Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

A quote from the thread you mention:

“I guess I’m hoping for someone to chime in with some miracle cure”

There is no such thing.

I lost half my current grow to mildew and rot so shit happens. I don’t know what to tell you.

Despite your antics there are still people offering you seeds.

Shut your mouth and take them and say thank you.


Or how about the one regarding providing sustenances to fairy tail creatures who usually inhabit the area under transportation infrastructure spanning rivers…


That could be about her too…

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Trolls live under bridges that’s why you should never stop on a bridge for long .

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That was your ex who ate my troll!!! Now we got beef…

…for dinner! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I see the family resemblance!!!

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Are you talking about alligators in the NYC sewage system!? Lost! :flushed:

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I come here to relax. How about something positive happening on here?! I’m laid up, medicated, and needing to see SOMETHING good happen to ease my troubled mind! Dang it all!!!


You know what bud, I have tried to talk you down but you are starting to offend me some talking to folks like this. This was not some big contest run by an advertiser, it was a stoner giving out pot seeds. Your complaint that they would not allow more than one win per user is just wrong IMO. You said you had no use for the autos you had already won and yet you tried for them and won. Than you complained that the guy added rules and honestly its not cool. Just myself personally have given out thousands of seeds, your claims that nobody wants to help is just insulting. I get you are having a hard time but pissing off everyone here is not the way to make it better. Please take as step back and let this go, that way we can chalk it up to a bad day and move on. Thanks


Amen @BigMike55, I’m just doing my calming breathing exercises over here!

I’ve decided I’m going to bite the bullet and order some crappy dispensary weed tomorrow…

First thing I’ll do is break it up and see how many seeds I get and then I’ll be here giving some meat breath seeds away!


@anon92380848 I’m going to toss my two cents in here now, I’ve been watching your tantrums and rationalizations through it all. I’ve seen damn fine folks offer you seeds only to be turned down, for lack of a better reason than you’ll feel bad taking them…it IS ‘charity’ dude. Take em and STFU already.
I just this year had a similar problem, and I AM a commercially licensed grower! I was in the process of shutting my biz down, then my family talked me into continuing. I had already lost half the year since I grow Photoperiod only. But I though I might have a chance to get back on my feet if I switched to Autos, faster, ya know?

The good folks here stepped up and most just gave to me, and I also traded for seeds of my Photos. But, you seem to have ‘tender’ or sensitive feelings. Well, I don’t like feeling like a bum either! But these people gave to me, out of the kindness and goodness of their heart!
You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! You get the fuk on it and RIDE! And pray you don’t fall off!

edit… Not to mention, the ‘rule’ you say was added wasn’t…it’s been a long standing rule for most of the giveaways so more folks have a chance to share the love here!..Oh, wait, you haven’t been here long enough to understand that. My bad!

edit2… It also helps to be nice and say ‘please, and thank you’…and mean it!

one more edit, lol… There IS a big difference in you and me though, I was here for a year, making friends, commenting on things, getting involved, posting pics of stuff…you know, being just another member of the community here. It was almost a year before I asked for any seeds also, and had given out quite a few to folks, gratis…


We will get some meat breath one day :sun_with_face:


I’ll keep this one open for you @MoBilly

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Tomorrow is that day!

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I was gonna say (till I read the 2ed half)… well I guess we finally found some Meatbreath seeds.


Half oz is $50, what have I got to lose?

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$50! What kinda question is…? You’ll lose that! :thinking: no offense though!

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Down 50 bucks and a shitty half oz that’s been my experience with store bought weed.


I get a half ounce of weed and maybe some viable seeds for 50$.

I’ve spent far more on old packs that didn’t turn out to be viable at all…


Now you’re pushing Shish, let him get his fun first!! lol!

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