Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Heh alright. My brain is just not firing on the right cylinders today. Ya I remember my brother was a bit upset when Freddie died.


Dibs on next pack of seeds in this thread

I see others answered you before me lol post withdrawn

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Dibs on your dibs

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lol As always, I come in the next morning to find @DougDawson aka OGSantaDD has been up to his normal stuff of giving out some very nice seeds! Way to go, my friend! And also, a big congrats to trivia winners!
Grow On!! :sunglasses: :+1:


Morning OG, hectic morning :slight_smile: Been interesting as Mars Hydro just reached out to me again to ask if I want to test more of their equipment. Told them I would be happy to try their new FC6500 bar light if they like, lol. Might have overshoot the mark but what the heck, go big or stay home :wink:


That would be a nice score!!!

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Nice one brother, you deserve it!


JELLY!!! :love_letter:

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We shall see, I think I may be over reaching but what the heck, they contacted me :slight_smile: does look like a nice light.


Not overreaching if you let them know your plant count just increased from 4 to 25(or whatever it is). Just the right tool for the job.


Pairs well with the 29 count!:grinning: I am running the fs3000 for first veg cycle and it’s blowing my mind.


Lol, might have mentioned that to them :wink: 650 watt bar light would be a nice addition to my collection.


Good lord that is a powerful light. Pretty awesome, I hope they do it for ya!

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Wow that would be a great light! Nice hope you got it

Who knew you could trade “pips” for lights?

That would be amazing! I hope you get it

Lol, if only. Finally a use for little green dots that until now have only served to anger people. Besides they didnt reach out to me here.

Thanks all, I am pretty doubtful this will happen but who knows, I sure wouldn’t be unhappy if it did.


Glad you caught exactly what I was alluding to. :100:

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Pip pip hooray!

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