Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 2 (Part 1)

Whats the purple beauty you have growing up front !
Thats a real nice purple!
Oh and that mannequin in the back left there…yeah that scared the crap out of me. I was all zoomed in looking at the cosmos and went to the left side of the pic. My brain freaked out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That’s my recycled scarecrow, I found the doll thrown in a trash can …

The purple plant in the photo is a variety of cassava that I am multiplying …

There are only non-illegal vegetables in this photo.

Edit: the management of the cosmos is the same as grass, nitrogen fertilization plus leaves …


Guys, I need guidance, I’m going to send cosmos seeds to the USA, I know the Department of Agriculture can apprehend …
Is there any easier way? Wrap in aluminum foil? Or do I follow with flips?

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Since they’re Annual Flower Seeds, I would certainly just use Coin Flips. One question, though…why send Cosmos seeds? They are readily available here, I grow them every year. If you have some that are RARE to your area, disregard comment. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Did the sleep study last night (just got home). I wasn’t able to really celebrate the holidays yesterday cause I wanted to go into a normal sleep. I smoked a little through the day but actually skipped my night time MCT oil I usually take. They put this gel shit in spots on my hair and put a ton of electrodes on my head and face, my chest and left leg. Then because I sleep on my stomach he said I had to use the full mask instead of just the nose one, said it wouldn’t stay in place on my stomach.

I had so many dreams last night it was insane. Inception dreams where I was waking up in the sleep study place to people coming in and talking to me. At one point I was walking down the street like I had escaped the place with all the wires and shit attached to me still. When they woke me up I was really confused. The sleep tech was cool and we had talked about weed last night so I said man I usually don’t dream I think cause of the weed and I took it easy yesterday. He said no it’s because you haven’t been entering REM sleep cause of the apnea and last night you were in REM like you’re supposed to be.

Blew my mind and really speaks to how shitty I’ve been sleeping for a few years now. Unfortunately they woke me up early so I can’t really say I feel great or anything, actually pretty tired at the moment. He said it’s a gradual increase everyday using the machine and in a week or two it’s like you’re caught up and feeling back to yourself. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long to get it. It’s a little awkward but the wires and stuff were way more of an issue than the mask.

The REM sleep thing is crazy to me. Definitely go do your sleep study man.


@HappyTrees23s asked to send … As I still don’t have cannabis seeds to distribute, I thought it was a good start / test to assess the risk.

If it is a rarity I do not know … But at least they are not hybrids, they are open pollinated, collected in rural areas in the interior of Brazil.


:cowboy_hat_face:sorry still could not figure it out :mask:

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Ok, not sure how else to explain it bud. You just go to the site, type the note like in the screenshot above, hit create note button and copy link to post on your thread. The screen shots I provided show the steps. No worries if you can’t figure it out man, it’s just a handy site to use is all, nothing says you have to use it. :v:


There you go attacking someone’s self esteem again! Have you no shame you monster? :rofl:


:rofl: (here are my 10 characters)


Im happy to hear you are on your way to a normal healthier life !! I also sleep on my stomach or my side.
Did they need to shave parts of your head to connect the wires ?
That was a great idea not taken anything so the test was just bass line. Im excited to hear about your future results. I have been hearing many great things once people get used to it. They can live normal lives and sleep and wake refreshed. I just woke from a 13 hour slumber and I feel more tired then I was before I passed out.

And I already have insane, crazy, vivid dreams…that kind of scares me that they may get more intense :fearful:
Like I have prophetic dreams, and altered reality dreams almost every night.

Those dreams you had made me remember a dream I had while I was in a hospital like 20 years a go.
I fell asleep on the couch in the day room, and had a dream where I woke up and woke up paralyzed on the couch. I could only move my hand so as I was on my stomache I was wiggling it behind me.
I finally felt a hand behind me and squeezed it. I didnt care who it was because I at least felt someone could help.

So anyway I was then able to stand up and when I turned around to look at the couch I saw the devil. He laughed and said your going to hell sinner, and then did this strange slither thing under the blanket I was just using apon the couch. that freaked me out so I walked away. I saw the nurse satation and decided to walk up to it. Mind you im asleep and everything looks exactly like it does when I was awake, so I thought for sure I was awake. Even the position I fell asleep in on the couch was the same.
At the nurse station was a lady. I said can you please help me. Do you have any pills I can take cause…and then she cut me off and said " …the devils in your dreams and wont let you sleep." As her voice pitched high and she had this creepy “black holed sun” grin appear on her face.
So i turned and faced the wall so I didnt have to llook at her and I was freaking out. But it felt like I sstood against that wall for a good 5 mins before I woke up.
But I think Im afraid to actually have deeper, stronger dreams. That scares me.

I hope you start feeling “normal” soon amd please keep me updated
:v: :smiley: :latin_cross: :heart:

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Yeah if they would be blooked, you dont have to send. Ill still try to stelth send you some stuff. I can probubly just order them online.
I didnt think they would be stopped and I dont want you going through all that trouble.



It would be a problem if I was sending cannabis seeds, this is still here.
If I send you another seed, they will just confiscate and incinerate.


Yeah I would feel bad if they torched your seeds. I sometimes send stuff to other countries, I haven’t had a shipment stopped yet. Knock on wood. But Ill try to figure something out here.


Thanks me too! They didn’t have to shave my head although I kind of wish I had before going cause of the goop they put on my head so the electrodes would stick. I have my hair really short at the moment which probably made it easier. I was thinking if I still had the mid back length hair I had last year how they would have done it. Probably just pull apart the hair as best they could. The goop is like sticky vaseline and it was fun trying to get it out.

Have you tried sleeping less than the 13 hours? When I was younger I could sleep forever and be fine but these days if I sleep more than 9 tops I have a headache and feel terrible (more so than usual). Specially with apnea that means you’re depriving your body of oxygen for more than half the day. Sounds counterintuitive but it’s how it is for me. I’m as good as I get on seven and a half to eight and a half hours. Any less I feel trashed drunk and am useless, any more I get into that headachey gutted head feeling and a different kind of tired.

And screw those dreams! Mine were pretty timid compared to that stuff for sure! I hope you get the apnea sorted out and hopefully after enough nights of restful sleep they mellow out. I just saw something suggesting that it can work like that. Maybe just taking the anxiety out of “how will I feel when I wake up” could help.


I try to sleep less, and when I do I definetly see a difference. But nothing wakes me. I think my ears shut off and I go into like a hibernation or something. It sounds wierds, but a few times I have woken up and then 2 seconds later ill hear my alarm blasting next to my head. Like My brain shuts off sound while im asleep. Idk.
The only other way I can wake myself is if I sleep with music or youtube on. I think it dosnt allow my brain to go to deep into sleep so my alarm will actually wake me up. Trouble is I cant sleep with anything on. So I end up watching youtube till 5am and then passing out. But at least my 8 or 9 am alarm wakes me. I kinda feel better on those days thou. Might be the reason you said.
I finally booked an appointment today ! Going in on friday to have an assessment done :smiley:
Now I hope Im awake by 11am to get there on time.


I hope you get some answers, and a good outcome


Glad to hear it! :smiley: Hope they fast track it and get you set up quickly.

I used to be a sound sleeper like that when I was younger. My dad would have to splash water on me or pick me up and drop me onto my bed repeatedly to wake me up :laughing: These days I sleep with earplugs or the slightest thing wakes me. How about if you’re shaken awake? They make alarm clocks with vibration that you put under your mattress or pillow and there’s this I just found.


The C-Pap that my wife got brought back her energy like crazy. I can’t keep up with her anyway. :slight_smile: