Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 1 (Closed)

Of course the thc helps. Gotta have the synergy of it all :wink:


I am all about the synergy baby :grin:


Hey @Gpaw, I believe your wife is right about the creams , but if you use the roots the creams are more effective. :wink: :smiley:
It’s possible to infuse the roots into coconut oil.
I am almost sure that there are recipes in @ReikoX thread not just another tincture thread and @sebring has in its site some kind of cream.

I think he will like to read the topic, he is super rich in medical information, or at least he’ll give you an idea which better option, reikox, sebring and also @PSam understand a lot about medicinal creams and infusions including DSMO :grinning: :+1:


Thanks for this info guys. I’m really trying to get off of all this shit. No painkillers in over two years, even though I had an episode of trigeminal neuralgia last month that caused me to go unconscious three times in an hour. I have to submerge my head in ice water ASAP when it hits and passing out underwater would be really bad. So I have to keep a minimal amount of gabapentin in my system just in case, but 1200 mg twice a day will put a damper on your energy and brain activity. Thank God for Moms who took care of me when I was bed ridden for months and no one could come up with a diagnosis. Family even accused me of faking my pain and an emergency room doctor tried to convince me it was psychological. I did get a significant amount of relief in my abdomen with four nerve ablations which use a radio frequency transmitted through a needle to sever the nerve as it comes out of the spine.
*I also have to add that I developed type 2 diabetes which resulted in the nerve damage during the one extended period of time that I WAS NOT smoking marijuana in 23 years. Then, the fucking diabetes basically reversed itself once I was able to start smoking and exercising again. At one point, I was so weak that I had to take breaks while shaving.


There are a few people on here with that type of knowledge for you. A friend on another forum helps lots of people with cannabis. Rick Simpson Oil-RSO(basically just extracted and boiled down canna oil) is good for lots of stuff.

I’m not real clear on your condition but another natural herb, Kratom has helped lots of people get off of pharmaceuticals. There’s a lot of info online. The one girl I know online lives in Michigan and has a lot of patients for her cannabis products. I suppose it depends on what it is.

Prayers and vibes bro. The worst thing is when big Pharma gets you on one of the Daily pills that after a while you can’t get off them without problems. The less you have to depend on them the better. peace


I have two outisse but would live a breeser that has them for an affordable price


Thank you G. Travis Barker, the drummer from Blink 182, has trigeminal neuralgia as well and talked about it with Joe Rogan. In the past, it was known to cause suicide because of the intensity of the pain. It’s a living nightmare when it happens. There’s a “whole lotta shaking going on” and I have even gone into hallucinations several times. Travis Barker developed it after that plane crash and it seemed to set in for me after a car accident where I hit my face and broke my nose. As a bonus! My face has developed Bell’s palsy twice which is paralysis of one side of the face. Once on the left for a few months and once on the right side for about 5 months. So, OG means a lot to me because I don’t want my liver destroyed by all this shit and also why I’m very thankful to members like almostdone and lefthandseeds for providing me with the genetics I need.


It sounds weird, but read about megadosing vitamin c. It was first studied by Linus Pauling, a chemist who won 2 Nobel prizes, so not some wacko hippy stuff haha. I’ve been reading about it and alot of people use it when coming off opiates and say it really helps ease the transition. Obviously do research and make sure it won’t interfere with other medications or conditions you have, but it might be something to look into.

@Wakamaka4 looks like you’re doing well so far. Soon you’ll see roots through the holes in the bottom of the cup and then you can start watering a bit more often.


Hello overgrow hows everyone doing its been a while sense iv been on here. I hate to ask but im in need of some vary strong indica seeds im cirrus about autos to never grown autos yet hopping to though i would really appreciate it if someone could help me out i miss sour diesel and gg4 i need a strong srain for pain and sleep thank you


Hey, I’m looking for some of BOG’s Lifesaver pollen. I’ve got a Deadlights CBD girl and though it may be cool to cross with for a blend.


I’M Looking for some .

we can trade, or work sumpen out


NOT looking for anything for free !!

BUT I am hoping someone might have a few Dank Sinatra beans to part with. f1 or f2 Il take whatever I can get !

My vault of stuff to trade is deep. I even have a few things that came from the same stock that Bodhi used for some of his strains. I traded with the same old school head that gave him several special old strains to work with.


I may have some F2s of Dank Sinatra, unless I gave them away already. I’ll have to look, if so, they are yours.


Looking for Columbian Gold for a project , more landrace the better, will trade for like off my list .:metal::sunglasses:


Holy Shit ! Really !??


Looking for cherry hashplant for a possible breeding project if it’s out there. Would gladly trade


I got some Maui Sunshine (Maui wowie x Sunshine daydream) from @Sebring last year. Hes very generous with his seeds- I dont think he bothers to count bc tberes usually 20 or 30 per strain, and he actually sent me a duplicate order, so id be happy to share if you’re interested.


Sebrings a straight up guy, for sure.
Very generous


Anyone hankering for a Hash Plant grow/run? If so, I’ll look through the ole stash, make a Listing and, we can go from there. Due to domestic priorities, won’t be doing a “real” grow until Fall/Winter…major reconstruction project afoot. ALL, be safe/be well.


Hey @newb2.0. I’d love to have some of those Maui Sunshine seeds if you have enough of them. Thanks for offering them man, it sounds like an awesome strain. :vulcan_salute: