Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 4

I’m sure there’ll be some of the good folks on here that can point you in the right direction. Or give tips… I’ve made my own potting mix for many years and it’s not that hard, once you get a good start with it. Composting takes time. Whereas mixing up a batch with stuff you buy is faster.

edit… both have their good points, I just like making my own. Not to mention, the price is right! lol pretty much free.


I’d like to buy a comma!


I don’t have any comma or punctuation fresh out sorry spellchecker broke tooactually its the laptop keyboard is out about a 3rd of the keys dont work somits a touchscreen keyboard thing that doesnt work either but i digress heres your kamas , thats it now i wont have any for a week not that i use them anywau


My keyboard is soooo used lol the letters are only half there

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I ,got ,a few, spare, here’s, some!


ok, lunch break over, it’s back to the barn for me folks…I’ll see yas later!


major T storms right now biggest hale I’ve seen in a long time wow


You went from punctuation suggestion to full blown Goldblum-Shatner speech delivery!

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I look forward to following your organic grow.

I’d personally start with the Coots mix in some smart pots and go from there, set it and forget it. Just water and top dress with some fresh compost or EWC first week of flower and you’ll be good to go. You can later down the track do some compost extracts, seed sprout teas, coconut and aloe applications once you feel comfortable.

The key is top quality worm castings or compost, good luck and feel free to ask any questions:)

Fatty :v:t4:


Lol my strawberry plant was looking good. Then started looking droopy, so I changed the music. Looking better!!! Seems like love really impacts a plants life. I’m preparing myself for when I start my cannabis growing projects.


thanks yeah when you search living soil clackamas coot is often mentioned I need to find a good source of EWC and compost locallyI compost alot but it takes time I think bokashi is the next move I have aerobic and anaerobic bins bu not nearly enough of the stuff and just getting into vermi so , , , , , , , , , , the commas are for Qtip lol


Let gen z get chewed on by freemarket anything goes capitalism for a bit and they will move left. I grew up in the bush years and the propaganda was so overwhelming it took years to deprogram myself. Its easy to believe the free market is best when someone else is paying your bills.

Before anyone misunderstands
I think capitalism can be a good thing but needs some regulation to keep the earth alive and people from straving todeath. Think Canada vs USA right now. Insulin is a prefect example.


If you want to make EM for your bokashi ferments here’s a simple recipe


thanks I’ve been reading alot about making Indigenous beneficial microbe inoculants, and LABS, fermenting as well I will give it a read

Took me a minute to understand lol :joy: What, about, Christopher…Walken?..also, has that, delayed…delivery.


First person to say dibs gets Comma x period :wink:…I call it semi colon.


dibs dibs dibs pleas

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Ok @Robert63 here you go “;”

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Just kidding send me your addy I’ll send you a little something @Robert63

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thank you im in the U.S

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