Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Woo Foreigner strikes again!


If you wanna be a positive role modelā€¦PASS the damn joint/bowl to yer kid!! Donā€™t let them go outta house to get some garbage!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


@JohnnyPotseed Exactly!! Am I the only one who smokes blunts with their baby on the front porch??!
Lmaooo :joy:


Puff puff waaah!


Iā€™m of two minds about thatā€¦

I donā€™t hide the beer in the fridge or drink it in secret.

I donā€™t want my kids to think that hiding things from me is okay, and doing that sends the message that secrets are okay and weed isnā€™t.

Just my 2 cents, not a lecture, just how I see things here in my legal life.


lol I actually got stoned and tried to pass the joint to my son ā€¦ when he was less than a year old in one of those carrier things sitting on the table between me and the wife!


Would you be interested in donating/contributing a few packs to the planned September Donation/Giveaway? Have been buying/trading/receiving donations from Members, Breeders, Sellers. Looking forward to about 75 Member Sign-up, 75+ Varieties (multiples of most!!). Whether you contribute or not, wishing you continued success, signed up at your Site, got a few things in my Cart. Do stay safe, take care, and be wellā€¦mister :honeybee: :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: @Yetigrows certainly has been spreading your Company!! CONGRATS to him also.


Donā€™t know if he can respond.

Think heā€™s been suspended again.

I know heā€™s reached out to Joe and is trying to become a paying sponsor of OG right now.

Hope this doesnā€™t screw that up.


It doesnt show him as suspended? Joe seems to be MIA for a month now. He keeps being seen online but has not posed since.the 12th of last month. Hope he is ok.


Yep, he can pm me and like posts but not respond publicly.

Hopefully I am not about to get temp.banned for passing that along, that would truly suck.

He said he will happily donate to your giveaway @misterbee .


Damn! Thanks for the info! :love_hotel:

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Lol, @JohnnyPotseed you ever see the film ā€˜little manā€™? They were gonna choose me as the main character, but didnā€™t want it to be a documentary :joy:

Edit. I was a little bad ass though. Smoked my first hookah at the age of 3 :rofl:


On vacation, so vape pen is as close to a doob as I got at the moment.


Well I also wouldnā€™t make sweet love to my wife in front of my child either.

I mean not that itā€™s a secret, heā€™s the only proof that Iā€™ve actually kissed a girl- but he will figure out these things in his own time.

I only had one pack of each left my manā€¦

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funny you should mention ā€˜vacationā€™ā€¦ lol I just started my Mexican Vacation, by way of Acapulco ā€¦Gold. lol Just posted the new topic in ā€˜Indoor Growingā€™! :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:


Damn lol I wonder how many threads I can handle at once? I might just go for some more, just to seeā€¦

<<< glutton for punishment!


Just for funsies!

I knew I wasnā€™t gonna win, you post was 14 min old when I saw it, then my wife had me hold the baby so she could peeā€¦
Damn it woman, canā€™t you see Iā€™m trying to win some seeds!!! :wink:


To each their own my friend. No argument, no more discussion needed.

I posted this elsewhere, but it kinda fitsā€¦

Was walking my big furry beast a few weeks ago, rural wooded park. Came out of the deep woods, smoking a joint as Iā€™ve been known to doā€¦

Came face to face with a woman and her two teenage sons.

She saw the doob, flapped her arms and said ā€œbut but THE CHILDREN!!ā€

I looked at them, took a big haul and said

ā€œI dont give approve of giving drugs to kids. What kind of parent ARE you?ā€

I could still hear her kids laughing 30 seconds later.


Iā€™ve pmā€™ed him a couple of times without response.

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