Sebring's Perpetual No-till Living Organics

What is Sebrings site? I want to donate my share for the seeds. I thought I had it bookmarked

2 Likes is his site


Sorry to hear that, brother. I’ve been dealing with that shit for thirty years, and without a doubt the first few years were the worst.

I hope the meds work well for you. If they don’t, try a different one. Some of them didn’t work for me, and some made things worse, but there is very likely one out there that will work for you.

I’ve got enough years under my belt to have come up with coping strategies that work for me, and can usually keep it down enough that it doesn’t impact my life too much, so I feel I can confidently say that it gets better over time.

It was nice to catch up on the thread and see all the great stuff you’ve been doing while I was away :smiley:

Best wishes!


I had my share of panic attacks. I had ADD as a kid, but it wasn’t a medical term at that point. Then, I was in a violent accident in '81 and that really triggered the anxiety in the aftermath.

Eventually the VA put me on Citalopram, which is an anti depressant, and it did stop anxiety attacks, but it sort of changed my personality through the years. They wanted to up my dosage once I was doing better and I said hell no. So, I’m still on a low dose, 20mg and I haven’t had a panic attack for years.

I can still trigger anxiety over certain things but mostly I don’t put myself in shaky situations in the first place.

Hope all is well, with our brother @Sebring. Let us know if anyone can help. I’m always open for ear bending… just saying. At 66, I have a much better knowledge of my past and I’m always here to do anything I can. peace


We all learn to live with what we must, I favor regular walks but the weather doesn’t always permit. Thinking of owning a treadmill when shut in…but it would not be the same.

Read recently of a thing called ‘cognitive behavorial therapy’

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most evidence-based psychological interventions for the treatment of several psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorder, and substance use disorder.

A thing called Finch and a CBT companion both on the google store. Perhaps any of those might be useful to someone.

And nice to see @Howard.Crane again :slight_smile:


Antidepressant stopped working about when I disappeared! I go into get a new kind in a week.
Most US recipients got mailed. Canada, Europe and Britain were shipped a few weeks ago!
Australia and South America will go out soon.
@Vertebrata I need help getting packs to SA. Is it easier to ship in country?
Oz had some reports of non-delivery for some past packages, so I need to get that sorted out before those ship.

I’m catching up, but I’m also looking for help getting stuff out. A couple proteges?!?! I don’t like knowing I could become incapacitated by depression without a couple backup allstars! True leaders leave future leaders in their wake. :wink:


Thank you for the update Sebring :pray: really good to hear from you :slightly_smiling_face:


@Sebring Good to hear from ya bud and sorry about the issues you are having over there, it is not a fun situation to be in.

I am sure there are a few people more than willing to help you out, myself included.

Let us know what ya want to do and I am sure we can help get things lined out for ya :+1: :evergreen_tree: :green_heart: :evergreen_tree: :+1:


@Sebring I’v never had problems to receive packages from you. I think it is all good about mail. And yes i can send from here to SA members, it’s gonna be fun. Sent you a PM. :slightly_smiling_face:


Glad to hear you are getting stuff sorted out Sebring. I don’t think most realize just how much depression can mess with a person. Hopefully the new Antidepressant helps you. I don’t know that I can be much help to you from up here in Canada but if you can think of any way I can help I am more than happy to. Take care of yourself and know that we are out here on your side :v:


Good to hear from you and hope things get better, I know that can be easier said than done. Just focus on you and the rest will sort itself out.


Heck yeah, health is the most important thing @Sebring, gotta take care of yourself. We are all here to help just give us a shout.


I know how you feel.
If there is any way I can help let me know.
Don’t be afraid to reach out an talk about shit if you want to ! :slightly_smiling_face:


@Sebring can you please send me a dm, need to get that tracking number from you!

I’m sorry to hear about your depression, and wish you all the strength to overcome it :pray::v:!

Like many here said, you have a lot of people that got your back in anyway needed


Glad to hear from ya, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one worried about a fellow og.


Get well Sebring… your a good dude and will be in our thoughts here.


Wishing you the best brother ! I’ve been dealing with serious depression the last 6 years and for the last year the wife has been striken with anxiety (to the point where she quit smoking weed completely 8+mo.) We do enjoy CBD isolate in peppermint tea nightly,I adjust hers depending on her mood as far as dosages go
Love and Respect brother ! From both of us !and our little family !


I hope for you that this too shall pass and with the help of clinicians and the medical community and the incredible progress with medications we are very hopeful. I have supported a loved one thru the travails and travels from home to hospital to back and going nicely now for a long little while. All the positive vibes and love from this OG Community is great for you


I hope you fired them. :sunglasses:

Glad you let us know you’re ok.




I am a huge rock guy :joy:. I used to put all sorts of rocks on my top soil. I even invested in some orgonite if you know what that is. Never had a pest problem, I can say that.

It was invented by a nazi scientist I believe and he conducted tests and concluded it killed cancer cells. It has all sorts of positive uses. But I know there’s a lot of people who dismiss this type of hoopla. But either way … if you believe in the power of the mind and it’s effects on surroundings I don’t see why you wouldn’t add things like this to your garden.

Just my 2 cents

Edit: I’d recommend searching through Etsy for orgonite personally. Some of these sites orgonite is overpriced. Plus you can find something more “plant specific” there.

This was interesting also… take from it what you will.