Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 1 (Closed)

I just made a trade earlier last week for 10 “R.K.S.” seeds… Your guess is as good as mine, on that question your going to ask. My question is how should we go about this?


I cant get right on it, in a month or 2 I could , up to you man, Ive got a plate full, i could squeez’em in some where , maybe even outside.plenty room there.

Man , I dont wanna hear it. Wont you be my nieghbor. In my nieghborhood they still give you the rope for a joint.:100:


Unfortunately I have bb muffin and sour d x bubba going right now. Short and rainy season here. I’ll be rocking in a couple months tho lol


If you had mad grafting skills you could get 25 varieties from 5 plants


I could do some of the Black will cross and others if you have some to spare


I would love to give some of them a try next run and keep you updated on the grow, for sure :v:t4:

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The Empire can eat my shorts. Plant limits. Is this an upside down world we find ourselves in?? I own my land, except that I don’t. If I don’t pay 6000 in taxes every year, the government takes it. I went to Afghanistan for freedom, except I’m not free. Now to take my pain away I found a beautiful plant, it helps me and heals me, except it’s illegal. I could be put in jail. For what? Flowers :cherry_blossom:

Rant over!


I’m waiting on the Humbolt SK1 cut to get here then I’m dropping


Thanks for your service bro.

Stuff is sure messed up. It is getting better though.


ISO GG#4 JW cut. I have several different cuts to trade. TIA

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I would love to give them a run , but it would be a month or so before I could. I’m about a month in to bud this run

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Thank you Badger, but honestly what this community is doing for people is way more awesome than anything I’ve ever done! Can I ask how you got the name badger? I am obsessed with symbolism, and the badger has huge ties to Animistic cultures and their spirit healers. The black and white of the badger represent the shamanic journey into and the necessity of the “darkness” of the lower realms of reality, and the “light” of the upper realms. It’s interesting because you have this handle and have a symbiotic relationship with an ancient medicine plant.


I’d love to do the black willie x brutal but I’ve got 2 runs lined up after this one if I get girls. Uggggg why universe why lol every time I plan runs something like this happens. Good stuff comes up with a time frame I can’t make lol almost makes me want to go spend money on a second tent and setup, but with my 23rd annaversary in a week I better not lol


They are up for trades too, just that I shipped 40 packages give or take last month and I have to spread them around to a few POs. Wouldn’t want the boss to put a stop to my generosity for such things…I let really have hundreds in stock.
Just want to see a few get to fruition before I throw them out there for postage only.

Gonna have some fun this week between jobs setting up the CanTraption for its maiden run. I have four wild Exodus clones that are throw always normally but should veg out and fill the screen in no time.

What we have here is a vertical circular SCROG designed for full run to flower, bud sights will be affixed to each square with Orchid clips if possible before kicking to 12/12.


I don’t take your bravery nearly that lightly. Any vet deserves to be recognized and respected.

Nothing to that end is how I got my name, I assure you. Badger cannot be chosen, it has to be given, and I was given my name. There was a tie to the honey badger not giving a shit video, but I’m the American badger. I’m also a huge smart-ass, so I badger people alot (all in fun). This is mainly for people I like though. :wink:

Interesting info you posted though for sure. I do like keeping things pretty sustainable and natural as I can. I prefer to produce my own products and nutes as much as I can as well.


@Instg8ter do you have a thread going or going to start one for this vertical circle scrog awesomness!!! I’d absolutely be on board to watching every second of that! My brain can come up with thoughts of greatness like this. Putting it down on paper and building thou is the part that hangs me up… Well that’s if I even remember it 20 minutes later. Lol


Here’s my journal page, it’s will all be laid out here… Welcome to the Jungle - #246 by Instg8ter

Thanks for watching


Chatam Ontario was very similar in weather in the fall to Saginaw Michigan when i was in Chatam one fall/winter


I’m working on a 24” long by 1.5” LED pencil light with 360 degree coverage of top 2/3 of can if the test comes out halfway decent with the shop light.


I know they are on the way Corey got a great spot picked out for them

Peace and stay safe