Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

That’s a win in my books.


I didn’t have to use no google for thatun!!

edit… I just waited until someone got it right! :rofl: :+1:


That’s it! Your a weiner


OK… gimme them beans then!!

:rofl: :crazy_face: :joy:

beans and weiners go together ya know

or is that whiners?


Guess no seeds for posting pretty girl pictures

How about some cookies and cream auto?

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Say huh what?!

Serious, only 5 but it’s true auto

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Just sent you my deetz!

Thanks Loph!

I might just have to eat one of your cousins to celebrate my win!

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I gotta come into town in the next couple days, prob looking like Saturday. The boss and I can swing in for a visit?

edit… lol You know you rang my bell with that! :sunglasses: :wink: :+1:

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You betcha, I’ll have em here for you

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same time as usual good?

Cool beans….

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I totally get that man, but that’s just it when ppl did hit those hard time I was always the first to jump right up and help em out, now I’m in those shoes and no one to be found and it’s from my generosity all summer that I’ve got nothing to work with for myself now. I am truly sorry to hear of your loss though, losing family and watching those u care about suffer is absolutely heart wrenching and don’t wish it on even my worst enemy and truly hope for as much quality of life for those around u going through those things. This isn’t my life is unfair rant, just extremely disappointed as much as I’ve done for others that no one has my back now when I need it. I’m rejecting the offers because it feels like those offers are coming in just to shut me up cuz now I’m kicking and screaming and just wouldn’t feel right accepting it under that context and don’t need “hush seeds”. I’m sure u can understand not wantint to accept something for the wrong reasons. End of the day we all love this plant and want to keep moving forward with it, well I’m simply trying to get my feet back on ground zero and if I can’t even accomplish that I have no choice but to throw in the towel and really don’t want to have to do that

Is it Groundhog Day ?
Let me check the clock ——- yup second hands still moving


Didn’t you just ask me that?

I just learned to play the piano…


I’d give you a like, but I don’t like that you and your loved ones are having health issues.

You are a generous guy sir!


Multiple people have offered you seeds multiple times yet you refuse to accept them because you feel they aren’t being offered genuinely or some such shit and “you don’t accept charity” yet are still here asking for charity. What the hell man?

If you didn’t get the seeds you wanted then maybe try trading someone for the ones you do want but don’t just expect people to give you free stuff just because you had a setback

Accept the seeds offered to you with a thanks or go buy some seeds yourself to get restarted.


Didn’t see your post before I posted mine but :100: this ^^^