , envelopes ect or anything to off set costs would be a help !


So I am willing to help in some way if needed.


I also am willing to help in the organization/ procuring of materials needed to go forward.

Edit: I’m only TL2 and relatively new here but I’m willing to help in any way possible.