Freakin' With The Freaker's Ball Seed Collective

I’ve heard about them, but unfortunately, I haven’t been to the production sites yet. So, the name depends on who sells … The most complicated is the illegality, because of this stupidity we are losing our genetics.
In my diary, Agroecological guerrilla, in search of the True Brazilian Sativa, you can see that most of the plants are hybrid, but most of the seeds are from the regions of origin of the Manga Rosa and cabeça de nego, state of Bahia. Next to the famous polygon of marijuana, in the States of Pernambuco and Bahia, where fiber was produced in the past.
In my first plantings, the grass that came from Paraguay was a landrace, until a farmer went on vacation in Holland. I was not aware at the time of the value of seeds, today I am hunting.
I would love to germinate these seeds at home😃